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I'm the new guy. I've had freshwater tanks for about 6 months, and like everything else I ever get into, I've become obsessed. Starting a SW tank within the next few weeks and I need some specific advice, so I decided to get in on the forum action.

Thanks to the community here for already providing a massive amount of great info to get me started.
Hey y'all!

I only started keeping a SW tank about 4 months ago because my ex-boyfriend gave me back my old 20G that he had kept those dumb Glo Fish in. After having that nano setup for like 2 weeks I went full-blown crazy and dropped like $600 a 75G setup. Much good it did me, as everything but two fish (maroon clown and toby puffer) and the snowflake eel died after a red slime infestation. But now it's cleared up and if my parameters stay steady for another couple weeks maybe I'll spend more money I don't have to restock! :0

Anyway, the reason I actually decided to join this here forum was to ask a super specific question about backing up the system with a home-made battery thing. Hurricane season started over the weekend, and after a little baby thunderstorm we had that knocked out my power three times in one night (for only about 30 min at a time), I decided I had better have something in place so all my money doesn't literally get flushed down the drain in the form of dead fish.
Hi all. Bought me a 55l nano which I've had for about a month. It's an established set up that's been running over a year.

Things have changed slightly since these were taken. The anemone has died as it never settled whatsoever.
It's home to a mum and baby clown, bangaii cardinal, algae goby, baby engineer goby, peacock wrasse that is a part time occupant, porcelain crab, a dancing shrimp, a banded brittle starfish, 5 orange legged hermit crabs and 5 (turbo?) snails.
Tonight I'm picking up a 120l to upgrade to.

I won't be adding more rock or coral for quite a while as I want more space for creatures to move around in.

First attempt at marine after many different tropical tanks.

I realise two of my occupants get quite big. So one day, I'll end up with a 350l corner tank to match my tropicals.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions to ask lol
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I thought I was out, but now I'm back in.

I thought I was out, but now I'm back in.

Hello everyone! I am happy to be joining this community of marine wildlife lovers.

I am back after being out of the hobby for several years. Before I was not aware of these awesome forums and my experience was good and bad. I have decided to get back in and want to do it right this time, not only to save myself from avoidable frustrations, but also to hopefully avoid being a sea life murderer.

I am looking forward to learning and sharing my experiences.
Built in overflows

Built in overflows

I have a 210 with built in overflows. My pump is a external blue line 40HDX when I open the valve all the way it seems like the dorsol pipe can take all the flow. It will drain slow and at once dump lots of water into the sump. Is this a air problem with the hole on top of the drain pipe. Any suggestions?
Built in overflows

Built in overflows

Hi all. I'm New to the forums. The question I have is, I have a 210 with built in overflows. My pump is a external blue line 40HDX when I open the valve all the way it seems like the dorsol pipe can take all the flow. It will drain slow and at once dump lots of water into the sump. Is this a air problem with the hole on top of the drain pipe. Any suggestions?
210, current usa duel ramp lights, aqueon proflex 4 sump, reef octopus 2000 skimmer, 36w uv, tunze auto top off, blue line 40hdx
Hello RC,

My name is Kory and I am new to your site. I have kept fresh water fish for years but moved to salt 3 years ago. I started with a 55 gallon FOWLR then moved to a reef set up, then back to a FOWLR. I found that the 55 gallon was a little small for what I wanted to do and upgraded to a 120 gallon (48X24X24) reef ready set up with dual over flows. My equipment consists of Diablo 160 Reef Octopus skimmer, coral life turbo sea 1270 external pump, 48" Photon Series led lights, WP40 Jebao powerhead pump, 4 stage rodi unit.
Hi, my names is Ramiro, aka Torture.
I am new to the world of reefs, so I am looking around, learning a lot, and will be asking tons of questions.
Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone!

My name is Gabriel and my wife's is Stephanie. We are newborns to this hobby, but have a lil' fresh and brackish experience.

We have two nano tanks started 3 days ago!!! 2.5 Gallon and 4.5 gallon vases. I love it. I just feel real unsure of myself. ( I have had success breading my brackish tank. My Oscars are currently courting!)

I was referred here by a local hobbyist "dendrobates".
Hey guys I'm Eric I am very new to the hobby. After years of watching my buddy build his tank from a 50 to now a 180 I've decided to start my own reef tank. I just bought a 125 and am currently try to get everything I'm gonna need to get it set up. I'm in need of a Stand, Protein Skimmer, Power heads, and pretty much everything else lol.
New to Moscow

New to Moscow

Hey, I am new to aquariums and new to Russia. If anyone is in Moscow I would love to hear from you.
Need lighting advice for new lighting technology

Need lighting advice for new lighting technology


I am preparing to receive bulb and spectrum data from a company producing an electrode less light that has applications in horticulture and reef/aquariums. This light can range from 2,000-12,000 Kelvins.

Is anyone knowledgeable or know someone who can help me prepare in what to ask for like W/m2/nm and also help me analyze the information?

I would like to contact Sonjay Joshi, Ph.D., but I have been unable to find his contact info.

Thank you for any help.

Hey all!! My name is jackee i been in the freshwater scene for a while I had a 20gal long saltwater but now I'm planning on going back into saltwater and doing it in a 40gal breeder hopefully soon! I can't wait I pretty much have a lot of equipment left over when I had the 20gal long. Hoping to learn a lot more from here!
whats up everyone! My names is Nam, and I'm from southern california. Im new to this beautiful hobby and would love to learn from many of you. I just ordered the Innovative marine sr-60 that will be delivered tuesday. Hope to hear any suggestions on lighting and pumps . Thanks guys!
Hello I'm mike

Hello I'm mike

Just to say hi I'm new to marine fish keeping been looking around the site and learning new things all the time and loads more to learn with this site hopefully it will make things easier with your help looking forward to speaking to you all thanks mike...oh and by the way I live manchester England..
Hello everyone.
I am a total newbie to saltwater and reef tanks. I've been sucked into the hobby after having done only a minimum of research. My Biocube 29 has been cycling for a little over a month. I've already had my first diatom bloom and am looking forward to adding SPC and fishes. The LFS has been a fantastic resource, as has this forum. Thank you in advance as assistance is requested from this newcomer.
new to reef central not to the hobby.

I have 3 different tanks at home.

Just upgraded my reef tank to a 120 Gallon
75 Gallon turtle tank (mostly the fiances tank)
2.5 Gallon betta tank (fiances tank)

My reef tank:
120 Gallon with a 20 gallon long sump
Diablo XS 200 Skimmer
Rapid Led DIY for lighting

Fuzzy Dwarf Lion
Plat Clown
Leopard Wrasse
Spotbreasted Angel
Fox faced rabbit fish
Yellow Eyed Kole Tang
Hector Goby
Lawnmower Blenny

Rose Bubble Tip Anemone
Green Hammer Coral
God of War Zoa
Eagle Eye Zoa
John Deer Zoa
Gobstopper Zoa
Blue Hornet Zoas
Fire and Ice Zoas
Few Bird nests

75 Gallon Turtle tank
Lots of Guppies (feed them marine food, then feed them to the fuzzy dwarf)
Red Earred Slider
Yellow Bellied Slider

Betta Tank
Bamboo plant
Hello, I am starting my saltwater adventure and so for it has been an adventure. But I'm determined to have a saltwater tank and to do this correctly. Any advice anyone has would be more than welcome.

New to RC

New to RC

Hello I'm Reefkeeper_DR I'm new to RC so please fill free to accept and add me Ive been a hobbyist for a long time now I figure less that most of you but roughly 8-9 years on and off but I'm all about my 3 1/2 year experience with my 90gal setup that went from a FOWLR for 2 years sold all my fish to get a head start on a Reef that I've held for 1 1/2 years now


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