New member, no tank yet.
New member, no tank yet.
Hello all, as the title says, new and no tank...yet. Sooner or later I will be able to talk the mrs. into letting me spend the kind of cash needed to build a reef tank.
About me: never had any interest in fish. My parents had a small tank when I was a kid with some guppies and neons in it for a few months. I maybe looked at it twice. About seven years ago my kids wanted some land hermit crabs so we bought some and set up a tank for them. I really liked them and have wanted to branch out into marine hermits for a while now. I recently discovered that I'm hooked on crustaceans. o,0
Anyway, I want to build a small reef tank with a few fish, a couple corals, hermits, snails and maybe a couple of shrimp and anemone crabs.
Thanks for reading,
Shawn O