If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!



Thought id pop up and say hi as I'm fairly new to all this.

Attached should be a photo of my tank. Hope you all enjoy.


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About Me

About Me

Hi All

I have kept fish tanks for around 3 to 4 years now but never Marine tanks so i am very new to this, and i must say its a steep lurning curve for but a very enjoyable one :-)

The tank is a 40 Gallon Fluval tank, its 4 months now and looking good now or t least i think so lol, just learnt how to split corals now and a attach them to live rock where i need them. All in all going well up to now, i will attach pic's when i get the time.

I am from South Yorkshire in the UK and use your site all the time for info and help so i thought why not be a member so hear i am.




Nice to meet you all, I'm from Mexico City, new in the forum, new in the hobby...
My tank is around 1 year old, 55 gal. Here some pics


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Hello, nice to meet you!

Hello, nice to meet you!

Hello RC people!

My name is Nick and I am new to the hobby :spin2:

I am currently cycling my first tank, an Innovative Marine Nuvo 24. I splashed out a bit and I purchased a pair of Kessil A360WE to go with the tank (can't wait for them to arrive) plus an IM media reactor, an IM protein skimmer (both of them are the desktop versions) an Aquael 200W heater (couldn't find a smaller model) and a Tunze 6025.

Currently suffering with some issues but these will find their way to a separate thread.

hello not new here but never posted. I have downgraded from a 280gal to a 25 cube. ive got to say I like it 10x better as I don't have much time for upkeep working as I do. I have kept a saltwater tank for 1.5 years now and hope to learn a lot here.
Hi all! I'm new to saltwater but have been keeping fresh water planted for a few years now. I just moved and had to sell off all of my tanks so I'm starting over with salt.

I've got a DSA 80 gallon zoa garden in the works and I intend to keep a build journal on this site once all of the parts arrive.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has been helpful so far, it's very much appreciated!
Hi I'm just getting into the hobby learning all I can and enjoying myself along the way. This is my 20 long marine tank. I would like to have coral but I do not have the funds to purchase a h.o light. I'm planing on making a 10g sump once my diy stand is complete. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
Just wanted to stop by and drop a line. I'm new to Saltwater but I'm catching on quickly. I've already learned a lot from this forum and decided I should join. I live up in the mountains of Virginia close to James Madison University. I currently have a 40g Breeder with about 50lbs of live rock. Right now its a FOWLR but will eventually turn it into a reef. I hope to learn a lot from this site and share my tank as it progresses. :fish1:
On page 311, starting to think there are more people than me that like aquariums. This is my first salt tank which I have already had a lot of help from friends with tanks. Looking forward to moving on with the tank.

110g fish only tank to get me accustomed to managing a salt ecosystem. Once I get this under control I want to add a reef tank in the bedroom for extra comfort. Look forward to speaking with everyone.

new to saltwater

new to saltwater

Hello everyone!
I'm am new to salt aquarium keeping (one week started may/24/2014) and just started up with freshwater again after 26yrs.

I need help with what is the basic to more sophisticated equipment needs necessary for saltwater aquarium keeping.
Equipment reviews for each piece would be nice too!

If maybe your group could direct me to the proper “Threads in Forum” in “Reef Central” for the saltwater beginner?

I would also like to know which are good internet sites for reference and for purchases.

I would also love to know where the saltwater groups are in South-Florida and when they meet, so I can visit them? I live in Broward county, FL.

My personal info;
I just purchased a 37 gal aquarium set-up that has been running saltwater for ten years,
I moved it with the water, sand, rocks and one small Nemo type clown fish (fish is ten years old)- in 5 gal home-depot buckets.

This tank is currently running on one Marineland hang-on filter, a circulation fan I think it is called a Koralia and it also has a light with 2x 65 watt light-bulbs and includes 2x moon-light-leds which turn-on when the 65's are shut-off.

The owner didn't know much, he would only take the water to be checked at the pet store.
And he would do 10 gal water changes each month, adding 10 gal of freshwater from Walmart distilled gal bottles.

I'm really excited and looking forward to collaborating with all of you!!!
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New member, no tank yet.

New member, no tank yet.

Hello all, as the title says, new and no tank...yet. Sooner or later I will be able to talk the mrs. into letting me spend the kind of cash needed to build a reef tank.

About me: never had any interest in fish. My parents had a small tank when I was a kid with some guppies and neons in it for a few months. I maybe looked at it twice. About seven years ago my kids wanted some land hermit crabs so we bought some and set up a tank for them. I really liked them and have wanted to branch out into marine hermits for a while now. I recently discovered that I'm hooked on crustaceans. o,0

Anyway, I want to build a small reef tank with a few fish, a couple corals, hermits, snails and maybe a couple of shrimp and anemone crabs.

Thanks for reading,
Shawn O
Hey. Second reef tank. First one was a 75 gallon I got forced into by rescuing a gym no thorax tile (Mississippi mud eel) from a freshwater tank in lfs. Over 5 months slowly transitioned to salt water. Had not thing but problems. Moved about a year later and decided to dive everything away and start over. Now i am cycling a 46 gallon bowfront with a 55 gallon sump am doing everything right this time and going slow


Hello, My name is Berto, I am also recently new to the hobby. i was given a 29G biocube last year and i have setup a nice little reef (one year old this May). I have been a constant reader fn this site since April of 2013. It has been of great help. Now I have a RSM 250, I want to start a new reef and I have some questions. What better place to ask them, then here!

I want to build a reef tank for my kids. They love the biocube but they keep asking for bigger fish. They don't quite understand the limits of a confined ecosystem. The 65G system will be a great upgrade for them.

1) Should I use two smaller power heads at each side or just use a bigger one on either side?

2) My wife really wants black sand. what is the best option for this? I have heard that some of them are not as black as advertised and some are magnetic. any thoughts?
Hi! 25 year old aquarium hobbyist since high school. Currently just have a 29 planted tank, as it's the most I can handle while in grad school.
I just got a part time at a pet store chain in the fish department, and I want to make sure I do a good job. I've been burned by a lot of bad employees as a kid, so I'm doing everything I can to make sure I don't do the same to anyone.

I have no experience with saltwater and know very little about this part of the hobby. I made an account here so I can learn more about it. Be gentle, haha.
20 and 29 gallon

20 and 29 gallon

Have had a 20 gallon freshwater going for awhile and just started a 29 gallon saltwater which is still cycling.
I joined a couple days ago. I live in Akron Ohio. I had a 55 gal mixed with a 20 gal fuge. I upgraded to a 220 gal with a 110 fuge. First pic was my 55 the day I took it down. The next are my 220. Fyi it's built in my wall with a dedicated fish room.


I have a 30 Gal freshwater going on three years now, a 5 gal planted tank and a 120 gal with a 40 gal fuge that is not set up yet. I have many questions before i can set it up!
hi im craig new here been doing difrent kinds of tanks for about 9 years african ciclids and about 2 1/2 years salt fowl tank. now ive upgraded to a 28 gal intermediate jbj led tank. and just in the process of starting it up