If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!



Hi all,

I am totally new to aquarium ownership but I was referred here by a local store owner when I asked him several questions.

I will post a new thread for my questions but I look forward to any input I can receive from you guys.

Hi all,
I am new to saltwater-brand new! I have been in tropical keeping for a year. Prior to that my only experience was goldfish for several years. I now have around 25 tanks from 140g to 5g and one 90g reeftank.
I am really wanting to do this right but now, I am more concerned then ever. I didn't realize that mushroom and leather need to be qt. I assumed they would go straight into the display tank and was only planning on qt the three cardinals I am purchasing. I am not as prepared as I had hoped. :(
Anyway, I plan on continuing to learn but hopefully it wont be too painful.
Hi, my name is Russell. I am new at this hobby. Just got a 125g rr tank, and doing lots of reading and researching. Very excited.
Jumping in, with both feet.

Jumping in, with both feet.

Hi All!! I have about 10 years freshwater experience, but I am new to saltwater aquariums. I have started a fresh and salt water cleaning service. Getting all the moving parts and supplies and getting as much online training, for saltwater, as I can. I also went and paid for an hour of in person training, but man, I am nervous. I have spent a lot of money and have a very limited window, before I have to start advertising. What a way to jump in to the mix.
Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum but have been keeping saltwater tanks for about 4 years. I currently have a 40B setup with Kessil lighting, trigger systems 30B elite ruby red sump system and calcium reactor setup all running on a RKE. I'm getting ready to setup a 80 gal peninsula tank with 3 sides of starphire glass and a custom 40 gal acrylic sump with a SRO skimmer. My 40B is running without a skimmer right now until I can find one for it. The one I had crapped out on me.
Glad to be here and love the DIY forum.
Hi RC, My name is chris i have a 75 gallon tank that i have had running for 5 years now im getting into corals i have kenya tree, pulsing xenia, grape torch, zoanthids, gsp, and acna lord, i have been trying to get my hands on some blue snowflake polyps. I know they are a huge pain but my wife likes them and try to make her happy to so she dont complain about the tank that bad. I live in cambridge, md if their is anyone near me feel free to pm me.
Hi all. My name is Tom, I'm new to the hobby and am in the middle of reading everything I can get my hands on about reef keeping.

I have not purchased anything yet, but I'm planning on a 75 gallon tank mixed reef tank. I am still a month or two away from my first purchase but I have already gained a ton of information from this web site and I want to thank everyone who has contributed.
Hello my name is tommy and I'm new to Reef Central, always looked around the forums here for answers finally decided to join. My tank is 75 gallons, with PC lights, no sump and it's mainly LPS and softies. CB Angel, and a pair of onyx perculas, clean up crew.

Future plans: 200 gal mixed reef with L.E.D.s
Many years Studying and finally got my reef tank!!!

Many years Studying and finally got my reef tank!!!

What's good everyone. My name is Kamau and I have been dreaming about owning a reef tank for many years. I studied and dreamed, read, and dreamed. I would even go to fish shops and shop and ask owners or managers questions way before I even purchased a single item. I finally have the financial ability to do it and have hit it hard over the last six or so months. This is what I have in my five month old or so water--29 Gal., Aquatop cf 400-UV canister filter, Fluval C2 H.O.B filter, approx. 26 lbs coraline infused live rock, crush coral substrate 15 lbs., Turbo snail, Emerald crab, Blue legged Hermit crab, 2-Narcissus snails, Astrea snail, Cerith snail, Blue damsel, four stripe damsel, and Firefish.

--NEW as of 6/5/14--Maxspect Razor r420r 120 Watt 16,000k light, two frogspawn frags, one zoanthid frag.

I am really excited that I got my light! It feels like a big step and that even though I have been cycling and testing water diligently for the last few months I feel like it just got real.

You may have noticed that I don't have protein skimmer, nor refugium... I have done really well with my water. Even managed pretty quickly without chemicals a pretty bad cyano outbreak. (I did eventually decide to use some Excital to fully remove the nuisance algae) So I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of managing water parameters and quality. I do need to invest in some better testing tools. I do not have a reef parameter testing kit of my own but harass my local fish stores with their free testing often enough. I will remedy that soon, but my light tapped the budget for now.

I am playing with my lights settings right now, and looking for anyone with the Maxspect Razor r420r 120 watt 16,000k to share with me their set-points. I have rummaged through this community and learned a ton. Learning how to feed or manage parameters for healthy coral has been a focus this week.

I love the research and the biochemistry I am learning. Even though I am in my infant stages of reef building I have already enjoyed the ups and downs. It's a labor intense hobby at first but I know that eventually, with some mastery it will be less so. Even if it's not, the fruits of the labor are so sweet.

It's nice to meet all of you and I hope to learn more and share in the comradre which is the love of ocean animals and their husbandry.

Peace Kamau (Sacredwrites)
Hi everyone... So after dreaming about it for so long I have finally set up my first Marine tank... its an Aqua One 275 cube, 70k Fijian uncured live rock, 15k Live sand, 4x t5's...

So far so good... Cycles complete, water parameters good..

Love this group as has answered a huge amount of questions for me... :-)
Newbie here. I just got back into saltwater water tanks after being out of the game for a few years.
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Hello! I am a retired plant biologist (Botany with Marine Botany at UCNW, Bangor about a million years ago), so the reef tank that is slowly taking shape in my head is going to be a slightly eccentric one! I am looking forward to wading through some of the threads in some of the more out of the way corners of this forum. Thanks for letting me join!


Hey all I'm Kerri (AKA sharl) from Wisconsin.
I've wanted a tank since I was about 16 but due to a massive amount of moving from state to state to country I never even tried to set one up. Well fast forward to me at 37 (I think) and living in Wisconsin when my parents move in. Out garage sale shopping with my mom when she spots a 30 gallon with tank and says wow wouldn't that make a lovely tank?
Uhhh what?:eek: Now keep in mind my mother has never asked for anything in her life! So I thought hmmm. I went home and dropped mom off and went back an hour later and got it.
SO As I was sitting there wondering what I was going to put in it I couldn't kill, a goldfish maybe? My dad comes wandering out notices the tank (can't really hide it) and grins. He then nonchalantly proceeds too state that Mom had always wanted a saltwater tank, but he could never give it to her because he knew he would kill it.:debi:
Ok Board to the head hint. I like those, can't mess them up! So here it is a month later. I promplty shipped mom and dad back to the family to 'visit' for a month and I OF COURSE upgraded to a 55 gallon so I MIGHT not kill everything (but since I had this perfectly lovely 30 might as well put it in my room and put coral in it right?!) and I have been cycling a 55 gallon tank in the living room for mom.
Long story yes, but worth every obsessive moment as I stare into the tank. I have to get this right :spin1:
So Hi everybody, my names sharl and I have gone 5 minutes without checking my tank... Uhhh be right back:fun5:
Hi all! Name is Nick and I'm new to the hobby. I've been wanting to setup a reef tank for some time now, and with the recent acquisition of a new 36g bow front tank compliments of my girlfriend and daughters today for Father's Day, the process begins! I'll be posting a lot, and asking a lot of questions to get as much information as I can possibly latch onto from all of you. I've spent the last week going through lots of the beginners stuff, but just registered. I'm from Chicago and an IT professional by day. I do have the benefit of my girlfriend having owned a reptile/marine store for some years on my side, but she's been out of the game for 6 or 7 years, so she's forgotten quite a bit, and with new technology and things she suggested this would be a great place to get info. that she couldn't help with. Said she always loved this site :) Anyways. Looking forward to talking with you all! Anyone in the Chicago area btw? And can't wait to start posting some pictures of my progress!
New to reef central

New to reef central

I look forward to sharing my reeling progress and learning from all you great reefers out there!
Hello, I am 6 months new to this hobby and trying to build a 55 gallon reef aquarium. Learning and reading a lot.
hello, I have been in this hobby for over ten years and have gone through many saltwater and freshwater aquariums, i currently breed freshwater fish and have a reef tank thats been established for about ten-eleven months. I am 14 years old and have been doing this all my life and just now got a RC.