If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

What's up fellow reefers. I live in FL and recently got back into the hobby. I have a red sea 250 and I just set up a jbj 28g with a pair of nice snowflakes to try and start breeding. Can't wait to get into the breeding aspect of the hobby and I'm sure I'll need some help along the way.
Hi. I am very new to the salt water side of the hobby as of yesterday. I saw an ad on Craigslist that I simply could not refuse. I will tell you about my new tank. The tank is a 50 gallon bow front. The filter is a marine land canister filter it also has a remora skimmer and a uv sterilizer a couple of larger power heads that really move the water around a lot. There is also about 100lbs live rock covered in coralline with a crushed coral substrate and maybe 6 small soft corals that I so not know the names of and an anemone. The fish are a clown fish a blue fish that I do not recognize and a 6 line wrasse. I did manage to get the whole thing moved and reset up at my house in less then three hours and the corals look fine but the anemone looks stressed. Hopefully he will snap out of it. Anyway that is my new tank. I have tons of research to do so every little guy in there remains happy!
FW guy shifting to SW.

FW guy shifting to SW.

hi guys im a FW guy and now converting to SW. i know its a 2 different worlds but im accepting the challenge as ive been bitten by the SW bug. hope i can gain more knowledge in these forum.
Hi folks. Wanted to introduce myself. I'm Mike. We have lots of beautifully kept reef tanks at work (for decoration, work is completely unrelated to anything marine), and I've finally decided to set one up at home. I'm going for a smaller tank (Nuvo 30) to keep the cost down somewhat while I figure out how things work. I've skulked on the forums here for a couple of weeks, and read some books, and am generally taking things nice and slow. I'd like to work with newby-friendly fish and corals until I'm a lot more confident. I'd love to hear lighting suggestions (tank is 19x19x19). Sofar torn between an Oceanrevive t247 and a Maxspect razor (120w 20in version, unless the 60w nano version is sufficient). Tanks isn't set up at all yet, still in research phase. Nice to virtually meet you all and thanks in advance for any tips.
Hello world! New to aquaria in general with a 10g fresh and looking to setup a 100g salt long after educating myself properly.

I'm not super new anymore but I never posted an Intro. So I feel obliged to do so. I'm a big time marine/aquatic Enthusiast! It all started back with my 1st tank a 12 gallon. It was sad really made all the rookie mistakes and well sadly I ended up taking the fish back to the fish store. But then about a year or 2 later I had that same 12gallon moved down to me in Cali where I religously tended to it so that I could enjoy it and not have a repeat, Since then I ballooned into a 29gallon. I now have a 200plus gallon set up in my garage that I'm actually going to be downsizing back into a 46 gallon so I can move into an apartment! Well that's where I'm at now....still learning but have much under my belt and So I'm going to share my knowledge and help other newbs hah

Just keep swimming! :)
Hello world! New to aquaria in general with a 10g fresh and looking to setup a 100g salt long after educating myself properly.

RESEARCH is very important!

If you are going to be setting up a 100 gallon set up you will also need to consider that the location can support that weight since every gallon is about 9lbs....That's 900 lbs without live rock. Think about what you want to stock as that will help you figure out what you will need to include. For example if you are going to do a FWLR system that is Fish With Live Rock then you wont need much more than an awesome protein skimmer and any kind of light but if you want to add coral you will need more equipment.

feel free to message me if you want specifics! :) :dance:


GCB REEFER 1 is so pleased that I purchased a saltwater tank that had been going for five years. It is a 75g and had about 40 pounds of rock in it. No fish just few hermit crabs. I have had it for 45 days and have added another 50 pounds of rock. I built a 55g sump,refugium that I just finished last week. For lighting I have a mh t12 vho combo. I have recently started adding a few fish. Not to confident with the sump. Needing more info.
very new and in need of direction

very new and in need of direction

Ok sooo, im David. I am trying to find where to post an item I am looking to sell. I have a big feeling its going to be a serious head turner due to size and value. All and all its an acrylic tube with the dimensions 38" long x OD 31 3/4 x 1 1/4"thick walls. If some one could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. A little history behind my dilemma. I have recently had a death in the family and come across some money issues. I must now pass on the dream to some one with the time and resources to complete my vision. In closing I hope I have come to the right place to do that.
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Hello all. I grew up with several different freshwater tanks, and currently have a 3 gallon planted betta tank that is going quite nicely. I decided I want to put together a reef tank and yesterday picked up a 40b with a 20 long to use as a sump and the wood I need to make my stand. I still have a long way to go but I'm excited to do things right and do things well and see what the results are. I've really enjoyed reading and have already learned a ton. I'm glad to have found a place where I know I can get good answers to my questions.
Well crap Lol. I just read that . In order to post anything for sale, I have to be a ememeber for 90 days and have 50 replies or posts or what ever. :c this make me very sad. I just spent an hour registering and im seriously needing the help right now. This is seriously upsetting.
I feel ya Dave. I was using my buddies account to buy stuff due to their guidelines. Started my account and now it sucks waiting to have the buying and selling option.
Whats going on guys, and gals. Just a little intro. My name is Jason. From Tampa by way of NYC. I've had several freshwater tanks before. But I just recently was given a 90 gallon tank with stand and hood. Also came with a wet dry filter and uv sterilizer. I was thinking of going African Cichlid, but I always wanted to try a reef tank. So I will be doing plenty of research and taking time with this one.
Looking forward to this build.
Yeah. My problem is the item I have is very large and expensive to make. And I know among this crowd, its a very sought after item and since my grandmothers untimely death, im in a boatload of debt because funerals are expensive. Plus being 3 states away...ugh. I need money now or I might lose my truck, or even worse my house..... I've tried calling aquariums all over the country and distributors as well. This was kinda my last hope. And being 2 months behind in bills, waiting 3 more just to sell it is not possible. ... so basically im 2 downwards plains in a helix formation wrapped around a center axis....... FML
Newbie Nuvo 16 Owner

Newbie Nuvo 16 Owner

Hello everyone! I just received my Nuvo 16 tank and plan on doing a tank build thread at some point on here. I had a freshwater tank about 10 years ago and finally decided to get back into the hobby and dabble in the salt world now that I am home owner and not living apartment to apartment. I am excited to be here and looking forward to helping and getting help from all of you. If you have any tips or suggestions for a newbie Nuvo 16 owner I would love to hear from you! Take care!


Hello, I'm new to this Hobby and in the process of setting up my first salt water aquarium. I purchased a 40B Gal tank and a 20 gal tank to use as a SUM/REFUGIUM but am having issues on how many compartments should be made, how to keep the water flowing throughout the different stages, should I use glass or acrylic as baffles?

My long term goal is to house LPS AND SPS dominated reef tank with a couple of fishes later on. If you have any information on other major equipment I should purchase? I am planning on purchasing a RO/DI system from BRS a bit nervous just because I live in a apartment..:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

TY in Advance
I am going to set up my first reef tank. I have done salt fish successfully in the past. I have a 4 stage canister filter with a built in 9w UV light. My tank size is 60g. Can I run the filter canister without any medium and use it as a UV sterilizer only?
I am new

I am new

I like to say hi to everyone . I am new to this
I am from Calif . But I move to Puerto Rico
I live one of the best beach Called Crash Boat Beach:rollface: