If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi all , I have just bought a seamax 250 .
I am new to this so please could anyone give me advise to a great set up and any tips on what to buy before I start .
Many thanks
new to forum

new to forum

hi to all. new to forum, but not new to fish. i have owned and operated 8 or 9 tanks over the last 20 years. only once did i try my hand at saltwater though. now i'm married and have a 7month old daughter, and have 0 tanks. i decided to get back into it and went straight to salt. now i have up and operating/cycling, a 30 gallon reef for the last 3 weeks. be prepared for lots of questions!
Hey guys! Im a new member here and I am also new to saltwater fish (1 week). I got a 15g nano tank with 2 fishes a yellow damsel,a yellow tail damsel and a grass coral with some LR and LS. have been researching a lot about saltwater and I would really appreciate if you guys can shed some more light about saltwater since im only a beginner. Thank you guys. Im a bit cautious about the ich thing. What are the dos and donts

Im from the Philippines


Hello everyone. My name is Chris and I have had freshwater tanks on and off again pretty much my whole life. I've had my current 55 gallon for about 4 years. I've been interested in saltwater for a long time. I finally decided to take the plunge. I've been researching and reading for several months now and I am in no hurry. I want to make sure I do it right the first time so I may ask some dumb questions. Please bear with me. Thanks in advance

My name is Kevin. I've kept many aquariums in my years; freshwater, planted freshwater and an FO saltwater tanks. I got out of the hobby because I was moving from apartment to apartment it seemed about every lease cycle. Moving the tanks and the inhabitants was not worth the hassle.

Now I have a 2yr old daughter who loves looking at aquarium inhabitants so I'm going back in to the hobby. I think I'm going the FOWLR route.

I look forward to learning more than I know now. Thanks in advance.
Like many others here I've decided to take the plunge and go from fresh water to salt water.
I have a 35 gallon flat back hexagon tank. Picture a standard 37 gallon with the front two corners cut at a 45 degree. I purchased the tank when I lived on Oahu and a local friend of mine hooked me up with his cousin who built a custom koa wood cabinet for me.

I'm retired Coast Guard, my last job was diving. I'm going to UH for my degree in Construction Management now.

I'm not planning to get into corals with this tank, one day we will build our home and I'll plan it to have a more elaborate tank when the time comes.

I've got the patience and I believe in buying the right equipment the first time. So, I'm making my shopping list.

TIA for all the advice and info!

New to RC

New to RC


I'm Jena. I just set up my first reef tank and need some help. I hope to learn a lot and make some friends along the way.

Hi all,

Been out of saltwater a few years, but getting back into it slowly. Have a 55 gallon fresh built into a wall and here are a few pics of our new 75 gallon reef which was started about 7 weeks ago. Just added 2 clowns, Pom Pom coral, a little frag fell off and put it in a different place from the main body, and some live rock with star and colony polyps. Comments are always welcome and great getting back into the swing of things.
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Hi guys,

I'm currently cycling a 10 gallon tank for a nano-reef.
I'm wondering if I've been given the right advice about using an oversized filter as a source of flow?
I've been told by the guy I got the tank off to run it with the sponges in (seems like a no-no from what I read on here?) and to leave the stuff in the middle section in place (whatever it is - see below)

Filter is a Fluval U4 by the way, does appear to be creating enough flow.

Will I need a skimmer? I've seen the guys tank, he's running a 40 gallon with no skimmer and everything seems absolutely fine?
New member

New member

Looking forward to seeing different opinions and ideas on the site. Been in the hobby for 15 years and always enjoy seeing other peoples ideas and amazing set ups
If you need any advice on what you can and can't get away with hit me up. I have a lot of great ways to save money. There are some shortcuts you can not take but this hobby dosn't have to be rediculously expensive
new and loving it

new and loving it

Hello RC
I have been in the hobby for about 2 years off and on.
I have a 50 gallon old school TruVu corner tank that has been gutted and is somewhat of a "Frankenstein" version of a reef ready tank now.
Tons of LR and two mated clowns.
Only one blue Ridge coral in the tank but more to come.
Hoping to get a lot of good information here.
Thanks to all for this site.
Hey everyone

Hey everyone

Yesterday I set up my starphire 80gallon aquarium and am pretty excited about the possibilities...

Right now I just have the UV sterilizer that is attached to my sump, and the filter system as well as white and blue LED lighting.

The tank is running with just water only right now so that I could test the system for leaks. My local store said that I could add salt to my sump which I plan to do after 24 hours of adding water, when the tank has dechlorinated itself.
New to the water, but I'll never stop swimming!

New to the water, but I'll never stop swimming!

Hello fellow reefers! I am sarah

Very new to this hobby (3 months) - it is quickly becoming an obsessive one and I am loving it. I have always wanted salt tanks and after what I thought was extensive research I dove in! My friend purchased everything for me as a surprise. Definitely didn't expect the gift but I was so excited... quickly I learned though how expensive this obsession is.

I'd love all advice for my 60 salt water tank with one porcupine puffer and one 30 gal brackish tank for a green spotted puffer.

I'd like to thank fishy bizness (http://fishy-bizness.com) and the great people there for helping to guide me in the right direction! :wave: