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Hello from new reef keeper

Hello from new reef keeper

Hi All,

I'm new to the forum... If there's anyone from Mauritius, it will be great to share our passion...

My current setup is in my signature...

Here's a picture after cycling period: (Corals are not placed in their permanent space as one of the anemone is still moving around).

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Hang in there

Hang in there

Well crap Lol. I just read that . In order to post anything for sale, I have to be a ememeber for 90 days and have 50 replies or posts or what ever. :c this make me very sad. I just spent an hour registering and im seriously needing the help right now. This is seriously upsetting.

Your not alone...but I've taken it as sort of a challenge it's really been fun actually because it's forced me to be more sharing with what's going on with my marine self ....

Just keep swimming you'll get there in no time... :rollface:
Hello, I'm new to this Hobby and in the process of setting up my first salt water aquarium. I purchased a 40B Gal tank and a 20 gal tank to use as a SUM/REFUGIUM but am having issues on how many compartments should be made, how to keep the water flowing throughout the different stages, should I use glass or acrylic as baffles?

My long term goal is to house LPS AND SPS dominated reef tank with a couple of fishes later on. If you have any information on other major equipment I should purchase? I am planning on purchasing a RO/DI system from BRS a bit nervous just because I live in a apartment..:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

TY in Advance

Hello and welcome to the wonderful land of reefing! :celeb1:

I can tell you about your sump. Typically it's sectioned in 3.
1st compartment catches physical gunk with a filter sock or a white filter leather after it passes through that( in the same compartment) the protein skimmer takes and filters where you then want to create an over flow that turns and gets rid of micro bubbles leading into the Refugium section and then finally over to the third compartment where the return pump is.
Sorry that sounds like a lot I bet. But I'll find a good pic and it'll click

Fellow reefers check my advice :)

Also glass is heavier and acrylic is lighter....so there's that....what is easier to get a hand on and have cut depends on what you have available in your area....tap plastics has acrylic and they cut it too
Hi everybody. Not exactly new but actually a newby in practical terms. I managed to set and kept a Nano reef tank for a bit less than a year from late summer 2009 to late spring 2010. I live in the Caribbean where hot weather is an issue and a hot wave forced me to dismantle my first (and to this date only) SW tank. I've been keeping mostly planted tanks and the "I need a reef tank" voice is back in my head so... well I guess you all know.

I recently set a 40 Breeder with a Chiller and I'm in the process of cycling it. I'm looking forward to not only review all I learned when I joined RC but to get involved in the forums, which for some reason I barely did last time around.

So I'm back almost five years later and still a newby in reef tank keeping. Thanks for keeping this place running.

Santo Domingo
Hi to everyone!. I lived in an island and I want to set a small tank (100-liter) and populate it with fishes that I caught in a near bridge (where a big lagoon contacts thebgulf of mexico.

So I like to account with some help and advise from RC members with expertise (I have never had a marine tank). I'll start a new thread briefly.

Kind regards
RESEARCH is very important!

If you are going to be setting up a 100 gallon set up you will also need to consider that the location can support that weight since every gallon is about 9lbs....That's 900 lbs without live rock. Think about what you want to stock as that will help you figure out what you will need to include. For example if you are going to do a FWLR system that is Fish With Live Rock then you wont need much more than an awesome protein skimmer and any kind of light but if you want to add coral you will need more equipment.

feel free to message me if you want specifics! :) :dance:

I definitely appreciate the help. I will be dumping 50 or so pounds of LR in to the tank from BRS. I think I will go the FWLR route for some time and then once I've collected all of the necessary equipment and buttoned down parameters Ill put a bubble tip in with a few percs. I don't think I'll be attempting any SPS for a few years but I do want a couple large polyps and zoas eventually.
Hello reef central community! Been here reading for the last past week and decided to join. Just ordered my jbj 29 gal and can't wait to get started. Thanks for all the info!
Hey guys! My name is David, and I'm new to the forum, as well as the hobby itself. I've been doing a lot of research and I figured it was time to join you here! I've already learned a lot from the posts I've read, and I can't wait to talk to you all and share in the reefing enjoyment. I'll see you around!
Hi there all I'm Jason new to this forum and to the saltwater world!!!!
I have been active in this hobby for 7 years up until one year ago when my life changed and had to make a complete exit to the hobby I loved for so long..Now that the time feels right it's time to get back into the world of all things fish keeping this time saltwater here I come!!!
Howdy everyone.
I'm a total n00b to fish. I do have a 10 gal tank in my kitchen with 3 comet goldfish and 2 comet tiger goldfish. My kid got em for his son (I'm a pepere' !!) and they ended up with me, and he (grandson) comes over every friday+saturday to stay with us. I have had them for about a year, and had (through out the year, not all at once,) 3 goldfish die, 3 suckerfish were eaten, and a black mollie died, she/he had what looked like a tumor growing out the side of it's head.
So far I have only 2 original goldfish from the first purchase. The others are brand new as of yesterday.

Anyhow....I just bought a 40 gallon breeder tank on sale for a $1 a gallon. I am looking to build my own stand for it. It is sitting on on an old junky cabinet on a sheet of 1" thick plywood I had hanging around. (no water in it) I liked the size of it. The 55 and 60 gallon tanks were too narrow and too tall for me and where I want to place the tank. I am going to stay in the freshwater realm of fish to see how it goes for now.

Thanx for looking in here and I look forward to my stay.

and thanx to mrfish55 for the referral!
whats up REEF CENTRAL!

whats up REEF CENTRAL!

Hey guys Kyle here from the space coast of Florida. Kinda new to the saltwater world. Have had a few before but never long (thanks hurricanes) but now I'm building a nano reef tank. 20 gallon high with a 10 gallon DIY sump. I do have a question or 2 but don't k ow where to post.



This is where I'm at now. Still cycling.
Hello - my name is Jason and I've had my 30gal saltwater/fish & reef aquarium going for about six weeks now. I'm very excited! At this point, there are two false perculas, two flame fairy wrasse, two fire shrimp, three peppermint shrimp, 10 turbo snails, about a dozen and a half hermit crabs - all with about 30lbs live rock. For my lights I'm using a Radion XR3 and for the powerhead, I'm using a single Vortec MP10. I got rather antsy and introduced much of the live creatures at week 3. For the past week, I've been battling a pretty nasty algae outbreak. Started out as bubble algae and now it looks like dark red hair algae. I just learned about water changes a couple days ago so I've done my first one today - replacing 10gal. I'm certain this will help with the issue. My bro hooked me up with an API Saltwater Test Kit so I knocked out my first series of tests today. The major are of concern was my nitrate level - which was @ approx 40ppm. I make my own RODI with a Chloramine filtration system I purchased from Buckeye Hydro.

I'm very much looking forward to talking and conversing with members of this group. There's already so much I've learned from being on this site the last couple days. Much love and God bless!
Hello all.
New here and full of wonder looking at all the systems you have going.

I'm going to start one in the next couple months and am so loaded up with questions I don't know where to start.

Because of weight restrictions I do not think I will be doing more than a 75 gallon tank.

My biggest share of questions will be about equipment to start with. Not sure what stuff to use and what brand to go with. I'm not rich but do not want bargain basement stuff either.

Is their a link to must have stuff for a start up?

Also, what's some good lit that I can pick up that speaks plainly to a newb?
My name is Chris and I'm fairly new to saltwater. I started my tank
about 10 weeks ago and all is going well. I thought I would join a
chat forum seeing none of my friends are really into this. It would be
nice to bounce ideas around and hear others advice from time to time.
Any how I have a 300 gallon display tank with a 115 gallon sump. This
is my first tank but so far I must say I have been lucky and haven't had
any real problems. I plan on keeping a pretty piecefull community tank with
coral. I have in the tank :

1 naso tang
1 blue hippo
1 yellow tang
1 copperband butterfly
1 six line wrasse
1 leopard wrasse
1 ban cardinal
1 Madeline goby (I have a ton of Copepods)
2 damsels
2 pairs of clowns
1 red star fish
300 pounds live sand
300 pounds live rock
Plus your typical clean up crew
(Snails,crabs, cleaner shrimp ect....)
Along with a dozen or so pieces of coral
(Torch, mushroom, daisies, lipo, ect..)

I am thinking of adding a powder brown tang
And a flame angel also. Little nervous about the
angel tho. Any how hope this forum is nice way to
talk with others of the same interest.
Take care
Hello guys, I'm Jeremy, a portrait photographer from Boise, Idaho. I've been recently thrust into the land of aquariums. My wife is a big fish nerd due to sharing it her whole life with her father.

Well recently we inherited a 180 gallon fish tank from her father before he passed, and it was her big dream to get the thing put on display. Before that it sat unwrapped for 20 years. So we finally got it up this 4th of July weekend.

I know you guys only do Saltwater here, but it was a Freshwater tank. We have tons of gear for Saltwater, but for an initial setup, we wanted to at least get up to par with the freshwater setup before making the big jump to the much more expensive salt water.
Hello everyone! I just recently picked up this hobby and am very excited about it. Below is a thread I posted with what's been done so far with an equipment list etc.

I am in the military and live in base housing so needless to say I have to undergo this hobby while following their room rules still ugh lol.. I can only have up to a 10 gallon, so that is what I got. Anyways, I look forward to seeing you guys around RC :beer:

I am not actually in the Marine hobby......... but I have been doing freshwater for about 12 years. I am setting up a custom 90g long originally for a freshwater community. I've always been curious about salt water and I now wonder if this is my time to add a marine setup under my belt.

I will be lurking through this site for the next few months prior to making the decision on a salt water tank or a freshwater. But if I do go salt, I would like to have a reef tank. So starting simple at first until I get my feet under me is the goal.
Wanted to introduce myself to the forum. I used to have a 10GAL fresh water tank a few years back but got out of the hobby. Recently walked into an aquarium and reptile store and just fell in love again with the salt water tanks and coral. Would love to give this a try and get my feet wet :P
Hi all
My name is Travis. I am just re entering the hobby after 10+ years away. A lot has changed and I am reacquainting myself with the acronyms and onomatopoeias...lol. So my live rock is splooshing after a bam and a kerplunk...test your levels. Ok.
Anyhow...my last tank was a 90 gallon FOWLR and I've decided to change gears and do a 8 gal IM nuvo AIO. I am cycling right now and plan to do a coral and invert tank. Should be fun. This was a great resource when I started my last tank many years ago and I'm enjoying reading about all the innovations in equipment and husbandry.
Hi all, I'm Paul. Live in Delaware with my wife and 2 kids. Currently have a 75G African Cichlid tank that I'm trying to convert to a Saltwater, FOWLR tank. Had I known what I know now, I would have done this from the start, but I was new to aquariums and the hobby, so I stuck with Freshwater.

Decided on cichlids because they have personality and color...but a year after starting it up, the tank hasn't gone as I had planned. My cichlids didn't get along (even though many many others said they should), and am in the process of selling them off.

I have lots of questions. I'll try to keep in a single thread, but we'll see :)