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Newly Upcoming

Newly Upcoming

What's going on Reef Central, my name is Brendon I am currently about to start a 75 gallon tank and have it first cycled hopefully by Christmas after several years of researching and dreaming (of course). Over the next couple of months I will be posting several questions hoping to get great answers from all of you so bare with me. Thank you all and happy reefing!
Hello everyone my name is Jim. I am new to reef keeping. I had fowlr tanks in the past, but that was almost 20 years ago. I have been wanting a reef tank ever since, but life happens and hobbies get put on the back burner. I started to get the itch for the reef tank again and I was able to drag my wife to a few stores. She saw some of the livestock and was very excited about the possibility of it being in our home. So I bit the bullet and bought a coralife Biocube 29.

I have been running my coralife bioactive 29 for two weeks now. I have approximately 30 pounds of live rock and 30 pounds of live sand. I will be putting a inTank media basket and a fuge basket when they arrive later this week. Although test levels are all over the place, I was excited to see several different creatures (starfish, snail, bristle worm and other small insect like things) which were hiding in the rock.

I'm sure I will have lots of questions as I venture through this obsession we call a hobby.
Hello everyone! I am new to this forum and relatively new to reef-keeping (about 6 months or so).

Currently, I have a 75G mixed reef tank. Thinking of getting a bigger one as soon as I have enough experience, I know I need to be patient with this hobby :)

I still do keep a 150G freshwater tank though where my 18" Black Ghost Knife has it all for himself.

I am looking forward to learning new things in reef-keeping from you guys via this forum.
Hello! I have experience with keeping fish but my obsession has finally led me to reefs. Several of my search results brought me here so it was about time for this introduction. I'm ready to learn.
I love that we all describe our hobby as obsessions :) Guess I'm at the right place

:strooper: :bigeyes:

It's funny how often I find myself looking at my tank when it is just sand, water and rocks. My wife was kinda laughing at me when I was rearranging the rocks again for almost an hour.
It's funny how often I find myself looking at my tank when it is just sand, water and rocks. My wife was kinda laughing at me when I was rearranging the rocks again for almost an hour.

Just tell her that it is important;)
Hello. My name is Chuck. I've lurked here for several years but, finally put together my first reef tank. I have a 30 gallon nano cube that has been up and running for just under 3 months.
Hello, my name is Matteo, I am from Switzerland, nice to meet you.
I am starting a 60 liters nano with soft corals.
Hello guys and girls! Have been using RC for just over a year now and thought it was about time for the first post! I'd just like to say a massive Thankyou to the fellow reefers for the time and effort you put into the documentation of your experiences! See you all around no doubt!
I witnessed a murder today...

I was riding home from school today on my bus, listening to music and not paying attention to anything. As we were stopping at one of the bus stops, a girl in the back started screaming. I looked back and saw her pointing out the window so I followed her stare. Out in an unfenced yard there were three guys. Two of them standing, one on the ground, bloody. The taller of the two men had a baseball bat and was about ready to smash it into the downed man's head again, when the men realized there was a whole busload of kids staring at them. As the bus driver radioed in the 911 call, the other man, who hadn't been doing anything, took a pistol out and shot the guy in the head. At this point, the whole bus was in shock and glued to the morbid scene. The two men got into a car and sped off. When I came home I was visibly shaken. I told my mom what I had just seen. Then my mom got scared and said "you're moving in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "Fresh" and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought, naw, forget it, yo holmes to Bel-Air. I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and said to the cabbie "Yo holmes smell ya later." Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

i bought a 55 gallon , and have just had one of my fish murdered .. looking for kaiser soza
Hello everyone, I am not necessarily new to the hobby but am making a come back after a few year hiatus. My last tank was a 29G biocube in college which was a learning experience in every sense. I will be going with an AOI tank again, a Cad Lights 34g Mini II. I ordered my tank and it will be coming in a few days, and I have been rock scaping about 25 lbs of Marco Rocks over the past two weeks and will be using their fine sand as well. Excited to get back into the hobby as an adult and can't wait for this go around to use everything I learned from my first set up. -Falcona2552
Hi All, I'm revisiting the hobby after a number of years away (10yrs). Previous experience is based around tropical (Cichlids mainly). However I'm now looking to get a marine tank. I've been reading around on the site and have found all the posts to be extremely informative for which I am grateful. Current thoughts are around a 60gallon tank and for anyone that has an Eheim Scubacube 270 i'd be grateful for your thoughts on the filtration\skimmer\lighting that you are using. My intention is to use live rock, live sand, a bubble magus curve 5. Still researching what else to put in the sump. A refugium is certainly something I am considering. Will want to keep fish and corals. Anyhow, that's all for now and I look forward to keeping all updated with the build of my tank once I have purchased. Many thanks for all that have parted with their knowledge on this site. I am extremely grateful.
I am new to Saltwater having purchased a used 265 gallon aquarium (used) from a local aquarist. I set up the tank exactly as he did, reusing his 120lbs of live sand and 250lbs of live rock. I even reused 100 gallons of his water only adding enough of my own new water to fill the tank to running capacity. The sump/refugium tank is 100 gallon but only filled halway with water and loaded with 40lbs of the live rock some of the live sand and a very large protein skimmer. The Serpent star, short spine urchin and Blue Banded Hermit he still had came with the tank as well as some sort of polyp that was still alive on one rock and some red leaf kelp. My tank cycled in just 2 days and I was able to add snails and hermits after 4 days to cut down the algae that started to grow. A week later I did a 70% water change and added a yellow tang, tomini tang and algae blenny. A week later I added Aussie Bubble Coral, Branching Hammer Coral, a Royal Blue Tang and 4 Cardinals. It's been about 5 weeks and now I have a Fire Angel, Coral Beauty, Clown Fish, bi-color Dottyback, brittle star, 2 Sally Light Foot Crabs, an Emerald Crab, an Arrow Crab, 2 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp, a Banded Coral Shrimp, a Blood Red Fire Shrimp, a long spine urchin, a purple tipped Haitian Enemone, about 10 coral frags and two gorgonians. My current water measurements are 0ppm-ammonia, 8.0-PH, 0.0ppm-Nitrite and Nitrate varies from 20-40ppm. All of this being said, I would say I only have truly 270 gallons of water with everything that's in the two tanks. The protein skimmer does a great job and other than scraping a fine film of algae from the glass every other day, maintenance has been easy. I just changed out 60 gallons of water last weekend and noticed that the nitrate level did drop quite a bit the day after the change. So my questions are: How often and how much water should be changed? It seems like 50 gallons every other week is good. But is it good enough? Are more frequent changes at lower amounts better than one big one every other week? Also, even though the fish are relatively small for the size of my tank, have I got too many fish?
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Hi All,

Very new to the 'reefing' but find it great! I've been at it for about 6 months and enjoy it quite a bit. I don't know all the specifics but i have a 75 gallon tank with overflow and sump, LED lighting plus a protein skimmer. Tank is in pretty good health.

I've attached some photos of how it's coming along!





Hey guys, saltwater noob here. We have had a 30g freshwater tank for a few years now, and the kids (7 and 4) love it! We are finally starting to set up a 75g marine tank after years of wishing. We lucked into a tank and stand a family member was getting rid of, thinking that was the biggest cost set-back..... Ugh. Little by little we are pulling things together, and now we have the stand with tank, a power filter (unfortunately we are unable to do a sump right now), and a circulation pump.. So we look at an empty glass tank everyday, LOL. I've been doing as much reading/research as I have had time for in the last couple of weeks since this project started and I have loved reading everyone's advice! So thank you! I can't wait to become part of this community.
That being said, I have found a few websites that I feel would be good for ordering supplies, but greatly appreciate all suggestions from someone that has experience with them. Since my local retailers don't seem to offer much. Has anyone used the Drsfosterandsmith site/company? Marine Depot seems really good too.
My husband is also going to be "trying" to build a topper/box for the top of the tank to hold the lights and hide ugly things hanging off the back, if anyone has any suggestions?? Let's just say he's not very carpenter-like. 😜
Thank you everyone !!!!!
New to the forums.

New to the forums.

Thought I'd finally say hello after being a member for a bit. Im finding great info on the forums and I'm looking forward to finding more. I've had saltwater tanks for about 13-14 years now. I just upgraded to a new 75 gallon tank. I got a good deal on it used so my old tank went to my sister minus a few pieces of rock and my fish. The new tank has sparked my interest again after having the same 55 gallon tank for over 10 years.
My name is Peggy and I am from Vero Beach, FL. I have had freshwater and some saltwater tanks for many years, I have just purchased an 125 gal tank and so excited to finally start on a reef tank. I have done a lot of reading this past week on filters, skimmers, RO/DI units, etc. Have been looking at the Vortech Mp40 powerhead and Bubble Magus Curve 7 skimmer so far. Also looking at the Filmtek 4stage RO/DI unit. Seems everyone has different opinions on what's the best (my head is spinning!), so am looking forward to getting input from everyone on how to start this off right. Looking forward to meeting everyone...


Hey Guys!

I'm not exactly new to the hobby (10 years about now) but I just wanted to quickly introduce myself and say HI!!!! to my fellow fish nerds. My name is Caitlin, and I'm a Reef-a-Holic. I currently have a 60 gallon holding tank with a dwarf cuttlefish and clarion angel. In a display tank I have more clarions, a gem tang, 2 lightning maroons, sacura anthers to name a few. Hope to get pics for you all soon and looking forward to making a few new friends!!:waveband:

-Caitlin :bounce1::beer: