If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi Everyone!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Alicia, I am 25 years old. I currently work as a little bit of everything (receiving, ordering, customer service, sales, secretary, ...) in a high end furniture store but my husband and I are in the process of opening our own brewery.

I always had a fascination for Saltwater Aquarium but except for my few Betta Fish I do not have any experience with the Fish world. I have been talking with a friend who has a gorgeous reef tank and decided that wanted my own.

I am not intending to setup my first tank anytime soon as I know absolutely nothing about having a saltwater tank. I need to learn about everything to be ready. I did though, found an amazing deal for the aquarium and could not pass up. I found a gorgeous 72 Gallon Reef Ready Bowfront for almost free and it is the only piece that I have so far.

I cannot wait to have my own tank ready but I want to do things right.
Hi everyone, I just joined tonight. My good friend "dotcommer" recommended I start here to start learning about the hobby. This site is amazing.
Hey, been browsing the forums quite a bit, soon will be putting together a 55g marine tank, my first go at it.

love the site!
building my dry rock wall options

building my dry rock wall options

hello all,

actually im new to this hobby but doing research over a year please help which aquascaping i do, or if u have good ideas for me , i have 55 gallons tank , please find attached pics of dead rocks .
Headave: I'm also relatively new to this....but have discovered that some things need to be payed close attention to. Your water temperature is too high to start with. Most coral and marine life seem to like temps around 74-78. I had my tank getting kinda hot too and bought a used chiller to keep my tank at 74-77. I don't like it dipping to 74, but I need a new thermostat for the chiller. Also, keep checking your nitrate, nitrite and ammonia levels. If ANY of these levels are above zero with the exception of nitrate, do a 30-40% water change. My nitrates have been just over 40ppm for months and I can't seem to get them down no matter what I try. But at 40ppm, my coral and fish seem quite happy.
Headave: Also try lowering you salt level a tad when you do a water change. Try to get it closer to 1.022-1.023. Too much salt is as bad as not enough.
Howdy, been a lurkin here for years (had another username but must have been deleted due to inactivity) through the various dream cycles of having a reef tank, started off with a beta to planning and acquiring stuff for a 280g till life hit and funds ran out. Now just wanting to set up a standard little 29g with sump and automation for kicks since I have more time then what I know what to do with in a little apartment. however this will be a long drawn out process since I wont start anything till I get back from a deployment mid next year.

Thanks for the wealth of info and keep up the great work guys!
new to the site but not new to reefing

new to the site but not new to reefing

hi everyone. im nelson. new to this site but been reefing for a couple years now :)

i like to collect higher end corals (sps, lps, softies...im not biased-lol)
currently searching for a snipersSPS red devil mushroom to add to my shroom garden (currently have wwc bounce, wowser, darwin, sc fukishima, tie dye/jawbreaker)
My name is Jorge and I just joined. I started this hobby in 2010 and i'm planning to rebuild my 250g tank. I did some research and this forum is amazing!


:wave: Hey y'all! New to RC and the saltwater hobby. Have the tank (36g)cycling (I believe---ammonia,NO2, NO3 cranked up anyway). It has been about 2 weeks already. NH3 hit the roof sometime Sunday (I was out of town) and doesn't seem to be dropping or is just dropping VERY slow. NO2 and NO3 are also pegged out. I assume it's normal and will stabilize itself. Water is crystal clear at least. Didn't "kick start" the cycle with anything like shrimp or ammonia. Up to 27ish lbs. of cured LR and I put about 10lbs of LS in as well. I did do a water change this evening. It wasn't a large one though, 20%ish. I have some logistical stuff to figure out regarding changes (live in an apartment).Got my marine orbital LED in today so, I am excited about that. This site has already given me a wealth of information.

TONS of little critter hitch hikers already populating the tank in and around my LR. I haven't seen anything "undesirable" come out of the rock --- yet. I did see one of my little brittle stars come into contact with an orange/black (head end orange, tail end black) bristle worm and one of his little legs fell off. I presume he was dying due to water condition and the BW was just doing his job :uhoh2:

Anywho, It doesn't bother me that this is a "patience" hobby. I am easily amused by the little things in my tank already. What kind of got me into wanting a SW tank was when I learned to dive while in Guam. I look forward to being able to have a small piece of that!

Good to meet y'all!
Hi, My name is Paul and have just started with my reef tank. I have had setups before starting with Tropical.
I have a Vision 180 with live rock and just 5 Chromis. My set up is with internal and external filtration and prism Protein skimmer.
I am returning after a very long illness and I'm looking forward to adding not just fish and critters but also Corals and anemones.
Thank you all in advance for your invaluable advice when needed. Regards. Paul
new member

new member

Good morning. Newbie to the forum. I have had some experience with fresh water tanks. SittingSitting on a 55, and a 45 acrylic cube now. All dry. My stand is custom, for a 75 which I will purchase soon. Just getting into the game now, and doing my research. The plan is a mixed tank. Looking forward to seeking your knowledge!
Hi RC I'm kind of new here. I had a F W tank for decades in NY, when I moved to Florida I started in S W 1st a 45 gal then 75 now,I have a 90 gal. mixed reef,30 gal refugium, RO skimmer & 8 bulb T-5 light set up. I would post a few pics, but that's my problem, I cant figure out how to do that. I am not computer smart, so there in lies my problem (sorry if this is the wrong thread), I had tried to figure it out with out much success.
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How do y'all. My wife and I are brand-new to saltwater tanks. I myself have had freshwater tanks since I was a kid but just now got a 90 gallon. It's been up and running for about a month and we got an arrow crap, Scarlet reef crab, and a fox face fish. So far so good. We are really enjoying it.

Hi I'm Kevin, I have had a 50 gallon tank for about a year now, I've been taking it slowly and have been learning by trial and error. I don't think my tank qualifies as a reef tank though, my tank is simple it has a power head, two pumps with filters, air stone and a circulation pump, a standard aquarium florescent light, and crushed corral. I have a variety of 7 clownfish, 2 juvenile damsels, and a chocolate chip starfish. So I think you would call it a community tank. I think one or more of my clowns has Ich, I've treating my tank with Kordons Ich treatment. I have been working on setting up a 10 gallon Quarantine tank, the water has been cycling for about 2 weeks now and I have not been able to get the PH level high enough it's at the 8.0-8.2 range, I've added Kents PH buffer to raise it and it causes the a thick hard chalk like substance to form on the glass that has to be scrapped of with a sharp razor blade, the salt level is set at 1.018, at first I set at 1.024 but this made the chalky substance much worse so I lowered to 1.018 where it's at now. any advise is much appreciated.:crazy1
New Here

New Here

Hi every1, I'm new to the hobby. I only have a nano cube 12 gallon. Don't judge. i like bonsai trees and now i like corals so yeah"¦ I'm a broke college student at Uconn. Lookin to stick with the hobby tho
New to Marine Tank...

New to Marine Tank...

Hi everyone,

My name is Capt Sirpreet Singh Kahlon, Sailor by profession.

I have had a FW tanks for last 3 years..... and now got myself a marine tank... 225 gallon.....

I am very nervous about the marine tank... i do not want to get disappointed, thus after looking at a lot websites, i think reef central is the best.

Look forward to everyone's assistance.

Kind regards,

Hey Soil- I like Bonsai tree's too. :-)

Hi- I'm Danni. I've been keeping Freshwater tanks for a long time. I currently have 7 freshwater tanks running with various fish from Discus to Africans.
I just started my first SW tank- it's a 28g Nano (still cycling) to get my feet wet. I'm planning to turn my 165 African tank to a reef tank if this all works out with the 28.
Miami, FL

Miami, FL


New to the forum. Gifted an Innovative Marine 20G SW - Looking forward to getting information from everyone and contributing in the future.
Im new to the forum. I have been in the saltwater hobby for about 8 years. I am now a master at growing green hair algae and carrying 5gal buckets of water. I currently have a 55gal fish only with live rock. I'm running a 20gal long refugium, full of gha. I am hoping to find some local reefers. I would love to get into the coral side of this hobby.