Hi all I'm Tommy. Have done a few tanks in the past but Fish Only. I am venturing out to a Reef Tank now and am extremely excited to get this started. All of the equipment is ordered and should be in when I return from my little getaway this Thursday. Below is a list if I can get some feedback on what I decided to go with that would be great. I want to do this right.
265g display
120g custom sump with 4 chambers to include sock, skimmer, refugium and return with 2 heaters.
Apex Gold
Jaebo Return pump DC 12000
Jaebo rw60 twin
Jaebo rw25 twin
3 2' LED lights custom made
Tunze ATO
RO unit
Want to introduce a dosing system once I have coral
265g display
120g custom sump with 4 chambers to include sock, skimmer, refugium and return with 2 heaters.
Apex Gold
Jaebo Return pump DC 12000
Jaebo rw60 twin
Jaebo rw25 twin
3 2' LED lights custom made
Tunze ATO
RO unit
Want to introduce a dosing system once I have coral