If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi all I'm Tommy. Have done a few tanks in the past but Fish Only. I am venturing out to a Reef Tank now and am extremely excited to get this started. All of the equipment is ordered and should be in when I return from my little getaway this Thursday. Below is a list if I can get some feedback on what I decided to go with that would be great. I want to do this right.

265g display
120g custom sump with 4 chambers to include sock, skimmer, refugium and return with 2 heaters.
Apex Gold
Jaebo Return pump DC 12000
Jaebo rw60 twin
Jaebo rw25 twin
3 2' LED lights custom made
Tunze ATO
RO unit

Want to introduce a dosing system once I have coral
Hi, I'm Joseph, I'm in college, and I'm quite new to aquariums. I came here because I want to own a stomatopod, but I've yet to see a comprehensive guide to actually starting an aquarium for one
I do use brs 5 stage rodi unit but just started a month ago was using questionable rodi from friends but always had high phos. So used money i was saving for a good skimmer on rodi unit. johnike ,i will Defiantly give you a call, i am sorry i didnt get back to you earlier, What time of day is good for you? By the way where do you get your livestock around here?

I'm home weekdays after 4, and here all the time weekends.
Eddies and Tanks are about the only close shops.
I go down to Fishin Times in Pekin and Aquarium Obsessions in Bartonville when I feel like a road trip. Looking forward to meeting you.
Hi all,

Fairly new to the salt water world. Got myself a Biocube 29 a while back. Hope to learn and gain experience from you guys. I'll post pic's of my tank soon. :)
New reefer

New reefer

My son brought home a 90 gallon acrylic tank and we set it up with fish, corals and live rock. We are newbies and learning how to do all of it. Our son is going to reef meetings while in college and has done tons of reading and research on what to do. Our tank is really nice and we enjoy it immensely and are looking forward to adding a few more and watching it grow.


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Hello Reef Members , Can someone help me identify my enemone i am new to this hobby and i dont know exactly anything about my anemone because Petco vendor said i think its a Condylactis , so not sure if it really is or not wat they think , Any help someone ?
new to the hobby

new to the hobby

Hi I am fairly new to the hobby ive kept marine fish for two years but am trying to get into reef keeping, I currently am running a 20 gal tank with live sand live rock hydor korilla wave makers and a aquatop PSE1 protein skimmer/hob filter.
I want to keep corals but ive been using t8 lighting(I strongly hate this lighting) and am looking for suggestions on how to improve my setup and get up and running with coral.
New to Marine Aquariums

New to Marine Aquariums

Hello! I have a few years experience with planted FW tank and figured I'd give a marine aquarium a go.

Currently Setup
50G tank (just started cycling)
30lbs of cleaned dry rock
20 lbs of fully cured live rock from my LFS
40 lbs of sand + 5 lbs of crushed coral
2 100W heaters, 6 T5 HO lamps, ATO, and power heads hooked up to a reefkeeper and I'm hoping to add a skimmer and stock with cleanup inverts after the cycle is done

Eventually I would like a clownfish pair, 1-2 compatable fish and if I don't mess anything up too badly, corals by spring. I may add a sump if I find some extra time but my apartment and stand are pretty small so I plan to just buy a lot of test kits.


Good morning, we're pretty new to the hobby, we've had an 8 gal tank for almost a year now and its been pretty successful we had two clownfish but we lost one last week due to ich i think its called and we are treating the other one who's also sick. We've started a 120 gallon tank, its in its 2nd week can't wait to start adding fish and corals.
I'm Greg from Eastern Kentucky. Just started my first SW tank. 29g, 20lb lives and and 40lb live rock, evergrow 165watt full spectrum lights and 2 wp10 jeboa powerheads. It's already cycled and I have a few red leg hermits, snails. 1 yellowtail damsel and 1 firefish.
Hi all

Hi all

Hello all. I will be asking many questions from everyone on here as I am new to the marine aquarium hobby. I have had as many as 6 freshwater tanks running at once, ranging from 5 gallon fry tank to a 125 gallon show tank. I currently have a 55 gallon bowfront that I have set up with a CPR Bak Pak2 and a SEIO 530 powerhead.
hey all, i have been a member on here for about a year now just lurking around learning. i have had a couple tanks so far. started off with a nano 20 and then moved up to a 40 breeder and now i am happy with my 90 corner flo. i plan on learning some more and what not!
Hi, my name is Noah i am new to the hobby (no tank/setup yet) still in the researching stage but will potentially be able to start relatively soon considering i started lurking around here in '07 off and on. I still have not decided what size of tank to start with as i will be moving towards the end of 2015 from Norfolk to Ga (navy) and thought i would introduce myself.