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New to the forum

New to the forum

Hi. My name is Dennis I've have a 56 cube for about a year now. Mostly leathers and zoanthids. 15 gallon sump. That's being changed out this week for a eshopps refugium. Had a few nitrate issues. That why I'm going to a refugium.hope I can learn a lot from all the experienced reefers out here
Hello :)

New to the forum, not new to the hobby (about ten years).

I've been tankless for a year, planning a new 80G shallow reef.
I think this is the right place.
Is this thing on?
Hey there! I'm completely new to saltwater and about to set up a 110 gal tank. I hope this works out!
Hey everyone. I'm John. I've been using the site a lot while setting up my new 75. It's my first SW tank, and it's going well so far. I let the tank cycle for two months and added some snails and cleaner shrimp. When they all lived after a month, I added 2 pajama cardinals and my first coral, a Duncan.
New hear, been posting a few few questions here and there.

I got back in to fish about 2 years ago and since its something I love I went all in.

I have had 3 different fish room's (all freshwater), and I have set up a s/w tank twice before but never followed thru.

Well Last week, I decided I ant to enjoy the hobby on a more personal level, so I closed down my fish room room and set up a 90 gallon s/w tank.

This time I'm sticking with the the process of getting the s/w tank off the ground.

My kids have been asking for one since i got back in to the hobby, so Im going to do it.

I feel its gives you the option of creating a piece of art and with all the choices out there It will be a fun endeavor.

I'm from s/e Michigan and I have met a lot of s/w people and there are some great stores around, but I love to ask questions So I will fit right in here :)

Hey all! Totally new to this addictive hobby. I'm a huge tinkerer and this fills that niche nicely! My fiancee and I bought a 10gallon saltwater setup and are 4 days into our cycling process and everything seems to be going well! Glad I found this forum, such a wealth of information!
Hi all, I've been a member for a few years now and have done lots of reading, but no posting. I've had planted tanks in the past, but this is my first salt water tank. Thanks to all the salt water veterans who have shared their knowledge. This forum helped me make informed decisions that ultimately saved me money.

I've been in the aquarium hobby for 1 year (freshwater), but just set-up my first saltwater tank. Looking for any advice you all can offer.
hello, my name is Henk, im dutch, and want to start up a mini tank 12 gallons. my son, has a reef tank for a load of years, guess about 20 and i get my knowhow from him, but want to look further.any good advice is welcome.
Codeweaver- Joins the RC

Codeweaver- Joins the RC

Hello everyone, I am a passionate person when it comes to the sea and all of its' wonder. After getting back for a 10 day scuba diving trip this July I made the decision to get back into the hobby after being out of the hobby for 10 years. It seems that a lot has changed like vendors, concepts like dosing, lighting "LEDs" , ect. I have be reading everything I can find on the hobby since August to become updated with all the new wonders available. I look forward to meeting many of you and sharing my experiences durning the major build I have planned. With any luck other new people will be able to learn bicuriously from my shared experience here at RC

Watch for my post
Hi everyone,

Jay here from NYC. Me and my girlfiend have had a couple 10 gallon nano reef tanks up for a few years now and really enjoy them. Still have lots of learning to do and this seems like the right place to do it!
Hello.. Name is Ryan and I am trying to get myself and my wife into Reefs, Aquariums and tanks :) We are researching now, and hipe to have a setup sometime next year... Glad to find a forum devoted to this :) Hope to learn as much as I can :)

Hello everyone, currently I have two (30g and 65g), two-year-old fresh water aquariums and are all doing well. I have been reading a lot about saltwater aquarium and have decided to get into it. Wife prefers to have a saltwater than freshwater tank.

I look forward also to know many of you guys here and and very happy to be part of this online community.
Aquarium Help

Aquarium Help

I'm new to the hobby but I have done a TON of research and I am ready to start my first tank. My question is would you suggest something smaller to start (29g) or something a bit larger (55g)?
Hi all, perhaps I should have asked this in my intro post but is there a way to increase the default pages I can view? I can only view about three pages in this forum but I'm certain there is more info in the archives?

New to Reef Central

New to Reef Central

Hello All,

Looking forward to see everyones tanks and getting and giving advice. Thank you for your time.
New here folks, not to forums so I know how to use the search function

Started out in January paying for someone to basically have fun with their taste in my office. Meaning I wanted a tank and gave him free range to spend and set up a tank for my patients and I to enjoy. Well a couple months later he moved and left me to figure things out. I've been doing pretty well, definitely learned a lot along the way. Sadly went through my fair share of fish lives along the way. Proud to say I have not had a casualty since maybe May. Just recently I started getting into some corals. Like my name states I want it now and I've learned that patience is a the number 1 element in this hobby.

Anyways I like to ask questions but only after I do my research. I know not even a sliver compared to the most of you. I've posted a video or my tank 120g I think, It's not perfect but it's my tank and I manage it. If you have ANYTHING to say whatsoever please do, compliments or critiquing it. The more I know and the better I can make it the better.

Thanks for the long read

Whatttya think?
