If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello Reefers! Jamie here coming from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. That makes me a Yooper donchya know eh!
Been keeping a reef tank for 5yrs. Most recently upgraded to a 40B/20L sump. Drilled/plumbed by me :)
I'm a mom to a 23yr old young man & a grand mother to 1 beautiful grand daughter. Happy reefing ya'll :)
Hello all... I have been in the hobby for quite a few years but have neglected to join the community because I am shy... "If you know me that's a joke"

Any hew... I recently purchases a custom made 150 gallon "deep" tank and am in the process of setting it up with a DIY led system from Rapid LED.

Thank you all for having me and I am looking forward to posting the ups and downs of my new tank.
Hello Everyone,
My name is Ricky and I am new to the hobby. I have had tanks in the past and have really enjoyed them and I always admire the saltwater tanks whenever I see them. I currently live in a small home so a larger tank was something I have not been able to do but I am moving to a much larger home and a reef tank is on my list of things I want for the new house. I live in a rural area just outside of Phoenix and I honestly don't know where to get a reef ready tank. Is anyone able to direct to me someplace either in phoenix or online where I can get a reef ready tank. I am thinking 55g-90g's. I am thinking that will be give me the most bang for my budget. I will probably build it slowly until its all together. Until then, I hope to spend some time on here and learn as much as I can.
Hi everyone,
My name is Sean, and I have years of FW planted tank experience, but I just started my first reef tank a couple months ago. As you can see from my join date, I have been considering it for a while:D
Hello fellow salty fans, My name is Chris and have been keeping fresh water fish for about 4 years now and always wanted to take the salt water plunge. I have a 55 gallon freshwater and have a 220 gallon reef tank build in process. It is very exciting to be getting close to get the new "Big" tank wet. I have the plumbing left to tackle and the aquascaping etc. I have looked at this forum many time and have already gotten a lot of ideas etc from all the knowledge here. Look forward to chatting with you all about this exciting hobby.
Starting from Scratch

Starting from Scratch

I have inherited a 60 gallon tank with live rock, 4 fish, 2 shrimp, 2 snails, no gear and a lot of algae. I know nothing about saltwater. This is a rescue project; some of the fish are 8 years old. I move the tank, the fish, the rocks and the saltwater.

I added 3 hermit crabs for the algae. Should I add more? I bought an overflow box from Eshopps. I'm using a bucket for a sump and a Petco pump. I've ordered an Eheim 2215 filter.

Should I get a sump or a wet dry filter? Do I need a protein skimmer for a 60 gallon tank? What else do I need to do? I want these fish to be healthy and add a few more in time. Any advice will be helpful.
Hello everyone. My name is Josh and I've only been doing this for about 3 1/2 months.

I currently own a 46g bow front fowlr tabnk. I have 2 platinum clowns, 3 assorted damsels, to emeral crabs, white cake urchin, cleaner shrimp and various cleaner crew snails.

I got the tank from my sister for about $200 with all the fish in if, no inverts. She had it running for probably 6 months. When we transferred everything she used the same water and substrate with live rock. Everything is doing fine however my hair algae problem persists regardless of 20% water changes, negotiating my lighting times, ensuring the fish eat all the food they're given, and checking parameters. It still persists. Hopefully here soon I'll be able to write up exactly what's going on and what I'm doing to stop the growth. Right now I'm late for work.

Thanks for having me.
Howdy folks! Your online community and infinite knowledge got me to sign up. Recently ( approx eight months ago ) I came into possession of an old current 12gal nano reef setup. I upgraded to a current led marine fixture and a saucier skimmer and thanks to everyone here it's going beautifully. See photos I think I'm going to attach. I may or may not have a few questions coming I'm the next few days including; if anyone uses live rock only as a bio filter in their tank and what really is the best way and how often should I be checking my water. Cheers mates and thanks for having me!!!
Hello everyone!! i thought i already introduced myself but i guess i didnt. i have been reefing for a few years now. The only thing i have not done in regards to reefing is a calk reactor .
Hi everyone,
New to this forum, had a small reef tank in the past but currently have a little goldfish bowl whilst I'm studying and working full time. Will slowly work on some designs for a nice shallow lidless cube in the next 12-18 months though ;)
So yeah... Not terribly experienced and believe more in a low tech approach but have a little bit of book knowledge.
From NSW, Australia.
Hi all from India,

Been a member of aquarium online communities. some years back my most prized possession, 300 gallon marine tank broke in the middle of the night. imagine the horror (still dont know how). all the livestock survived and passed onto fellow mariners. now i want to start again. have most of the equipment required but dont remember how to start again. i have a 48X36X18 tank which i used for QT back then. I also have eheim filter, protein skimmer, 10000L/h wave maker, 100 kg dead rock and other such things. maybe also some lighting equipment. back then we used MH but now its all LED I think. All the contacts of suppliers and friends in Delhi/NCR gone. Kindly help me to get back into hobby. its not about budget this time but the space. All I can afford to lose in my home now is 4Ft. tank (Nano) so kindly guide me to start the hobby again.

I will need a new chiller. Also suggest the display tank size etc. I would like to convert the present tank to sump. Please help with schematics.

Thanks & Regards
Hello hi, I'm new to this have had my 29g tank for about Two months I have two blue fin watchmen Gobi two chromis and just ordered my clean up crew should be her in a couple days I have only a t8 coral life but soon will be led thats my next thing to buy I use a 75 gallon api filstar canister filter and plan on making a sump with an extra tank I have, View attachment 290998
Hi All,

My name is Minh, and I am BRAND new to the hobby. I've been lurking for a bit, but I think I finally want to start a build. Thanks for all the info in advance!

Have had a Marine tank for a while want to get into Reefing

Have had a Marine tank for a while want to get into Reefing

Hey everyone!

Love the form and all the awesome advice I see on here!

And so the Adventure Begins

And so the Adventure Begins

Hi Guys,

First post here, though I have been reading like crazy. I just acquired a complete setup and am looking for a bit of advice on my setup from all you veterns.

I picked up a SeaClear II 75g Tank. It is complete with a stand, Skimmer, lights, UV, 20g open tank as a sump, Live Rock, sand and 6 fish.

The guy I picked it up from was a really nice guy, but the tank was not very well taken care of. I got the whole system for $275. I was pretty excited.

As stated I sure hope you guys can help me get this thing finalized and setup properly.

I have the Live rock in tubs with the mature salt water and the fish and some rock in 2 20g holding tanks. The fish are doing well.

I will provide a equipment list shortly.

Thanks and I am super excited to get this up and running.
Hi everybody, I'm getting back into the hobby after a 20 year hiatus. I used to keep cichlids & syno cats, but I really wanted a reef. Couldn't do it as we lived way back in the mountains and didn't have access to saltwater fish. I made the mistake of browsing Craigslist the other day....picked up a 27 gallon cube w/ a protein skimmer, heater, LED, and a canister filter (which I'm junking for an HOB). We hope to keep soft corals & LPS. Thanks for the great advice on here. My biggest obstacle is that I'm 2.5 hours from any decent LFS, but we'll make it work somehow.
Hello Everyone. I've wanted a saltwater tank since I was a child, but as a "Navy brat" and then with my own career in the U.S. Navy, an aquarium did not fit into that lifestyle of frequent moves. Having retired from the Navy and now with a steady civilian job, my wife is onboard with the idea of a reef tank. I really like the Red Sea Max C250, but looking at other options such as the Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion 20, 30L or 40 to ease into the hobby. I'll be looking for advice in other threads. Glad to be here!
We are new to this forum and new to the hobby. I think we are way in over our heads. We purchased a 3 year old 120 gallon reef tank setup. We had it professionally moved and set up as the focal point to our living room. Tank has 1 lg blue tang, 2 orange clowns , 1 black and white clown, 2 yellow wrasse, 2 large construction eels and a coral angel. We also have a number of beautiful corals although we lost or large cauliflower last week. I tried to frag what was still viable but with no success. Tank has been in our home for 3 months
We purchased a beautiful lemon peel a few weeks ago but he died within 2 days and we have no clue why. We constantly get conflicting advice from the 2 stores we do business with. Feed corals.. Don't feed... Buy fish ...don't buy fish ... I would like to add some corals but have no clue what to ad. Our tank lacks colour We have a large beige hammer , pale frog spawn, lots of pink mushrooms and a brain coral as well as a green flower pot coral that is looking a bit upset at the moment. Advice is welcome
Sal is 1.026, Ph is 8.2 , dkh is 10 , temp 80.
Hello all

Hello all

Been lurking around this forum about a month now.

Interested in starting a reef tank.

I had a fresh water tank in the past but got rid of it because I was deploying.... Gave it my whole setup to nursing home my mother in-law works at...

I will be piecing together components and love building stuff myself. The 1st thing i'm going to try my hand at is a led setup for the aquarium. I'm an electrician by trade so should be a good side project. Once i get that all working then I want to try building the tank.

Any info you might of come across in the past for dyi led setups would be greatly appreciated.
