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Looking for a good home

Looking for a good home

A friend of mine posted his tank on facebook "looking for a good home" for his 10-gal with a single hermit (Big Herm :lmao: ) and clown (Nemo, because what else could it be named, right? :headwally: ).

I have 4 kiddos who love to sit and watch the tank from time to time, and my 6-year-old is more consistent about feeding than I am. They immediately re-named Big Herm "Sebastian" because that is their only frame of reference into the world of crabs.

His advice to me was "feed them twice a week, don't stir up the sand bed, and top off the evaporation daily with this (an RO unit, I think)". Now that I've read hundreds of pages of information here and elsewhere on the interwebs... and I've kept everyone alive for ~6-months, I figured it was safe to consider this tank my own now.

Thanks for being a part of this great community, and for the wealth of information you have shared with me and many other lurkers.



  • October 2014 Sebastian Big Herm.jpg
    October 2014 Sebastian Big Herm.jpg
    73.5 KB · Views: 4
Hello everyone! Im new to the site, have dabbled in saltwater before. About to start a new build for my den and thought this would be a great place to share and get some insight.
hi my name is andrew, and

hi my name is andrew, and

aim new to this site,, i just found out about it.. and it look really nice,,,
I love salt water and iam a reeefer for life...
Another new member

Another new member

So I sat and typed out a nice long introduction and it vanished before I posted it :uhoh3:

So, here we go again.... I have been lurking for quite some time but finally joined today so I could leave a review on some live rock I had bought from TBS. I have had tanks off and on for the past 30 years. Always freshwater because I grew up hearing all the horror stories about saltwater tanks. A couple years ago I finally dove right into saltwater. I started small with a 20 gallon nano. 3 weeks later it was a 55 gallon. 3 months after that it was a 150 gallon! We moved house in May of this year and I downsized to a 24" cube...... Yesterday everything got moved to my new 100 gallon cadlights system. My new tank is my first ever BB tank. Everyone said I would have to part with my LTA but I just couldn't do it. This guy/gal has been through many tank moves with me. So he/she is sitting happily in a plastic container with sand in it. It sits right in the middle of my tank and is hidden by live rock. Now I have this empty cube tank.... hmmm. Betting it doesn't sit empty for long. :lol:

I currently have my 100 mixed reef, 46 gallon bowfront planted freshwater tank and a 15 gallon column tank...... and the empty cube... Oh and the 36x18 inground pool that is currently being converted into a Koi pond. I wanted to turn it into a mini reef but my husband wouldn't go for that idea

Guess that is it for now, except... Hiya everyone!

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Hi Reef Central! My name is Anna, I am new to reefing (started a year ago). I have a 125 gallon FOWLR tank (40 gallon sump), and a 28 gallon Nano Cube where I keep my corals! :fish2::fish2::inlove::inlove:
Hi, I'm from Puerto Rico (Caribbean Island) and I'm new in this hobby (1 year)... Hi everyone!!! :fish2:

55g with sump

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Hi everyone, I've had my saltwater setup for a little over two months now. I have a 25 gallon tank with three damsels (which were given to me and I love them very much despite the stigma attached to them) a brittle sea star and a pink tip torch coral plus a handful of cuc.
Hello folks, im new to the forum as well as new to the saltwater hobby, i posted a few (and im pretty sure many more will araise) questions on this "New to the hobby" forum, i hope you guys can check it out and give me some advise, anyways, wish me luck and have a great day.
50g Reef NEW SETUP

50g Reef NEW SETUP

Hello all,

I am fairly new to the hobby. This is my first large tank, I kept a 10g nano with 2O.Clownfish for nearly a year, now it is time to keep them in a larger system.

This tank was started in late May 2014 by placing the 40lb of Dry Rock in a dark bin to "bake" them. They baked for 2 months. After that, the tank was setup and the rocks where in there for a week. However right when the tank's parameters where perfect, I get a call from my landlady "We are selling the house, you have 60 days to move":uhoh3:
So nothing else was purchased.
2 months went by (making it a total of 4 months+change) with the rocks and sand in the aquarium, everything running.

Now the tanks (10+50) are sitting in their new home!!:bounce3:

So far, because of the unexpected moving expenses, only one Kessil LED has been placed on the display, which is very obvious in the pictures. The skimmer needs to be raised an inch, and the light in the refugium needs to be installed as well as the cooling fans.

In the 10g there have been 2 o.clownfish, 1 Large Mexican Turbo Snail, 2 Blue hermit crabs, which will all be transferred to the 50g.
At this point the Wish list of LiveStock is this:

2 Kaudern Cardinal
1 Starry Blenny
1 Wheeler Goby
1 Randal Pistol Shrimp
1 Mandarin Dragonet (w/ separate 10g pod farm)
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
3 BT Anemones

3 McCosker Flasher Wrasse
1 Firefish
2 White Banded Possum Wrasse

This is what she looks like at the first 15 days of being installed.
new to salt water

new to salt water

Hey guys my name is scott im new to salt water been doing fresh water for 5 years and have done everything possible and am trying to breed rays now but i am now going to try salt water starting small with a 40 breeder and if i do well will upgrade to a 150 gallon later on down the line i have always loved corals tanks like zoas lps hammers torch s frog spawn and some leathers. and would greatly appreciate any and all advice on lighting substrate power heads and just every way about setting up the tank. Thank you to all in advance and i cant wait to begin this project.
hello everyone!!

hello everyone!!

Hi everyone! My name is Cristian and altho i am not new to reefs I am new to this forum I work doing aquarium maintenance, desing and build as a free lancer, I also work with computers and as a Professional SCUBA diver, I am curently working on my secnd reef, most likelly a 100 to 125 gal glass diy tank.
dropping by to say hello to fellow enthusiasts! glad to be part of the community! have a fowlr and venturing into my first reef tank.
Hello everyone. I joined this site because I'm currently building my first 29 gallon reef tank. I like knowing that I can get some great advice from knowledgeable folks!
Hello! I'm brand spanking new, and joined up to get some good guidance before starting up shrimp. I've been keeping land hermit crabs for about two years now, and don't want to have to deal with a steep learning curve on proper care for shrimps like I did with my crabs, so am wanting to gather up as much information now and get everything set up for them before I buy them.
Hi RC from Ontario Canada

Hi RC from Ontario Canada

Very new to the hobby. We have a 55 gallon saltwater. Members of our family are 5 Chromis, Coral Beauty, Yellow Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, 3 False Percs, 2 Anemones, 2 Camel shrimp, 3 Cleaner Shrimp and numerous hermit crabs and snails. We just recently purchased a Fluval 406 canister filter and were wondering if it's ok to sit it on the cabinet behind the tank. It is too tall to fit inside the cabinet so right now it is sitting behind the cabinet on the floor. It is a few inches shorter than the height of the tank. Any help or advice is much appreciated.
HELLO!!! new to RC, also active on SDReefs

Im a noob and currently starting my 1st salt tank, about a month in.

so far loving it and have less $$ then usual lolz

Visio 40 Gallon Breeder
Finnex HMO Heater w/ Digital LED Controller
Jebao WP-10s with Dual Controller
Jebao DC-3000 Return Pump
Custom 20 Gallon Sump w/ Refugium
Reef Octopus Classic INT-110 Protein Skimmer
Evergrow IT2080 LED Lights