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New to the SW tank hobby.

New to the SW tank hobby.

Well these aw my first SW tanks, I've had freshwater my whole life and have been wanting a SW one badly, well instead of opting for 1, I actually ended up getting 2 lol, first one I started from ground up which is my 29 gallon biocube, got the tank bare from my cousin, it only had upgraded LED lights, I ended up setting it up with 2 bags of live sand, and about 20 pounds of life rock, once the tank finally cycled for a month I started working on it, so far I have are 2 clownfish ( nothing special ), 1 royal gramma ( was going for the finding Nemo theme ), a red starfish, arrowhead crab, porcelain crab, rock anemone for the crab,2 Sally crabs, purple lobster, pipe organs, my favorite green ricordea mushroom, and 2 zoas.
After getting the tank set up I end up buying off a co worker a 14 gallon biocube already set up for 120$ :), I ended up stabilizing the tank out, getting everything squared away, and it didn't take me more them 10 minutes before everything was perfect, I ended up throwing 3 torch corals
In the tank with 2 small clownfish, I've also upgraded the PC lights on the 14 gallon to LEDs that came off of the top to my 29 gallon, both tanks have upgraded return pumps, maxi 1200 ( 29g ), mj900 ( 14g ), both are running heaters and LED lights, the 29g has a jebao wp-10 I just got, and the 14 has a hydor powerhead, both tanks look amazing in my room one on each side of my bed, we'll that's about it for now.
brand new new

brand new new

hello all, really excited about my new tank... 2 days into cycling, adding a piece of shrimp tomorrow to help kick things off...

live to reef
New to Reef tanks starting from the Bottom

New to Reef tanks starting from the Bottom

I am new to the forum. My name is Dennis.
I have had only freshwater tanks for the past 10 years.
" one being a very impressive river tank".
I am ready to start a reef tank because I have some very interesting ideas.
I want mostly coral as opposed to fish. I get upset when I see tangs in these nano tanks on YouTube. I will hand feed all of my coral so waste is minimal.
I will also get some shrimps and snails to help clean.

In a way this tank will become the forums tank.

I might also post a link once a month to vote on a wysiwyg piece for the tank. So first I need suggestions on the tank. I would think 60 gallons would be the limit, I am looking to purchase . I would like the tank to run through the winter with live rock becoming well established. Because some of the australian pieces are going to run me $250-$300 for a 2 -3 inch piece. What is the best all in one tank to get ?
Hello everyone. Little about me I have had several freshwater tanks over the years so I decided to start a saltwater tank. Got my 54 gal corner tank set up and running good. Have some smaller fish in there now can't wait to get more colorful fish in the tank and to start getting some corals going.
Hello from Europe

Hello from Europe

Hi everybody,
I'm Eric,from Belgium, and i am new in saltwater. I try to learn the way for maintain in good condition a tank. Sorry for my basic English but I take care to me ;p

Just wanna say Hi to everyone. Newbie here, started my first saltwater tank last month. So far so good not the greatest but decent for me atleast hehe. Anyway this forum help me a lot when I was doing my research and reading faqs before I start this hobby.
Hey everyone. Im fairly new to thw hobby. Been working on getting everything together for my 60g cube build. This will be ny first complete reef and fish tank. Cant wait!
Hello, I'm Howard from Westchester NY, and this is my first post. I just purchased an Innovative Marine SR-80 shallow reef tank. It was delivered yesterday, and set up with Fuji pink sand and 50lbs of live rock. The current filtration is just the two filter socks. I have LED lights ordered. Need to figure out which protein skimmer works and fits in the chamber. I've been researching tanks for a couple of months, and thought it would be awhile before I bought, but I swung by my lfs last week and the tank was on major sale. Could not pass it up. Now of course I'm scrambling to figure out the rest of the set up. Excited and nervous at the same time!

What's up everyone? New to marine tanks! Owned tropical fish for a while now and my girlfriend really wants a marine tank! Havent bought a tank yet or get any plans on what to buy. Im here to read alot of posts and learn any advice on tanks and fish much appreciated. Cheers.
Hi Everyone,

New to marine fish but had tropicals for years.

Inheriting a 180gl overflow with 75tank under it, protein skimmer and uv filter, was being used for coral but that has all since died. the tank has a bunch of rock that was alive but it may all be dead now.

Anyway hopefully i can make the tank awesome again :)
i have new anemone in my reef and not sure if its doin good ,its been a week and some times of the day its mouth will show out and at time it will be wide open , can some one direct me to how i can make it happyor help it get better , since its been place at first on the side middle of the tank its move to the lower corner and stay there since also a domino damcel has host it and at time when bully by clowns it will hide in the carpet , i have a few pictures here on reefcentral ,and some vidoes on the link below since i dont know how to load them on reefcentral , check them out and help me please thank you .

Kinda the new guy

Kinda the new guy

Hey everyone, I became a member quite awhile ago when I intended on starting a tank, and then didn't. I thought I was going to be moving in the foreseeable future and decided to wait on a tank. Well, I'm not moving, and I've decided to start a tank. Just purchased a 45 gal bow front tank to start a FOWLR aquarium. Doing lots of research into the rest of the equipment I'm going to purchase, but should be starting soon!
hi guys

hi guys

so new to the forum. i have a 75 gallon reef paired clowns. 5 mollies i acclimated red mushroom and what i think frogspawn( time to grow will tell for sure) snails about 10 hermits some normal a scarlet some blue leg 2 emerald crab and a sand sifter star. overflow sump ruffly 10 gal. protein skimmer good to 150 gal. future plans is sump upgrade to the 10 raised and dump into a 20 gal custom built tanks been running on move setup for a month and then some. I would like to switch to exterior pumps down the road increase my protein skimmer pump for more air intake and ad more inhabitants. i would like to have more coral and more fish in the future.
Whats up RC. My name is Brian. I have been in the hobby for about a year and a half now . I started with a bio cube and now I' am up to a 75 gallon reef with a eshopps sump bubble magus c7 skimmer and two 175 MH with t5 fixture. I' am currently planning an upgrade to a 180. If anyone has any advise feel free to share. I have learned some great stuff here and looking forward to learning more. what a great hobby!!!!!!
trying to get back into the game

trying to get back into the game

I used to have a reef tank 14 years ago. I may pick up a 180 LEEMAR starfire tank this weekend. If not I'm hoping to find a use system in great condition on this forum. Looking forward for and help and advice.
Hello everyone

Hello everyone

Hi all,

Newbie to reef tanks, although I gave had a freshwater aquarium for a number of years now. Looking forward to gleaning useful information from you knowledgable guys, and hopefully will be able to help some people out in the future.

My freshwater tank is a standard aquaone980 which is maturing well, and the reef tank is an aquaoak 450l tank with AI hydra lighting, going to look very cool (i hope)



Hi my name is Maureen. I live in oregon and just started my 29 g biocube reef tank last Tuesday. Already having numerous issues. There is definitely a learning curve. I started last Tuesday. Put in 20 lbs live rock. 2 bags live sand, saltwater from pet store and a cleaner crew! Of course all the cleaners died immediately for one of many reasons. Took me six hours to get home and to set up tank, heater wasn't working which I didn't immediately notice. Ran to wal mart in middle of night for new heater. Put in purigem into bag local ps sold me which had big holes so purigen went right into tank and covered all rock. Of course cycle had not started. Went to lps and had h2o checked they said all good low ammonia and I bought emerald crabs 1 turbo snail and 4 black margaritas to replace. Cleaner crew. Within 4 hours crabs dead. I think snails shill alive. I bought my own test kit today ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 5 ph 8.2 I removed purigen bag last night. Now I don't know is my tank is fouled and need to start all over or if cycling done! Any help would be appreciated. Probably way too much info from a newbie :headwally:


Hello, new to this hobby and already addicted, hehe. I have a 90 gallon tank with 30 gallon sump that I want to use for sps and lps. I've setup the aquarium with everything but live inhabitants in it, and now waiting for it to cycle which seems like it's been a lifetime.