If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

'lo all

New to the forum.

I have a 60 cube mixed reef display tank with ~20 custom sump. and a 45 gal frag tank with a 20l sump. Both tanks have AI Hydra 52s
New and eager to learn!!!

New and eager to learn!!!

Hello, I am new to the reef central website and excited to learn some new things about this wonderful hobby :):lolspin:
Hey everyone,

Not new to the hobby but new to saltwater. The wife gave me her blessing to get a tank. It won't be for a year or so but I am going to start growing my coral frags in the 20 Gal Long I have now. I'll take all the advice I can get!

See ya around!
hello, new to saltwater previously use to breed cichlids I just moved from Virginia to Okinawa Japan and since my tank has been emptied I decided I am going to go saltwater FOWLR/sand and once the tank is established for about 5 months add easy to-keep soft corals and then if I see successful progress I will continue to LPS and anemones. I currently have a Juwel vision 450 liter tank (approx. 120 US gallons), penn plax cascade 1500 gph filter, 5 - 800 gph powerheads, 3 - AQUATOP 200w heaters, 2 - AQUAMANA LED-60x3W Dimmable 180W Blue/White LED, Lee's Protein Skimmer...custom building a top for the tank that houses the lights...I just wanted to list my equipment because I haven't found many people around in the hobby. After all the research I've decided to go with live sand straight from the ocean here and collect sea water. I've been snorkeling and seen reef and tropical fish 5 feet offshore so I believe the sand and water will do good well in reducing the cycling period. My plan is to collect the sand and water this weekend and cycle for one week before adding two small cheap fish. I plan on DIY dry/live rock because I want to customize the structure caves and spire. I am joining a group that have live rock and corals so I will buy some off of them for starter. How does everything sound so far?


Hello, I'm new saltwater, I had a large freshwater tank for about 10 years and could not afford saltwater a long time ago... now i'm getting a marine setup. Been doing alot of reading and research and getting upto the final decision time and purchasing. lots of questions.


Hello, I'm new saltwater, I had a large freshwater tank for about 10 years and could not afford saltwater a long time ago... now i'm getting a marine setup. Been doing alot of reading and research and getting upto the final decision time and purchasing. lots of questions.



Welcome Nathan, I'm new too, what kind of questions do you have? I might have the same that someone might answer.
I am new to this site as well as to saltwater aquariums and everything that goes with them. I have just started a 55gal FOWLR and currently have 2 ocellaris clowns in it. I hope to get them some friends soon.
Thank you in avance for your helpful advice - I'm sure I'll need it!
Hi. I'm new to the forum, and feeling a little overwhelmed. I had been successfully maintaining a 54 gal fresh water tank until a few weeks ago when we decided to switch over to cichlids, we figured they were a good 1/2 step towards salt. Well, once in the LFS my wife convinced me to skip past the cichlids right into saltwater fish. I'm doing as much research as I can, while my tank sits cleared out except for about 40 gallons of the old freshwater. Reading up before my next move which I'm hoping down the road becomes a reef tank, but initially will be a FOWLR w/ live sand.
Thanks for all the info I've gathered so far, and for all of the info i'm sure to gather going forward!
Hello, This is my first post on a forum. A kid I sold my last tank to on craigslist told me there were reef clubs and many helpful people here. Im in Westchester, NY and have been reefing for 5 years. I started small with a 14 gal cube and have been upgrading every year I just bought a 265 gallon tank after closing on my house. If there are any local reefers please inbox me. This is going to take a long time to get this tank running, but patience is key to this hobby right? I've got a fish store I trust watching a few fish and a 30 gallon holding all my corals that aren't as common as most others. First order of business is building the right sump so look for me in the DIY section. Ciao!
Hi everyone, I'm from morganton NC,

I've raised freshwater tanks since I was knee high to a grasshopper. It's always been a dream of mine to have a saltwater tank and I just recently purchased a 75 gal drilled tank with a 20 gallon sump. I've been in the process of setting the tank up for the past month including resealing and water testing. I have got 50 lbs of base rock and about 60 gallons of water (Red Sea salt mix) along with 80lbs of sand, and I am waiting to buy the live rock and waiting to put the 40lbs of live sand in. I have been researching saltwater for about 6 years now and since I bought a new house, I only thought it was fitting to get my first saltwater tank, I have two reef breeders led units above my tank. I also have a sea urchin protein skimmer along with everything else to start my tank. I am a fish enthusiast in a sea of people who don't understand why. I would love to find people that live around me to help me through this big first step. Tips, tricks, or anything else will be greatly appreciated. I will be setting up a reef tank and I have planned a stock list already. Glad to join such a good forum.
I'm absolutely new to reefing. I had a couple of freshwater tanks 20+ years ago, so I'm approching this like I'm completely new. I'll start a new topic shortly on getting started. So far, I have a 20 gallon tank, stand and single regular flourescent light fixture. Everything else is still to be purchased.
Hi, I'm Fabien from San Francisco, CA. I used to have a freshwater tank. I've now a saltwater 55G tank for about a year now.
Some up and down with the sea life in there. But I'm learning everyday.
I love everything about computers and electronic and I am building an LED light system.
Hi all Dan here, I'm just getting back into a reef system, I've had one in the past (9 years ago) and I've got a 70 gallon freshwater planted system. I just picked up a 5 year old established system and moved it into my new 75 gallon tank. Looking forward to learning and interacting with folks here.
Hi all Dan here, I'm just getting back into a reef system, I've had one in the past (9 years ago) and I've got a 70 gallon freshwater planted system. I just picked up a 5 year old established system and moved it into my new 75 gallon tank. Looking forward to learning and interacting with folks here.

Another Michigander, awesome.
Hello Everyone!

Time for me to come out of the shadows and start actively participating.

I'm from Seattle, and returning to the hobby after about 15 years. So much has changed! I have been running a 30g for the past six months to bring my self back up to speed while I built out a 180g. It will be a mixed reef with non aggressive fish and plenty of inverts. I'll get some pics up of my build ASAP.

Erik B.
hi guys and gals I'm from md and am fairly new to the hobby, i had a small 12 gal nano a few years ago, ballast went out and couldn't find another one as it was an old tank. so i gave away all my stuff and now I decided to start another nano that i could share the joys of building with my wife and child now. but this time i upgraded in size to a 29, as i was having trouble trying not to buy new additions for my 12 gal bc i was running out of room. so now i have a little to play with. looking forward to meeting a lot of people and especially learning allottt of stuff from them. I CANT WAIT!!