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New o Forum

Hi Everyone,
I've been a mad aquarist for years and have had tropicals, cichlids, saltwater or reef systems. A lot of my past success has been limited to finances. I am looking for advice for a few issues currently in my reef system. My PH is 8.1, Ca 450ppm, KH 7dKH (2.5Meg/L) (which is a little low), NH3/NH4 0 ppm,NO3 50+ppm( which is way too high), NO2 0 ppm, PO4 0.2ppm (which is too high)
I have 9 fish in a 90G with refugium and display tank has a DSB. I run an Deltec MCE400 protein skimmer, Canister filter, 1/4hp chiller, Filter sock into refugium.
I live in a dry hot climate so I find evaporation is a big issue. I realise it is a water change issue, but what % do I remove before doing a top up of water? I find as its coming into summer I am topping up 40-60litres a week. I do 100lt water change once a month as well as the weekly top ups. Thanks for any advice.

Hi, my name is Amba. My partner and I have been keeping tropical fish for the past two years and are finally taking the step to begin a marine tank. We are in the process of purchasing our tank now and will be getting a 72 Gallon Cube :)
Hey everybody! I'm Jed. I'm very new to this hobby and this is my very first saltwater tank (150 gallon clear for life acrylic). I know it's big for my first tank but I got a good deal on it with the stand. Plus, more room for error, rt? Anyway, my first tank was a freshwater African cichlid tank and my second was a red belly piranha tank. both low maintenance compaired to the research I've been doing on saltwater tanks lol.

So far I have added dry rock and sand, skimmer is on hand, debating whether or not to get a sump/refugium, and I have 48" t5 hood. I plan on going FOWLR, and eventually add corals in the future. I plan on cycling my tank for a few months (lol) until I get back from vacation to start adding fish.

Looking forward to the learning process but not so much on breaking the bank :D
What's up RC...

Have a new 26g salt tank with a cuc and 2 Nemo's, anxious to try some zoas and palys.

Also just picked up a used 75g that needs some TLC.
New to the reef central

New to the reef central

I'm 33yrs old, female and full time student in the respiratory therapy program. I have been in the hobby a little over 3yrs and own a 125 gallon tank with coral/fish. Nothing better than coming home relaxing and looking at your tank.
Hello! I'm new to the forum and somewhat new to the hobby. I have previously had 125 gallon reef with 20 gallon sump and also a 29 gallon nano reef. I say I'm new to the hobby bc this was about 10 years ago when I was a teenager and had plenty of extra time. Now that live has settled down a bit I'm back into it. This time I had just started a new 20 gallon high nano. I just put in live rock this past Monday approx 12lbs of cured tonga.

So much has changed over the years and I realize how much I forgot so I feel like a total noob! Lol
Hey guys. I'm new to the form and the world of saltwater tanks. I have a few planted tanks and decided to re-purpose my 46l edge into a nano reef for the bedroom. Should be a fun project. I have spent days reading the forums as I gather parts so finally time to say hi!
Hey everyone, been lurking for a bit now. Decided it was time to make an account. I have 0 experience with reefs, but plenty of experience with freshwater. Looking to get some advice on my first set up and hopefully succeed. The tanks I have seen on here are awesome.
Hi guys, got a fresh water tank and planning a nano reef in a 23L /9G fluvel edge...

I got a tank after my friend persuaded me to get a 28 gallon nano..little did I know I was the guinea pig to see how to set one up. Had a lot of mistakes (buying damsels to cycle, buying a duncan after a month, etc.). Now I'm trying to get good advice and suggestions for his tank and mine so there won't be any more debates.
Returning member here...actually don't remember my original user name from many years ago.

Back then I had begun the slow process of creating a tank, was 250 gallons. I was going DIY as much as possible...even built my own custom cabinet and was going from there.

A house fire...to the ground, took that away from me. Since then, I have never wanted to make the financial investment to get re-started in a saltwater aquarium. I still have the passion for them, love seeing them, etc. (2 kids are part of the financial equation now).

I love the DIY aspect of anything...and have decided to start studying again and visiting this great site. In a few years when I have empty nest syndrome I may give it another shot then.
Ro filter- how do i know if its good?

Ro filter- how do i know if its good?

I am going to buy a used MPDI MaxPure RO and DI System - 90 gpd - $80
Is there anything I should know before I purchase? I am a total novice to saltwater fishtanks and will be using this to fill my tank (hopefully tonight!!!) Any input would be greatly appreciated... :)
I've inherited a reef tank

I've inherited a reef tank


I'm a biology professor, and I've been put in charge of the badly neglected reef tank, because I'm a zoologist. Unfortunately my expertise is small mammals, not marine invertebrates, so I really only know the basics (or perhaps a bit less than the basics). My goal is to get that tank looking great as quickly as possible.

So it looks like this is my new hobby, which my employers are willing to fund! :bounce3:

I've posted a more detailed request for advice as a separate thread, but the admin hasn't approved it yet. Hopefully it will show up soon.
Hello, I've been in the hobby since 2009. Had a 24 gallon nano for the last several years; finally kicked off the transition to a 60 gallon rimless. New member to this forum. Looking forward to getting back into things again.
Hello. I am new to reef aquariums and this site :) Hope you peeps can help me loads and in turn, my teething troubles can be at least entertaining and never tiresome.

Thanks :)
New from CT

New from CT

Hi RC. I've been a lurker for a few months. I was never allowed to have fish as a kid and now that I'm a grown man and can do what I want so I bought a FW tank as a joke. I wasn't expecting to have as much fun as it is but quickly am growing bored and have decided to plan out a SW. I have read a bunch of books and read a bunch of threads. The plan is to get a tank going after we get the house next year (maybe sooner if I can convince the GF that its necessary!) I'm in huge planning mode and will probably continue to lurk, there is a lot of information to process and I want to do it right from the start. As with every hobby I have-there has always been a supportive online community to rely on when I need to ask the stoopid questions. I like what I have lurked on in RC. Look forward to hanging out with you guys!
My reef tank project / Blackhole

My reef tank project / Blackhole

Hello . My name is Scott age 39 from Ohio. Im new to saltwater aquariums though had freshwater tanks for 8+ years. I got rid of all my old fresh water stuff and im now in the process of a major salt water reef tank build cantilevered out in front of my fireplace. This will be aprox. 250 gallon acrylic tank with 85"L 25"D 28"H outside measurements and 1" thick acrylic on sides. So what i have built so far is the tank stand , some of the rough pluming , a 3600lb concrete counter weight in basement and the tie rods going from tank stand to block. None of the tanks weight will be on the floor or be touching the floor but all of that will reside on the fireplace foundation to explain better. been working on this project for 3 years now and will try to build the tank this winter. Like to keep working on this but have hands on so many projects so the tank is my winter fun lol.
Hello good morning everyone. My name is Daniel, i am in lower Westchester, NY. I been keep fish for about 8 years, specifically cichlids. I have been reefing for 1 year, and loving it. I have a 25 gallon reef tank, and wait for it..... I recently purchased a 220 gallon reef ready tank. I am definitely here to learn more, and meet some good people. Blessings to all
A little nervous about saltwater

A little nervous about saltwater

Hey everyone, my names Mike and as off a month ago I am new to saltwater tanks. I got a fully (or what I thought was fully) setup 65 gallon FOWLR setup. Right now I have 2 clown fish and a furry red hermit crab that came with it. I have a ton of questions so I will try to post them more accordingly in different areas on the site. I jumped into this area of the hobby a little too soon so I will be pestering all of you with novice questions. Can't wait to learn more and happy to be here! thanks!!