If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!


I've been trolling around here for a bit, but now it's time to get down an dirty with the details. As with most of my follow hobbyists, i started with a 28 gallon F.W. then upgraded to a nice 150 gallon un-drilled BowFront with a 25 gallon bio-ball sump which I turned into a FOWLR for several years. During that time the glass became severely scratched due to a MagFloat+grain of sand nastiness, which currently sits empty on the central Florida lanai. More to that later.

Currently I am running a standard MarineLand 37 Gallon Tank setup as a NanoReef outside on the central Florida lanai. It's hooked up to a JBJ Arctic 1/10HP chiller, running with an Eclipse 3 hood, and a Orbit-Marine Current USA LED light. It's inhabited by LPS,s, Zoa's, Shrooms, and a variety of fish. Did i mention it was outside on the lanai in central Florida?

Recently I happened upon a relatively new 150 gallon Reef-Ready BowFront, with corner overflows (Herbie maybe) with an ADHI Berlin Model-30 sump. Additional equipment includes a Coral Life 200G protein skimmer, media reactor, and BlueLine Aqua Pump 30 running the show. Right now it's empty and i can do anything to it if i like. I'm thinking a re-drilling it for a Calfo/BeanAnimal combo (because i want to make it a mixed reef), or should I just leave it be, put some LR in the sump, plus add a fuge then call it a day? Any Advice Would be Nice. Thanks in advance.

Also trying to sell a scratched 150 gallon BowFront, or maybe turn into a Beardie tank......but that's another thread.
Hi Everyone,
I would like to introduce myself,my name is Robert,from Ontario,Canada.I have enjoyed Reef Central,for about 2 years.I have been in the hobby since I was 14 years of age,and I am 60 y/o,now.There have been intervals where I gave up over the years,due to frustration,but I have always come back to it.My current aquarium is a 225 gallon XH Marineland aquarium.The Internet has been a boon for this hobby.Back in the late 1960's when I set up for the first time,there was vague information on how to be successful in this hobby,and there wasn't the equipment that is available ,today to purchase.Anyway,I have learned a lot from reading these threads,and I am glad I've finally registered.
Hello Guys, made this a while ago but now i got my tank so im back for good.

Hello Guys, made this a while ago but now i got my tank so im back for good.

Hello guys and gals

My name is Kyle i live in Broward County Florida. Just got my tank 2 days go from a buddy. Got a killer deal. 75 gallon with stand. Led lights 48'' Orbit-Marine Current USA LED Current ramp time pro with remote. And i am right now in the process of making a Refu/ Sump out of my old 27.5 Gallon tank i had laying around. Thats one big part i could use some help and input from you everyone on here.



Looking forward to meeting some new friends.
Hi everybody

Hi everybody

Click on my name to see what I have. Thanks for the welcome page, I've been managing my tank well, I use my saltwater test kit to monitor the water, also two thermometers. I would like to make a sump to filter my water even more. I've started growing this thin film of bright green fast growing algae on the glass of my tank, lately i've often wondered what that's about. other than that my fish seem to be pretty happy. I feed them brine shrimp, San Francisco kind from pet-co. Any advice is great. :) Thank you.:deadhorse1:
Need help with New 90 gal Setup

Need help with New 90 gal Setup

Just set up 90 gal tank upgrade. Please check my tank specs. Anything vital anybody wants to share with me knowing my tank specs and intentions will be glady appreciated. But for now I have a few questions...

1) How long should it take for phosban reactor to clear up the algae problem? I'm running GFO in it. Is that the best thing? I read there are lots of options as far as what to put in the reactor
2)How long should I wait with this new tank before I start adding stuff (both fish and coral)? Is there anything I should be doing other than adding the stability and letting everything run like normal
3) What are really friendly and colorful reef safe fish that can cohabitate together?
4) How often is a water change recommended?
5) I read peppermint shrimp are good for aptasia control but my eel keeps eating them. Any other natural predators to these things? I hate injecting them with the Aptasia X
6) What are natural predators for the green algae?
New guy!

New guy!

Hi my name is Mark. I live in the southern US. I have way to many kids and not enough money. I have be in out of the hobby a few times over the last few years. I am still very much a beginner and know very little about the hobby. I have had a 55 gallon fowlr years ago. Then a few years ago I did a 14 gallon biocube softie tank. Currently, all i have is a 29 gallon fowlr. The reef tanks are awesome but right now I am financially unable to pertake in it so, for now, fish only. A big Hello to all members!

Thanks, Mark
Just set up 90 gal tank upgrade. Please check my tank specs. Anything vital anybody wants to share with me knowing my tank specs and intentions will be glady appreciated. But for now I have a few questions...

1) How long should it take for phosban reactor to clear up the algae problem? I'm running GFO in it. Is that the best thing? I read there are lots of options as far as what to put in the reactor
i like phosban myself, but thats just what i have experience with. Thebclean-up period unfortunately depends on whats causing it. When i had a minor hair outbreak, i cut feeding in half, and light down by an hour on dawn and dusk
2)How long should I wait with this new tank before I start adding stuff (both fish and coral)? Is there anything I should be doing other than adding the stability and letting everything run like normal
do you have any life sand or rock from a healthy tank or trusted source? BRS obviously recommends bio-spira to kick start and can immediately add hardy fish like clowns.
3) What are really friendly and colorful reef safe fish that can cohabitate together?
with an eel...mentioned below...your options dwindle. I must defer to someone with experience with eels.
4) How often is a water change recommended?
depends on school of thought. My trusted LFS owner has done 10 in a year and plans to never do another one. He does not use skimmers and instead employs a full ecosystem style. I must say i trust him, and most of his corals are exploding.
5) I read peppermint shrimp are good for aptasia control but my eel keeps eating them. Any other natural predators to these things? I hate injecting them with the Aptasia X
6) What are natural predators for the green algae?
emerald crabs, blue legs hermits, turbo, astrea, sea hares,cucumbers, Mexican red legs...it really depends on how hungry they are and what the green algae is...i vote minimize feeding and cut light, add/diversify a few hermits and snails, and siphon out what you can,

The only thing with more variables than troubleshooting your tank is options on how to make it your own. A good size tank like that with a good cleanup crew, enough but not too much light, a good maintenance schedule (varies significantly), and CONSTANT PARAMETERS will be a brilliant adventure. Best of luck!!
Hi, everyone! I am Megan, and I am completely new here (2 months in), so far I am LOVING it....but have tons of questions and lots of learning to do! ;-)
Hi All,
I'm not totally new but might as well be. I've been out of the hobby for about 8 years and I couldn't track down the info for my old log in. Glad to be back and I'm super excited to get a new tank set up and share that with my 4 year old daughter. Good to see some familiar names still hanging out here!
Teach me

Teach me

Hello my name is Zach, I'm a very new enthusiasts who plans on getting a tank set up in the next month or so. I have no knowledge on aquariums just a couple friends who have tanks. I'm really interested in the rimless cubes for a reef tank but my one buddy who knows too much for his own good is trying to talk me into getting a 40 gallon breeder tank, so that's the route I'll probably take. Any info on pumps or ANYTHING you want to school me on let me know. Thanks!
New to hobby

New to hobby

Hi I'm Kelly. Very new to hobby. I got a used tank set up from a client of mine. 75 Gallon tank. 25 gallon sump. Heater. Chiller. Pump. Plumbing. Stand. Approx 80 lbs of crushed coral rock for base. Led blue and whites.
So I've never had a reef setup. Doing all this from no experience and just reading reading reading online. Way too much info to process. Lol
have had water and about 40 lbs of live rock cycling for almost 2 weeks. Nitrite didn't spike for almost 2 weeks. Finally spiked last week.
I had a brief encounter with brown algae. Disappeared a couple days later. Now brown and green algae is forming.
Any help would be appreciated.
Is this all part of the cycling process?
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hey kelly,
im a few months into this hobby. id say after that first round of brown algae dissapeared,you were good to go to start adding livestock. i went with a clean up crew and 4 green chromis.(chromis are cheap). to start your Poop cycle. good luck!!!
New to the forum.

New to the forum.

Morning All,

I'm Donna in CA. I've had a 14 gal Bio-Cube for about 3 years now, and am loving it. Plan to move up in the world (as predicted by all seasoned reefers) to a 125 gal. Looking forward to all your advice in this new build!!

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

Canadian Reef Noob

Canadian Reef Noob

Hey Reef Central! Ariela here from Ontario, Canada. My hubby and I are new to the hobby, starting with a 29g biocube. It already has had quite a few mods without even any water in it yet! So the hobby starts...already dreaming of what we can accomplish.
Love all the information we find here! :celeb3:
Hi, sw newbie here... I've had freshwater tanks (or my parents did) since I was ten (26 now). Currently have a betta sorority, a fancy goldfish pond and a couple of axolotls. Looking forward to dipping my toes into saltwater after my SO and I move into a house in the fall so I'm just researching at the moment. I discovered that dwarf lionfish are a thing and im in love.
Newbie to the Hobby!

Newbie to the Hobby!


My name is Brad, and I just joined within the last hour. As a newbie to the hobby (55 gallon tank), there's so much for me to learn, and I'm sure I will find the answers to my questions on this website. It has been so far, a rewarding experience, and hope to grow as time goes on....

New to Form

New to Form

Hello All
I have been surfing this site for couple years now to get AWESOME info and ideas about our tank and livestock. I have learned a ton form this place and all the great people with their knowledge and experiences, so I decided to join up. We had a 55 Gallon running with no sump but have a canister filter, air pump skimmer, and wave maker. the tank had a 2-3 in sand/crushed coral bed in it. we always used ro/di water from the store for water changes. we always battled with high nitrates every thing else was good water wise, and all live stock seemed happy and good. never really got into SPS's or LPS's yet due to the water not being right. currently I just built a double decker stadium stand and purchased another 55 Gallon and a tank I made into a sump, so I will have both 55 gallons running in series together with gravity overflow draining from top tank into bottom tank and from there into sump, which will pump back up to top tank. we trasfered everything so far into one tank and will be setting the second 55 gallon up today! so far so good!!! my wife is very very excited.

Again, I am glad I finally signed up here!!!
New to Reef Central

New to Reef Central

Hello everyone. I am new to the forums here. I have had reef aquariums on and off for the last 15 years, but it has been a few years since my last attempt. A couple months ago I started an Innovative Marine Nuvo 20g reef. I am glad to be back into the hobby.