Hello, I'm new to RC and relatively new to marine fish keeping.
I've kept FW fish, mainly African cichlids, for many years (30+) and currently have a 350g and a grow-out tank. I've always steered clear of marine tanks because of the perceived difficulty, time, and expense in keeping them. So nine months ago, when my son talked my husband into setting our other 350g in the newly renovated basement, I was a little worried. My husband, who is an engineer and is not an aquarist of any sort, did NOT understand what it takes to keep a marine tank. It turned out to be much more involved and much less of a precise science than he expected. So, after several misadventures and a good deal of money down the tubes (or the toilet as the case may be) while adding fish, I have inherited the tank. I'm going to try to keep the type of livestock my husband seems to like and indulge my tastes when I convert the other tank sometime in the future.
I'm trying to learn as much as I can about this hobby. I realize that little of the experience I have from FW will transfer to SW. I don't have unlimited funds to throw at this endeavor, especially since I still have kids in college. I would like to find the happy medium between the two extremes of fish keeping which to me are 1. The "œjust throw some fish in there and keep buying them until something lives" approach and 2. The "œobsess over every little detail, spend massive amounts of money, and make it your full time job" approach. Hopefully, those of you in category 2 won't give me too much grief.
There seem to be many people with an amazing depth of knowledge about SW aquariums! It is wonderful to have this library of knowledge from which to draw information. But don't be surprised if I question suggestions. Most of the time, my questions are asked so I can understand the reasoning behind the suggestions. I know scientific methods and I have a degree in biological sciences. So, I"˜m not being dismissive of your knowledge, I'm attempting to reconcile advice from this forum with the knowledge and preconceptions I have.
Happy Fish Keeping and thanks in advance for your help!