If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!


My name is Luis, a Brazilian living in Australia (sorry for my poor english) and I am planning to set up my first reef aquarium.
Thinking about a 120 litres (30 gallon) mini reef.

Hope everything goes well.


My name is Lori and I've been perusing your website for about a year and a half now and have learned so many interesting and helpful things that I thought maybe its time to say hi and officially thank you all for sharing your wisdom with newbies like myself!
I have a 2 year old 105 gal with a 40 sump and waaaay too many corals. I'm looking forward to getting to know more about saltwater tanks and how to be a better reef keeper over time. :))
New to the Reef

New to the Reef

Hello to everyone! I am new to the reef aquarium game. I built my first tank in April and after 3 months the bottom dropped out of my 75 gallon and leaked all over my house. Lost everything but did not loose faith. I have a new 75 gallon running with a sump and its running through it cycle. Try number two is my last one of this does not work out.

This site has been a great guide for me so I decided to join and learn!


Hi Guys, My Name is Luke. I am brand new to Saltwater fish keeping. Always had small tanks, super basic ones. Finally in a position in my life, with a new house, steady job and an awesome family, and decided to step my game up! Been researching loads for about a year now, and finally put my Water/Live Rock/Sand into my tank on Sunday (16th August 2015), to start cycling. Will be asking lots of questions and hope to find answers :D


Have a great day guys!
Hey everyone new to the forum but not to saltwater been unfortunately unable to have a tank for a while due to family and kids, but now the kids have an interest in saltwater fish so dad gets to start a tank again. Already purchased a 150 gallon tank and just taking my time to pair the right equipment with it to make sure its done right. Lot has changed in the last 7 years. Glad to be back in the hobby.
New to the hobby! I have been keeping freshwater tanks for years and I am in the process of setting up my first reef tank. Any Denver, CO reefers out there?

My current setup:

CAD Lights Artisan II 70 gallon tank and stand
Trigger Systems Ruby 30 Sump
Vertex Omega 150 Skimmer
ATI Dimmable Sunpower 36 inch 6 bulb fixture
Tunze Osmolator ATO
BRS Dual GFO and Carbon Reactor
Vortech MP40W-QD
Hey guys thanks for everyone's help and answers to all my concerns

Hey guys thanks for everyone's help and answers to all my concerns

Hello guys here is an update to my 60 gallon reef tank, I still need a lot to work on but here it is and I am really proud of it so far :)
Just joined hello out there. I have a Red Sea max s 500 just starting up. Tank is 4 months old with two clowns and 2 pyjama cardinals, 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 fire shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, load of hermits, loads of snails, tuxedo urchin, mushrooms, Zoas, hammer head, torch, Devils finger, toads stool. And that's it so far but by bit aha
new to reefcentral from Portugal

new to reefcentral from Portugal

my name is Nuno, 37yr and I´m from Portugal :wave:

This forum is such huge information source that I'll be starting a thread and I hope you nice people can help me.


My name is Armando I live in Central Florida! Just started a tank a few days ago, and the info i have found here is amazing. Thank you so much



Hello Everyone,

My name is Brett. I started out with the family aquarium (that was in storage) 6 months ago. It was a freshwater 40 gallon long tank that mainly had angelfish and tetras. I converted it into a saltwater tank. I have 2 false percula clownfish, 2 green chromis, diamond goby, and firefish goby that get along great.

Just finished cycling my new tank which is a 150 gallon tank. Looking to get some new fish in it soon.

My name is Eddie I 'm new to reef keeping. I am currently 4 weeks in on 10 ga. tank and have lots of questions. I have been brought to this site multiple times as I seek info and help through google searches lots of good information here.
Been a lurker since 2003. Have had a few tanks since then. Most recent is a 150 g that is being completely redone. A lot has changed since i set this one up in 2007. I will likely have some questions.
New member to RC

New member to RC

Hello everyone. My name is Chris, I am 24 and live with my wife and 2 pitbulls. I have had fish tanks on and off my whole life (fresh and saltwater). I just recently purchased an 80 gallon deep blue rimless tank (which is the biggest I have had so far). I have a stand,lighting, and sump for it, and am starting the process of piecing different things together and hope to get it up and running as soon as possible!
New to Salt Freshwater for 10 years

New to Salt Freshwater for 10 years

Hello, I am new to Salt I have done Cichlids and Live Plants for the last 10 years.
About 5 years ago I was setting up a 300 gallon in my foyer and a casual friend I knew had a Reef 220 that the seal let go of and he offered me everything that he had left for $500.00. Fish, Live Sand, Corals, Pumps, Lights, Protein Skimmers and Chemicals.
I only had a 40 long as my 300 was in the garage while we were reinforcing the foyer floor to be safe. I down sized everything taking as much of his water as I could. I could not buy locally a refractometer and had to rely on specific gravity.
I killed everything in the tank in two weeks and had chemicals I never even heard of even after reading numerous books Salt Water for Dummies etc...
Scared the ____ out of me?? So I stayed with Freshwater and than Hurricane Sandy came!!
Well, I am tired of my 4 kids and wife complaining how nice the Salt Water Fish are The Clean Up Shrimp, Corals etc.. So i figured I would try to do my 180 Bowfront Salt.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a large Sump( 40 by 18 by 16) because my stand was custom made (over built) so I cannot squeeze a lot in there and will have to auto top off manually via the 2 45 gallon drums of RO/DI water I will have on deck in the basement.
Reef Octupus Protein Skimmer, Power Heads, Tufa Rock Dead, Sand White Dead, Current Full Spectrum Leds and Marineland Reef Capables. I have a lot of Led lights.

I get lost in setting up the sump with miracle Mud and ...?
Cleaning/Water Changes if I should ever?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated

Thank you