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Hi guys, new in RC.. here´s my tank :)


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New to hermit crabs

New to hermit crabs

We got four hermit crabs on the weekend. Worried as they don't move much when in the cage. However when we bring them out to play they wander everywhere. Should I be worried.
Back at It

Back at It

After a long hiatus, I'm back at reefing. Technology has changed much since my first reef tank back in <gulp!> 1985. But I'm back. I have had a successful jellyfish aquarium for about a year. I decided to start a small, 20G DT recently. It has been cycling for about a week. I have a single Radion and an Apex controller (which I love). All is going well so far. Look forward to learning with your help.
Hi all,
Well I had a reef tank about 15 years ago and I am thinking about getting back into it, lots seems to have changed and prices are through the roof for the gear. I could use lots of tips. Biggest reason I got rid of it back then was I had small kids and not enough time and it was a lot of work.
Hey all,
New here kinda tank has been up for 3 months. Been researching a lot! There are a ton of ideas and reading on this site and it's appreciated. Thank you
First Saltwater Tank

First Saltwater Tank

Just wanted to introduce myself, handle is nismot. I've had freshwater tanks in the past. I found them be a little boring for my taste. So thought I would "dive" into the saltwater world.

My current setup so far is 75 gallon display with a 30gallon sump w/refugium, return pump, 48" LED lighting, 300 watt heater, and 1 maxijet 1200. Been going for about 5 weeks. 50 pounds of dry rock, and 25 pounds of live rock. 5 snails, 2 peppermint shrimp, and 1 fire shrimp so far.

So just posting here.

New to owning aquariums, but have been around them as a kid. I have 2 kids now who are interested and we are going to build 3 FOWLR tanks... build our "live rock" and catch the fish.

10g - quarantine tank (3" Live sand base, 3lbs Live rock, Ocean water, 1 Sergeant Major) - up and running now
75g - Being built... DIY overflow, Mag 7, 20g sump tbd
125g - on hold till 75g is up and running... lots of striping and sanding to be done. DIY overflow, 55g sump tbd
Starting research for a 40gal Innovative Marine tank. Previously did a 90 gallon for about 8 months, but had to move so sold it all and starting over. Looking for ideas on equipment and lessons learned from those with experience on smaller tanks.
Hello everyone new to reef central been in the hobby for a couple of years. I'm just cycling a new tank which is a Red Sea reefer 450 what to go/try sps need help with what lighting to use I'm thinking radion gen 3 any help would be great full thanks
Hey everyone my name is Scott. I have had several aquariums over the years. I just purchased (3 weeks ago) a 75 gallon show tank, with 45 gallon sump and all accessories including live rock. I have already been using the forum, decided to join to get some specific advice from the pro's. Look forward to reading and learning.
New to Saltwater

New to Saltwater

I am new to saltwater aquariums. I have a Biocube 14 with a DIY LED light I bought used. I want to start with a FOWLR and later add zoanthids. I joined in 2011 but this is my first post...
Hello Gang... I'm a Newbie!

Hello Gang... I'm a Newbie!

Hello everyone... My name is Rog and I have a 20 Gallon Nano Reef Tank :fish1: for about 3 months now.. I have one Clown fish (had two but the female jumped out the tank and died :facepalm:) - I have 4 frags, 3 Astraea Turbo Snail, 1 Turban snail, 1 small hermit crab (might get rid of this guy) and one Tiger Sand Conch that I love! My pump and filter were given to me with my first 10 Gal tank I originally started with 3 months ago and found a great deal on my 20Gal tank with Stand i couldn't resist.

I have always wanted a saltwater tank and worked in Brooklyn years ago that had a nano reef tank owned by my old Supervisor (Who is a member on here too) and had the advantage to know more than the average newbie. Please visit my profile and take a look at my pics.. Advise and tips/tricks are always appreciated although I have an excellent teacher (my old supervisor lol) "Latino277" :hammer: He was the reason I joined here to learn and learn and learn all about being a reefer.. :lolspin:

I'm building my rocks up although I already have live rock acclimated for a while but know I need some more... I'm a work in progress!
help im the newb trying to set up a reef tank!

help im the newb trying to set up a reef tank!

well I been on and off in the hobby for about 7yrs. now I want to start my first reef tank, I have kept saltwater, fresh water systems in the past with more success in the fresh water systems. BUT now I really want to keep a reef tank. I have been looking for the equipment on craigslist and have found this so far..Precision Marine Acrylic Sump (16 gal - 24x11.5x14), single inlet with refugium chamber and a seaclear 60 gallon acrylic tank. I wanted to know what the best way of setting this up as far as the filtration goes
how many ways can I run the tank (filtration) some one told me I could run a refugium? deep sandbed?..or some other way were u dose the tank??
Hey folks. I'm new to these parts. I've kept various freshwater tanks for 25 or more years now. Everything from large aggressive tanks to pico shrimp tanks, and everything inbetween. The last 5 years or so in the hobby were spend on planted tanks. I've been away from aquariums for a couple of years now, as I've been raising kids rather than fish. My daughter is now old enough that she wants Nemo to come live with us. I'm happy to oblige.

I'm working on my plans to set up a 40b reef with a sump for my first foray into the salty world of aquaria. This has been a great resource, among others, for research on not only methods of setting up a reef tank, but on the equipment as well. I look forward to becoming a part of this community.
No water just sand

No water just sand

What's up fellas. Completely green to salt.

I found a 75 gallon tank with a ca. 50 gal refugium for the classroom at the beginning of August. I procured sand. I went with the 1lb/gal rule from the LFS guy (wow that place is expensive). I am afraid to add water, but am getting ready to buy some IORC (instant ocean reef crystals…due you guys abbreviate that?) on amazon. They have a 200gal box/$50 deal w/free shipping that I feel pretty confident in. LFS guy had that for $80.:bum:

Now I'm searching Craigslist for LED lights. I've been using $8, Walmart clamp lights with 100w, daylight, spiral CFLs on my planted tank, but recently heard that fluorescents start to encourage algae growth as they get older. I need a hydrometer too. Mg, I, Sr, and NO3- seem like they need to be actively monitored in a reef tank…but I figure, with exception of NO3-, won't change without coral.

I have one LED light that I bought with the tank. I figure I'll get the water in there, mix in the salt and get the equipment running; turn on the light, add some sand and chaeto to the refugium….and then breathe.:spin1:
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