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I just started my first salt water tank and loving it. 125 gal LRFO"¦. I'm just trying to get the hang of things for 2-3 years before I try to have a full reef. Also thank you so much for all the forms it's been a life saver.

New Here

New Here

HELLO RC. I'm labrace and am a noob reefer. I've had cichlids for a few years now and am glad I finally pulled the trigger on a reef tank. This site has been extremely helpful throughout the research stage as there is a lot of expertise here. I am looking forward to learning more.
Hello everyone
I'm sort of new I use to have a saltwater aquarium and then I joined the AF. So I sold what I had. In 6 months I plan on starting up again. I'm here hoping to get as much information as possible to help me succeed. I cannot really post of what I have, but I can post what I want lol.

Tank 90 gallon 36x24x24 SC aquariums

Kessil or Ecotech Radion bc of the control ability
T5's bc of the simplicity and history

I still have my skimmer it's 135ins reef dynamic skimmer which worked really well in the past

Water movement maxpect gyre or ecotech powerheads

I'd also like to have a doser when I learn more about them and how to effectively use them.

I want a reef tank, but now cluttered with rock I want open water for my fish to swim. The rock I plan on getting is the real reef rock from BRS it's suppose to be better for the ecosystem.

Anyways this is getting too long but atleast you all have an idea of what I'd like to have. So if anyone would care to assist me in being more knowledgeable about the products or other products as well as succeeding in this hobby, I'd be privileged to learn and hear what you have to say. Thanks
Hi, my Name Is Nick, I have a 75 gallon planted freshwater and I recently have wanted to get into saltwater, I currently have a 10 gallon salt water, a 10 gallon hang on back filter and one of those propeller thingies to stir up the water (I can't remember the actual term and I don't feel like looking at the box haha) I have a small hermit crab and an ocilarius clownfish. No chorals now. Really want a sexy shrimp and or an anemone to finish things off but I definitely need all the advice I can get!
New guy

New guy

Hi reef central,

I'm a new guy to the reef central forum, so thanks for having me. I've been out of the saltwater scene for 17 years and just getting back to it.
New girl!!

New girl!!

Hi, my name is Angie, I received a 55 gallon tank last year for Christmas but just got it started up in July due to a move. I am ready to upgrade my filter and add a protein skimmer, I have two low price filters, one being the one that came with the tank and the other a small filter. I am reaching out to see what the recommendation is. I have been researching canister filters but with all of the reviews on them, it seems that the diy filtration and skimmer system is the best. Can anyone guide me to a getting started point on that, as far as what I need to get started and go from there? I appreciate your time.


Hello fellow reefers. New to the fourm. I have a 55 gal. Reef tank with tomini tang, firefish, two clowns, six line wrasse and a coral beauty. Deep blue extreme 48" lights. Two dont work. Going to replace ballast when it comes in. Seaclone skimmer. Bout 45 lbs of live rock and live sand. Hope to fit into this community of reefers and help people with their tanks. I am located right outside Philadelphia, Pa.
Hello everyone!

My name is Adam and I have been keeping aquariums for about 10 or so years. I mostly have been keeping various freshwater setups ranging from 40 to 5 gallons and varying between heavily planted, predatory, community and anywhere in between. But one challenge I hadn't tried yet was dipping to the salty side.

I decided that the "bigger is better" route for marine aquariums will be my path. I have set up a 125 gallon aquarium with a 40 gallon sump. I feel pretty comfortable in my ability to keep the fish alive (even if they are unlike the fish I've kept over the years) but my big worry is the corals! They are so unlike anything I have dealt with before!

And that, that is why I am here! Really looking forward to learning :)


I am also a member of many other fish communities so say hello if you see me there as well :) (Apistogramma.com, AquariumAdvice.com, and PlantedTank.net)
Hi All, my name is Regina and new to the hobby. Got our RSM250 up and running since nov 28th. We got live rock in it. And it is a surprise everyday what you can spot in the tank. Let's hope it is going to be a healty tank with lots of nice corals and fish. Now we have to be patient [emoji6]
Hi, I'm Roger Grimes

Hi, I'm Roger Grimes

Hi, I'm Roger Grimes. I'm the proud new owner of a used 150-gallon aquarium maintained by my Key Largo, FL, canal neighbor for many years. I recently moved it into my house and I'm super excited to be getting into this hobby. I've bought and read 8 marine aquarium books, and several web sites, including this awesome forum, which has given me at least a basic introduction. My brain was hurting the first few days, but now I'm starting to get at least the basics. The tank came with lots of equipment, including a trickle down filter, heater, LED lights, live rock, a few fish, some crabs, and a few invertebrates. My goal is to make it a top notch reef and fish tank. My wife and I love to dive and fish (mostly for mahi). Too bad I can't farm raise mahi. <grin>. I'm looking to lurk, read a lot, and ask my fair share of questions.
hello all, new to the salt thing, but I am now addicted.....
Hi, my name is Capt. Nemo. I am O.C.D. and I cant keep my hands out of the tank...
(everybody) Hi Captain

I feel I am doing a fairly decent job at the patience thing with the salt. I have re-scaped my tank about 14 times in 2 months, but I am feeling much better now.

I have my Clown pair, a Kole Tang, 3 Turbo's and 2 Blue Leg hermits.
2 Frogspawns, a Torch and a nugget of Star Pollyups.

just want to get some color and growth going with the corals
LoL, I guess this is where I should have posted when I joined the other day. I didnt see this forum for some reason.

I'm new to the forum (I've been lurking for a few weeks) but not to fish keeping. I have had at least one tank in operation for most of the past 35 years. They have mostly been freshwater, but I have had fish only salt water tanks.

I currently have a 44 gallon fresh planted tank and I have recently re-set up my 75 gallon saltwater tank with the goal of trying to keep an anemone and some corals with a few fish.
New to everything, lol

New to everything, lol

Hello all! I've only ever had freshwater aquariums, but I've wanted a saltwater reef aquarium for as long as I can remember. Well, I finally own a home where I can do it, so that's exactly what I intend to do. I've been reading through posts here, and have been inspired by posts from u/mflamb showing the build of one of his aquarium rooms. I have the perfect place to do that. I plan on posting many pictures of the process, as well as asking a million questions, so that people in my position can learn from my mistakes. And hopefully some of the long-timers can prevent me from making a few! Right now I'm just trying to figure out what tank to get, because the size of the tank will determine the build of the room. So here come the first few questions. I'm thinking tank size in the neighborhood of 200-300 gallons, so...

1) Is anyone familiar with glasscages.com? Are they reputable, are their tanks quality built? Is there anything I need to be aware of concerning their tanks?

2) I'm concerned about tank holes. Concerned as in location of the holes, number of holes, size of holes, etc... Is there a newbie resource that will help spell some of that out for me?

Thank you everyone, and I really look forward to getting to know you all!


Hello RC members! I am a beginner to this hobby. I'm looking for a good place for advice and the do's and dont's of start up. I have always been fascinated with marine life and am amazed at setups I have seen across the web. I am hoping to achieve a reef tank in my 55 gal aquarium. Thanks.:lolspin
New to saltwater

New to saltwater

Hey guys how's it going.... I joined a while back while doing a lot of research into salt. I have kept rare freshwater fish for years now but decided to jump into salt due to my love of fish and love of keeping a vast variety of fascinating fish.

Current 65 gallon fowlr saltwater tank with 20 long sump and 75 lbs rock was started about 3 months ago includes:

2 clowns
1 fire
1 kaudrens cardinal
1 yellow watchman goby
1 scooter drag
1 choc star
1 emerald crab
3 cerith snails
3 astrea snails
1 coraline algae snail

Looking to slowly add
1 neon goby
1 green chromis
1 green goby
1 gramma basslet
Hello everyone, new here looking for good information so I can set up my own saltwater tank. I used to help my friend years back with his but it has been so long need to do my homework again.