Hello everyone, I am not completely new to the hobby, but I am new to reefcentral. I appreciate all of the good information I have already found on here. I am a High Voltage Substation Electrician by trade and I do residential electrical work on the side. My main passion is working on diesel trucks, but saltwater tanks are a close second. Woodworking and building things in general would be my third passion. I am a big fan of DIY because it allows more customization and personalization to your things, I have already been in the DIY folder on here hehe... I'm sure I'll have questions eventually and if anyone has random electrical questions do not hesitate to ask. I currently have a 10 gallon breeder tank with mostly inverts (hermits, snails, starfish, peppermint shrimp) It was a sort of a way to open up Pandora's box to my wife and get her interested in the mysterious little creatures fluttering about in the tank just like I was 10 years ago when I started my first tank. With that said I am working on building a canopy and stand for a 75 gallon tank that I hope to cycle and host mostly corals with a few blue/green chromis and a couple of clownfish. I will build my own sump/refugium (if I have time).
Thank you in advance,
Thank you in advance,