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Hello Reef Central!

Hello Reef Central!

Hello RC community!
I am 3 months into the hobby and absolutely love it. I was told by a RC Member that I better find some patience if I want to stick in this hobby, that was great advise! I have had a couple live corals and fish in the tank for 3 weeks now and all are doing great! Thanks for this forum, so munch information at your finger tips!

Hi all! I'm about to jump into starting up my first saltwater aquarium! I'm excited to have my own reef! I was talking to the guy at my LFS and he was saying that I don't need to do a whole setup with a sump, overflow, etc and could have a great aquarium set up with OTB filters. Is this true, or am I going to have a hard time getting a tank established and then maintaining it without a sump?

Thanks! I'm anticipating using this forum a lot as I figure out what I'm doing! I'm a little over my head atm.

Just my opinion but if you plan to have any sort of fish load I would add a sump and refugium. It prevents issues associated with over feeding.
Back at it

Back at it

Hi, My name is Lee and I received a used BioCube 29 yesterday. Had to move it and so far lost 2 fish and another is struggling now. Not new to the hobby but I've been out of it for about 7 years. Just wondering how things have changed. Had to make a couple of emergency trips to Petco and made a trip to the shop down the street from me today. So thankful to have a good place to go. I think I was on this forum back then but a different username. Anyhow, happy to be back.
My name is Lee and I am returning to the hobby. Been out of it about 7 years . I had a 20 gallon reef and several other FO tanks. I am setting up a BioCube 29 that I got from a neighbor whose son just passed. I have been wanting to get back into reefing but didn't think it would be so soon. Just wondering in terms of technology what if anything has changed. Thank you all for having me here.
Hi there, I am a newbie to marine tanks after many years of planted freshwater tanks. Mostly looking for information and tips.
See you around the forum :)
I'm new so check out a thread i made :)

I'm new so check out a thread i made :)

Hi everyone how do you do,

I am new to reef central i have a question if you could answer with the best advice possible. I made a new thread let me know of your splendid ideas


Kind regards

Save the Reef
Hello my name is Steven,

I've had numerous freshwater aquariums before and 3 years ago I experimented with a 4 gallon Pico Reef that housed 2 emerald crabs. I took down the tank when they one day disappeared. Knowing I was about to move in a few months. My friend who has a beautiful 180 gal reef tank convinced me to try my hand at a another salt water tank since I have lots of equipment collected over the years and he had a few things he could give me that he has collected over the years.

About 3 days ago or so, I set up a 20 Gallon tank, I have attached a CPR Aero Force Protein Skimmer, Eskim350 Surface Skimmer and a ViaAqua Quartz Glass Submersible Heater. For lighting I am using a Aqua Illumination Nano.

I am going to go out today to get a piece of raw shrimp to jump start my tanks cycling process.

I still have not decided what to add to my tank after cycling so any ideas are welcome!
My name is Joe and I have 90gallon mixed reef that's been running about 15 months. Things are going pretty well but I'm always trying to learn more

Purchased and established tank on Sunday live rock and a couple of fish. It is my first salt tank, however I do have several freshwater tanks as well. Looks like there is a ton of great help and information available here. I have been spending hours in the evening reading posts and learning. Thank you!
Hello; and little white things

Hello; and little white things

After months of lurking and finding answers I need, I've hit a wall. Are these Spirorbid worms? If so, I understand that they're harmless. Thanks to everyone for your encouraging help, even to those of us only using Search. Cindy


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I've never seen those before. Hopefully someone else has. I'd be interested to hear what those are. I'm assuming you used live rock and sand with your build?

UPBarn, did you mean you purchased "an" established tank. I hope that's what you meant, because 1 day cycle wouldn't be good! Lol
Hello again; and help for my brain

Hello again; and help for my brain

Hello again! My second question involves my new brain coral, Lobophyllia hemprichii. I've had it for almost two weeks but haven't been able to get back to my LFS to ask questions.

1. It's a wild-caught specimen, I'm pretty sure. For the past 3 days I've watched its base (presumably coral) disappear. Today I saw a hermit crab chowing down on a piece of this base. What the heck???

2. I love the velvety red patch on the coral. I'm sure it's not cyanobacteria because a) I'm currently treating for red slime, and this stuff hasn't changed at all, and b) this looks nothing like any of the red slime I've seen. So what is this stuff? There's a plant-like green patch growing out of it, too.

I have a 40-gallon Mini Fusion and have had it for six months with mostly excellent success. Prior to this aquarium I've had years of freshwater experience.

Thanks again! It will be nice to visit my LFS with a shorter-than-usual list of questions. --Cindy


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new to the hobbie

new to the hobbie

hi my name is joe and need advise on what to buy for my 60 gallon tank ( how much live rock, do i need a skimmer, what kind of lights ect )
Nieves, welcome. Usually rule of thumb is one pound of rock per gallon. I would go with dead rock, and just a small piece of quality live rock to seed it, so you don't chance picking up unwanted critters. As far as a skimmer, definitely, especially if you are planning on stocking with fish. Lights are a whole different story, many opinions. I'm a fan of t-5 lights, especially for beginners. Led lights are potentially dangerous with corals if you aren't careful. T-5's are more forgiving, and in my opinion, show off the corals much better. If you plan on fish only, then you can get by with a cheap led for looks and efficiency. Read up on some of the lighting threads here, and don't settle until you read many of them. Hope this helps
Totally new to saltwater world, thinking of an all glass, rimless starphire 120 gallon set up. Will be reading the stickies for now.