If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi new to the boards and reefing. I am in the gathering stage of my 40 breeder/ 20 sump build. So, hi all.

Hi WrPT, also new and in the process of a similar build. bought the tank, stand and sump used, found them online.

Currently gathering equipment, some I am willing to go used other would prefer paying the cost and buying new, and plumbing the tank overflow.

members on Reef Central have been very helpful in providing guidance as I throw around ideas, it's changed my plans more than once.

look forward to reading up on your build.

Jason here. I was into the hobby 18 years ago, and just now back in with a 90 gallon FOWLR (adding a few corals too). It is a reef ready tank with a wet/dry filter, coral box protein skimmer and a DC return pump.

I'm slowly getting back into what it takes to have a healthy tank. Learning a few lessons the hard way, but hopefully it all works out!
Hey! I'm new to this forum. Been in the hobby for just over a year now. I have a 75 gallon reef tank and a 15 gallon QT tank.

Current issue - I have a Ricordia, a frogspawn coral frag, a few torches and a zoo frag. In the past everything would be open consistently when my 2 AI prime lights would be on. As of late, they all open and close quite frequently. Not sure why. I currently have a max spect grey 130 running at about 40% on alternate every 15 seconds or so. My current parameters are ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite are 0.00. My calcium is 495, alkalinity is 10.8DKH. magnesium is 1400ppm, ph is 8.3 and my salinity is 10255.

I currently only have 2 clowns and inverts in the tank. Tank is set up with a Hydor canister filter.

My name is Joakim and I live in Sweden. I'm new to Reefcentral but I have five years in the hobby, which I consider to be noobish in this hobby. Starting my second tank, which is going to be a 30g Soft Coral Lagoon with no fish / Internal sump this summer/fall.
Looking for a mentor for this kind of venture aswell.

Great reading so for on the forums.
Will this setup work inside my aqua clear 70? Help pics

Will this setup work inside my aqua clear 70? Help pics

Hi I'm Joe! I'm currently running a rimless 20gallon with 20lb live rock and 20lb live sand. Will this setup work (picture) in my Aqua clear 70? It's a sponge at the bottom carbon on top live rock rubble and then chaeto?

I have only have 2 fish in the tank with a few hermits.

Hi I'm Joe! I'm currently running a rimless 20gallon with 20lb live rock and 20lb live sand. Will this setup work (picture) in my Aqua clear 70? It's a sponge at the bottom carbon on top live rock rubble and then chaeto?

I have only have 2 fish in the tank with a few hermits.

View attachment 348403
What is the mesh made out of? And you will need a light for the chaeto to do anything, I would ditch the rock rubble and just add it to the display. Not really enough to be effective. Have you thought about running an inTank media basket instead? They are awesome and force the water through the specific chambers, I had one in an ac30 on my old 10g I just ran chemipure elite and purigen along with filter pads

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Hello there!!

Hello there!!

My name is Kessie, I am completely new to all of this and I was looking for a new challenge and went straight for a salt water aquarium of 128L, I set it up in January.

I have been a bit overwhelmed by all the terminology and level of knowledge you actually need to keep a healthy tank but I am a quick learner and thanks to Internet, I have indeed learned a lot.

But there is still so much to do, and improve!! Thank you in advance for all your patience answering my future questions!!!

Hi everyone

Hi everyone

My name is Max. I am not new to the hobby per se... I had a few reef tanks including a 28 gallon bow front and a Red Sea Max 250 system. However I have been out of the hobby for the last few years and it's crazy how quickly things change. Will be starting up a reef again so could use everyone's input and experience. Been lurking these boards for a while figured I would finally sign up hehe. Anyways thanks for letting me join!

Hello everyone! I've been lurking/reading for a couple weeks now and decided I'd go ahead and introduce myself.

I am new to the hobby. I'm setting up my tank tomorrow. It is a Nuvo 20 and I know that a 20 is hard to start on, but that's the space I have (...for now).

I just posted a thread if you'd like to read about my setup and weigh in on it: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?p=24479788#post24479788

I really like the community that you guys have here and appreciate all the advise that is available for newbies like myself. Hope to contribute knowledge one day myself and complete the cycle (kind of a pun based on all the reading I've been doing about cycling my tank).

Whisky Penguin
Hello. I've been keeping planted freshwater tanks for many years, and always avoided saltwater, thinking it was much more difficult. A friend of mine and I were talking, and she said that she found saltwater actually easier to maintain once it was set up and established. That blew my mind, and I've been researching ever since.

I am still completely in the learning phase, and soaking up all the information I can get. :)

Your friend is right, but each tank is different. Even 2 tanks set up identically can have far different parameters, and one can be a dream tank, and the other a complete nightmare. If you try and do everything right, and a little luck, hopefully you end up with an enjoyable experience. Just use good quality equipment, and pure water, quality sand and rock, and keep up with testing parameters, and making adjustments as needed.
Hi guys
My name is Dorin of Romania but living in England 41 years old.
Unfortunately I can not boast of a saltwater tank but we have six freshwater tank, but never say never

I am Richard, and my fiancee and I are extremely new to the hobby.

We started off our first saltwater tank about 2 months ago after months of deliberating. We've already learned so much in such a short amount of time, and we know there's lots more to come.

We're definitely up for the challenge, and we're excited to learn from everyone on Reef Central.

Thanks all.

P.S. For anyone who is interested, I'll post our current equipment, tank parameters, and bio-life info below. Any feedback is completely welcomed and appreciated.

Tank: JBJ 28g Nano w/2 Accela SP1-1000 return pumps (closed top removed)
Lighting: JBJ Orion SL-65
Heater: ViaAqua Quartz 100w
Skimmer: AquaC Nano Remora
Additional: JBJ NanoZapp UV Sterilizer, Aqueon Circulation Pump 500

Tank Parameters (Using the API Saltwater and Reef test kits)
Gravity: 1.023
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
pH: 8.4
KH: 12
Phosphate: 0
Calcium: 420
Nitrate: 10

Bio Life
1 Ocellaris Clownfish
2 Nassarius Snails
1 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
5 Turbo Grazer Snails
15 lbs live rock
10 lbs dry rock
Hi Folks! will try my first saltwater reef

Hi Folks! will try my first saltwater reef

Hi all, very nice forum you have here!!

I am trying my first saltwater aquarium after many years thinking about it!

I have many questions, will try to find the right forum area for them!

New to Hobby

New to Hobby

Hey guys, I'm Lee.
Just wanted to introduce myself. Two months ago I purchased a 100gal tank and stand off craigslist, good deal came with sump, light, protein skimmer, and powerheads.

I sanded down the stand and refinished it, put new hardware on it. Purchased 80 lbs of dry base rock and a RO/DI system started out the rock in a tub in the garage for three weeks. Tested everything and filled the tank with mixed water and 80 pounds of rinsed dry sand last weekend.

One week in and my PH is good Ammonia is present Nitrite is moving up as well as Nitrate. Ive been using MicroBacter 7 for the whole week and from what I see my tank is starting to go through its cycle..

Thank you Reef Central, your forum has helped educate me.
Hey, Im Jeff.

Interested in starting a saltwater aquarium, so I joined here.

I currently have an empty 40ga breeder tank. Trying to decide on purchasing or building a stand, and trying to figure out what all I need for the tank. I intend to have a few fish at this point, maybe some coral in the future.


Hello everyone.

My name is Ryan, I am a Software Engineer from Pittsburgh PA. My girlfriend and I just bought our first house and I am finally getting ready to pull the trigger on my first salt water aquarium.

I am a long time lurker and have been doing a ton of research.

I plan to get started purchasing equipment in late May or early June. For now I am just doing my best to soak in all the knowledge I can before that point.

Look forward to getting to know everyone!
New to the Hobby/ Forums

New to the Hobby/ Forums

Hello, I've been on for a little while as I set up my tanks but trying to be more adamant about posting. I have a 29 biocube and 60 cube, both sps tanks with some zoas and a few fish.