If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello guys,

I am new to the hobby as i am converting my fowlr tank to soft coral tank, as i am waiting for the cycle how long should i wait for the tank to cycle?



4ft tank


OCTO Classic Protein Skimmers INT

2 1/2 sump tank

1/4 chiller hailea 16a

14kg life rock

2 nems

2 chromis



If the tank was already FOWLR, what are you cycling? If you already have fish in the tank, I hope you aren't expecting a cycle there. I'm not sure if that is a current or future stocking list.

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Newbie here and to the hobby

Newbie here and to the hobby

I've wanted to have a saltwater aquarium and my wife finally consented. I was planning on going with an all in one fluval evo. On the suggestion of my LFS I went to a local coral convention to get some ideas on aquascaping and coral selection. There was a drawing for a 90 gallon tank with stand, canopy and six bags of live sand. It must have been my day because I won! I'm hoping to get some good ideas and help setting up my new aquarium!
Hello everyone

Hello everyone

Just getting back into reefing . I had a tank back in 97'-00'. Very different now. Did about a year of research and saving of funds to start current tank. 120gal reef ready deep blue. I'm really excited, and being patient. I'm already having some chemistry issues, but that is another post. Great board, I learned a lot here when I started my first tank. I'm hoping to learn a lot more and join a reef club somewhere near my area. I live in Danville, I know no clubs here or Champaign anymore. Anyone from BNARC that has info on their club and how to join.
Hi all,

I'm new to reef central and new to the Saltwater Hobby. I've been doing Freshwater off and on since I was a little girl. I grew up with fish and have always loved staring at my little friends. With the recent death of platy tank (heater overloaded overnight) I decided to switch over to saltwater for the first time. I hope to bring the joy of the fish hobby to my two young children.

It was nice to meet you all and I look forward to continue to meet everyone and learn more and more about a hobby that I love.

Have a great Day
Not new but back from a long break. Sold all my stuff I had 6 years ago. Looking forward to a lot of reading as I get back into the salt world. And yeah I came back to the best.....REEFCENTRAL!
FNG in Missouri

FNG in Missouri

Just getting started with our 75gallon tank we've had up and running for about three months. Already made a costly mistake or two. Been catching up on education with BRSTV (He's got a mullet, so obviously he knows what he's talking about!!!) (No, I don't have a mullet). I'll be back soon to scour the forums for best practices in quarantining using a 29gallon tank I had sitting around. IF you already know where I should be looking (Mostly I'm considering any preventative additives and/or dips before the fish make it to our display) Please feel free to point me towards the post I should be reading.

New from London, ON

New from London, ON

Hi everyone. I'm new to this board, although I've been lurking and reading for a long time LOL. I'm researching and getting stuff together for a 65G FOWLR, which will be my first saltwater tank. As this comes to fruition, I'll post details on my profile.

I have been following posts in the New To Hobby and DIY forum mainly, so far at least. So much information; this is a great site! Martin.
New-ish to RC

New-ish to RC

Hello all. My name is Mike. I have been reading posts on RC for some time now (about 3 years) but have not been very active about posting. I have been in the hobby, who am I kidding, I've been addicted for about 10 years now. I started with a 29 gallon tank and made all the rookie mistakes. I have since had everything from a 14 gallon softie reef to a 250g FOWLR. Currently I have my 14 gallon softie and am about to (January hopefully) start a 120g mixed reef build. I would like to say that I am grateful to all who have taken their time to share their knowledge in these forums and look forward to asking for input and advice as I proceed with my next build!!

Cheers and Happy Reefing
Hello everyone =)

Hello everyone =)

I'm "new" to the reefing community, and by that I mean I've played around with it for 5 years but only in the past year really dedicated a significant amount of time and money into the hobby, and I'm loving it! I have:
75g tank
25ish g sump
Tunze auto topoff
Vertex alpha 200 protein skimmer
Waveline 12000 DC pump
Apex controllers
Tunze 7095 controller
Tunze 6095 propeller pumps
Theiling automatic roller mat
Giesemann Aurora LED T5 hybrid hood light
AquaAurora Chiller
Apex DOS dosing pumps
Denitrification system (homemade)
RO system with 60 G reservoir


I was out of town for a month and needless to say something went haywire, everything died, tank got over run by algea. It's been about 2 months now, water quality is perfect, salinity perfect, zero nitrates and phosphates, calcium and alk back to reef levels. Algae still exist but the snails, emerald crabs, and tang are working on those daily and I'm seeing an improvement every week.

It is currently stocked with a yellow tang, pink anthias, hippo tang, purple firefish, emerald crabs, bubble anenamone, long tentacle anenamone

Corals include some zoanthids, and a few others but I don't remember what they were called... Any help is appreciated!

I had a flame angel and two other purple firefish, but they disappeared, I'm assuming they died but I never saw the bodies...

Any suggestions for my tank? Any questions?

The biggest accomplishment I can say about my tank, and probably the most unique is the denitrification system. Keeps my nitrates at zero.
Reef Tank conversion

Reef Tank conversion

Hey I'm TJ and I'm fairly new to salt water fish. I currently have a 75 gal salt water fish only tank but i am looking into transforming that into a salt water reef tank. Before doing that i was wondering if anyone had any tips, advice, or anything about that... i currently have a clown triggerfish, raccoon butterfly fish, and a porcupine puffer. i know these are not good reef fish so ill be changing alot...
Hi Reef Central. GARY here. I'm in the Buffalo/Rochester, NY area.

Brand new to reef tanks. I've kept fresh water tanks in the past, mainly discus and german blue rams. Currently I'm in the dart frog hobby with several tanks of breeding adults, mainly thumbnail species.

I've always had a fascination with reef tanks. I thought I would log onto the forum here and start checking out what it takes to set up a tank and properly maintain it.

I'd be curious if there are any experienced hobbyists in my area that wouldn't mine my stopping by your place to see your tank setups and to pick your brain a little.

hi i recently started a 10 gallon saltwater tank. i elected to start with 11 pounds of reef saver rock and 10 pounds of dry sand. i bought the saltwater and tested the salinity at petco(it was adequate) i have a sun sun jvp-110 wavemaker, a preset aqueon heater (50w) rated for 20 gallons, and an aqueon quiet flow 10 rated for 20 gallons,
Hi! I have been out of the reef for about 12 years. I used to have a 55 gallon tank that started as FOWLR that transitioned to a reef tank. I ended up moving and sold the tank.

I am starting over with a Red Sea Reefer 425xl! I noticed the technolgy has changed and am excited to get started. Wish me luck!
Hi! I have been out of the reef for about 12 years. I used to have a 55 gallon tank that started as FOWLR that transitioned to a reef tank. I ended up moving and sold the tank.

I am starting over with a Red Sea Reefer 425xl! I noticed the technolgy has changed and am excited to get started. Wish me luck!

Good luck, have fun!
Hi Everyone,
I've recently dug up my RC login details as I am planning on getting back into the hobby after a long time away. We've just bought a new house and finally have the room to set up our 6x2x2 display again. I live in Australia so it will be an interesting endeavour I'm sure.
I learnt a lot of lessons the last time (2006-2008) I had the system up and running and am spending a lot of time updating my knowledge and reviewing my equipment and plumbing requirements.
I'll likely start a build thread to update on how its all going, ramble on about things and seek advice.
I look forward to moving ahead and cant wait for the feedback you guys have.
reef newby

reef newby

Hi everyone,
I have been keeping marine fish since 1971 but my experience of a reef system is zero. I have kept various easy inverts over the years but nothing difficult. I have decided to bight the bullet and convert my existing Deltec Tank of 320 gallons into a reef tank. My first job is to upgrade the lighting probably Maxspect Razor leds and also install Maxspect Gyre pumps to increase water flow. This convertion will take time as money is tight and adding various other essentials for a successful system do not come cheap.
I look forward to reading the vast array of helpful hints and tips provided by all the bloggers and I'll drop in from time to time with updates.

Brand new!!

I have a 40b freshwater planted tank wanting to convert to salt.

Went to a reputable store yesterday to look around and get advice. The closest places to look are at least an hour drive for me so that makes it hard.



I have been working on my tank for close to a year so I am still sort of new at this. I love my tank. It is a 48 inch 55 gal mixed reef. I have a 30 gal sump. 45 lbs of live rock 70 lbs of sand 50 fine capped off wit course crushed coral. my return pump is 400 gallons per hour I made my overflow out of a Tupperware container and clear pvc tubing. I'm using a 200 micron filter sock and a no name skimmer rater for a 150 gal sys. I am making a phosphate reactor. the I am waiting for the gfo to arrive. My lighting sys. is by aquaticlife and is a 4 tube t5ho currently equipped with 2 actinic 1 6.5 growlight and 1 10k. I have 4 little fish. 1 clown two cardinals and 1 cleaner blenny. My clean up crew consists of 14 red legged hermits I put 120 cerith snails in the tank and sump but it is hard to keep count of them. I have 2 Mexican turbos a coral banded shrimp and a emerald crab. I can't keep zoas something is taking them off of the rocks and eating them. but my other corals seem to be doing well. does anyone have an idea what might be eating my zoas? Thanks.
New to Reefing

New to Reefing

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself and get any tips or advice you have to offer!

I have a used 55 gallon long tank. I didn't have a lot of faith in the used stand it came with so I did a DIY stand out of 3 columns of concrete blocks and 2x6 planks across the top and base. I've got 60 lbs of live sand and 50 lbs of rock. I will most likely pick up a few more pounds of rock from the LFS. I have two heaters rated for 75 gallons and one powerhead rated at 850 gph. I have a second one coming. The HOB skimmer I have (eshopps) isn't working as I expected so I have another one on the way.

Is there anything I'm missing? I know a sump is usually recommended but I don't think at this time it is feasible. I believe I need to do a 15% water change about a week into getting the tank running and test the water periodically until the cycle has completed?

Thanks for any help and advice!