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New reefer

New reefer

Hello! I have had freshwater fish for many years and now I finally dipped my feet into the saltwater world. I currently have a 29 gallon reef tank but I'm planning on upgrading to a 75 in a few months after we move into a new home. Anyways I'm enjoying reading all the info in this forum!
Just Starting

Just Starting


I am just getting started with my first Reef/tank 55g salt water, I am so excited I don't know if I can wait the months it takes for everything to stabilize before I get fish. Although I do have a pretty crazy Idea for my tank. :bounce3:
Need some help

Need some help

I just bought a custom 500 gallon reef ready tank. I would like some recommendations on what size chiller I will need. My sump is going to be about 250 gallons. Total amount of water 750 gallons. Also what name brand skimmer and model do you recommend? How many pumps will I need and what HP? What brand controller do you recommend? Best site to buy this equipment? Thanks for your help.
Hi my name is Clarence,

Not new to Reefcentral. I been on here for a while. But I just been reading and getting my knowledge up.

I have had Freshwater tanks since I can remember. I got into Saltwater about 10 years ago.

My current setup is 90 gallon reef. I would love to double if not triple the size.
Brand spanking new

Brand spanking new

Hi all,

I am just getting started in the hobby and no real experience keeping an aquarium. I did have a FW years ago and was doing pretty good with some goldfish in a 55gal drum outside my house until we moved.

I just purchased a 75G tank (or so I was told, haven't put any water in yet. 48x18x19) and want to have FOWLR for now and add some reefs in later once I get it established. I have been doing a LOT of research so far and this site has been my go to for information...THANK YOU!

Right now I am thinking about drilling the tank to set up for BeanAnimals suggestions. Already checked at the tank is glass everywhere except the bottom. I want a sump but will have to be in the smaller range to fit under my cabinet.

My next step will be looking for a pump that will work for me. from the suggestions I'm looking at about 225-375GPH pump. Oh apparently my head Height (had NO IDEA what that was) is about 4 1/2' just a rough estimate from what I've read. Not quite sure how that is to be used to find a pump though...I'm guessing you need a bit more pump pressure due to the loss of pressure from the head?

I am not planning on using a skimmer (at least for now). I am thinking 3-4" substrate with some macro algae and a good cleanup crew. I also want to have a refugeium but still need more info on what exactly it does, what it looks like and how you incorporate it. Do you all recommend a filter in the sump?

So a list of what I still need after plumbing, sump & pump...
Live & base rock to cut costs, circulation pumps, substrate, test kits, refractometer, heater, lights (no idea here yet haven't started researching), macro algae...oh and fish! Yes fish would be nice :dance: anything else?

Note: I want "reef friendly" fish. I want a pair of clown fish for sure, still trying to figure out what else. Seems a lot of them jump...maybe I need to add a top to my list...

Thanks again and I appreciate any comments or suggestions!
I'm very new at this, having only a tank with no water yet...lol I liked your comment comparing learning about this hobby like drinking through a firehouse! I didn't inherit a tank so I guess my firehouse has a small kink but still it's a lot of information!

I'm new to posting, though I've been lurking around for information since last year XD
Managed to pick up a Reefer 170 for a steal. though the front and rear glass need replacing. So I will be starting my reef adventure soon :)
I fell in love with the ocean/reef

I fell in love with the ocean/reef

Hi all,

I have no experience in reefing. I am accumulating all the knowledge I can get from the internet in order to be able to have a reef tank one day :bigeyes:

Therefore, I decided to join Reef Central to get hands-on info from other reefers!
Can't wait to read all the info in this Forum and perhaps get some advice/suggestions.

Thank you!
Hello all!
I am not new to reefing nor the forum but I do not think I ever introduced myself.
I have a total of three tanks all of which were saltwater.
72 bow front
55 rectangle
20 nano cube?

I have moved around a bit in the last few years so all the tanks are currently empty. However I am looking to put a reef ready into a wall in my house I am looking for a 75 reef ready rectangle for the wall install. This will be a see through from the living room to the office. I am having a hard time finding said tank though locally. If you know somewhere in the twin cities area that carries such a tank please message me.

I also purchased a new food grade 55 barrel for the new water supply for quicker changes. I plan to plumb this all in so that it will be almost a flip of a switch to do water changes and keep this tank looking amazing. I will also reuse the nano for the overflow if possible though I am thinking the 55 might work a bit better. This is going on a concrete floor so I do not need to worry about floor weight.

Thanks in advance for any and all insight.
Time to lose my lurker status and say "hello"

Time to lose my lurker status and say "hello"

Hello all!

A little introduction before I start participating:

My name is Scott and I'm a 49 y.o Florida native living in San Antonio, TX. I've been here 4+ years and I'm missing snorkeling and fishing our patch reefs back home, so I decided to bring a bit of the undersea world here into our house.

This will be my first foray into a marine aquarium. I've spent many, many hours (especially here on this board) researching and learning all I can while finalizing my plans to convert an unused wet bar into a built-in 120 gal reef tank and fish room. There is SO much to take in; I'm very appreciative that there is such a large community of experienced hobbyists willing to lend their advice.

With that said I'm off to post my very first question...lurker no more!


What's up RC?! My name is Sarah. I am returning to the hobby after several years and feel like I have to re-learn everything! I just purchased a beautiful 76gal half circle reef ready tank with a dark cherry stand/canopy. It is currently empty as I am researching and preparing before jumping into it! I am excited to learn from from this community and am even more excited for the journey to a beautiful reef tank!

Cheers!! :beer:

Im new to the site and also the hobby now i live in curacao willemstad a beautiful island in the caribbean
My fist question is can i use the sand and water of the ocean ?
I have read that its not safe


Hi everyone im just starting up a 6 foot x 2 foot x2 foot tank, and im running a sump, I have a few fish and bits of live rock in it , I thought I would check the water and found .20 ppm copper in the water is this bad? I know for corals you need zero, any help or feedback would be much appreciated
Hello all!! Im Chris and I just started the salt water world about 6 months ago! I have had freshwater in the past for years. I only have a 55gal FOWLR with HOB filter, skimmer and reactor. Working my way through the ups and downs to a bigger better tank.

I'm just starting out, I've had a 28 nanocube for about three months now. Always kept planted community tanks prior to this.
Hello All,

Thought that I'd join another forum for gathering information, learning more about the hobby and connecting with other reefers. I've been at the hobby for a couple years and like some, have gone big. I'm currently running a 180gal mixed reef, mostly softies and a 180gal fowlr that is being replaced with a 300gal beast in the next week or so. I'm pretty active with one of the local clubs, Las Vegas Marine Aquarium Society and have met some neat people, but I'm about expanding horizons too.
Hello RC,

I'm completely fresh out of the oven! I have been obsessed with corals and reef tanks for about a year and finally decided to get a tank (13.5G Fluval), that I'm prepared to take my sweet time with to ensure that I thoroughly learn the things I need to know to succeed in the hobby. I also understand and appreciate the value of the reefing community - you guys are so supportive of each other, it's amazing. I have already learned so much from you! Just by reading. Hopefully now I can participate a bit.
New Beginner Member

New Beginner Member

I'm very new to this hobby. Im very interested in doing a reef tank. I'm still building my system and find a lot of confusing answers to pump sizing. I have a 48"x15"x18" 60g tank, a 25g Refugium, bubble magus curve 5 skimmer, and a next reef reactor. My drain and return lines are both 1" bulkhead. They both have (2) 90fitings and a ball valve the drain is about 3' total in length. The return is about 3' vertical and 2' horizontal, it also has a check valve. I need to know what size and make pump for the return. I need to know a lot more but I'll save that for later. TIA, Jim