steppin up my game
steppin up my game
I have been a reader for some time now and would like to introduce myself.
My son started a reef tank four years ago, but shortly after he discover girls. Naturally I took over his responsible. LOL! My wife and enjoyed looking at the tank, so much I stated stock it with corals and fish from my monthly business trips to Orange County. They have some really nice stores there.
The tanks maintenance schedule over the past four years has been little to none. Maybe a five gallon water change bimonthly. Never once has the water ever been tested other than salinity at water changes. I just never had the interest learning how and besides the tank was doing ok.
The tank size is 29 gallons. We have a 20 gallon sump with a Corallife skimmer. Over the tank we have a Reef Breeders 24. The tank is home for a Yellow Tang, two clown fish and a Blenny. We also have 10 to 15 snails, 2 peppermint shrimp, a cleaner shrimp plus a newly discovered emerald crab. Grrrrrr! There is a mixture of corals throughout the tank.
Back six months ago my wife said" I hate the light hanging from the wall above the tank." "œCan you do something about that?" Like I said, "œI like the tank", but I never wanted to invest much time.
I have the means and skills needed to build a canopy, but the timing was not right. I scanned craigslist for several months and never found anything that fit my wife's likings, so I bought a bigger tank! Ok, not that big only 55 gallons.
I purchased a used cabinet and canopy which I rebuilt and a new glass tank and sump. In the meantime our current tank had a Dino break out. Sure, as soon as I take a giant step into the hobby the tank starts having issues. Thank goodness for Reef Central. With the information I gained from the community my tank recovered and has never looked better. I performed a three day black out, turned my skimmer off and add pods. The tank had been doing great for three weeks, but over the last week my hard corals are showing major stress and strings are again starting to appear. I will post under another heading to seek some guidance. I guess it is time for me to learn how to test the parameters of my tank?
I'm in the middle of building the tank with the follow equipment.
Reef Breeders 48-v2
Synergy overflow plumbed with Bean Animal
20 gallon sump
BRS single GFO/Carbon reactor
Auto top off system
Sicce return pump
Tom, Washington State