If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi All-

I'm returning to the hobby after about 10 years off following a tank disaster and a few moves around the country.

My tank is starting to come together although it has no water yet. I'm working on refinishing a stand and plumbing it currently.

55g acrylic with overflow
10g sump (converted wet/dry filter)
10g refugium (drilled aga)
Eheim 1262 return pump
Aqua C Remora Pro-S Hang-on skimmer
Coralife Lunar Aqualight 4x52w t5
Hello I'm new to forum and just inherited a 45 gallon salt water tank... I do need some advice ... I don't have coral right now do have live rock and 2 clown fish but my skimmer went out and I went to the local store and they asked about my filter which was just bought it's an under Cabinet penn plax 700 and seems to work great and is really quiet which we need as our tank is in our bedroom... however the lady said penn plax is junk and I needed to buy all new system and recommended buying a used one off of her called eshopps RS-75 w PF -300 over flow and a skimmer with it... for $250 I'm not sure if this is good advice or if she's just trying to get rid of this system.. any advice on filters and skimmers?????
Newby.. need help..

Newby.. need help..

Hi guys, i recently shifted to marine tank from fresh.. i really need your help.. what else do i need with my tank.. im from philippines and i have this caught in the wild..
New guy here. Just building my first marine set up. It's a 75 Gallon tank with a 20g long sump. I've been lurking and researching here for a long time so I figured I better actually say hello.

This place has already been a wealth of info I couldn't do without!

I'm new to here/the hobby, located in Voluisa county Florida. Got a 90G with large fuge/sump. about 3.5 weeks post adding water and so far so good with just clean up crew and 3 blue chromis.
hello everyone new hear as you can tell have a 36 gallon saltwater,fish only tank for now,been running 7 months have learned everything the hard way tank is stable now 30lbs live rock and live sand two hob filters 1 uv filter. 1 tomato clown 1 solider fish 2 pajama cardinals 1surviving blue chromi 1 sick coral beauty not sure what is wrong I think its swim bladder issue. I want to go bigger but money says no.So with all that being said hello everyone.
New here. Haven't kept a salt water aquarium in 40 years, so for all practical purposes I'm brand new to the hobby (or to modern equipment) as well. 75 gallon aquarium with 29 gallon sump that is still in the planning stages. Tanks are sitting empty in my basement, and will likely continue to do so until spring--hopefully by then I'll have digested enough of all this overwhelming information to begin.
Thanks smokebellow. While there were no human losses in the fire at 1:30am (thank the Lord as there was a 2 yr old in his bed), sadly I did lose my beloved Joe, an elderly blind rescued cocker spaniel (I "do" cocker rescue),everyone from fire, police, passersby tourists, ect. attempted to save him, bless his kind heart of gold). There were a few aquatic lives that survived the blazing temps that melted all surrounding plastic of tank. Blessings and thank you to the Tybee Island Marine Science Center that took survivors of the fire in. I've lost touch with the center since then regarding the survivors. Good luck to you and your new man cave adventures! Would love to see future pics!
Hello everyone! New here still kind of new to the hobby 100g cube 30g sump, vertex duo calcium reactor ( currently not set up yet ) just bought coral box d700 skimmer waiting on it to come in as for the tank inhabitants I have yellow tang, regal tang, flame angel, diamond goby, melanarus wrasse, pajama cardinal, 2 true Perc clowns. Mixed reef with a few lps couple frags of sps and some softies currently running the mars aqua chinese leds seem to be working well. Can't wait to get started and involved in this reef keeping community.


Hi, Can anyone tell me how to install a cookie so I don't have to enter my login name and password every time I log on?

Thanks, Chris:wave:
Hey all. I joined the board a few weeks ago as I was gathering information on setting up my first marine tank. I have had my tank up and running for about a month, and all seems to be going well. I have made some mistakes along they way due to impatience but thankfully have not lost much stock. I did lose two ocellaris clowns, but I believe they were sick when I bought them. I bought a keyhole angel and the same time that I bought the clowns and he is doing great.
Hi All, I originally joined 10 years ago. However I only had my tank for ~ 1 year before i moved and had to take it down. I just recently set up a tank again so have come back on the site. I am still new to the hobby as over the last 10 years i have not really done much research into the hobby.

Current setup - 55G, with Reef Octopus 100 HOB skimmer, dual T5 10,000 and actinitic lights, 2 - 800 gph power heads, 2 Occ clowns, 1 bicolored blenny, 1 yellow tang, 1 marble starfish, 1 brittle sea star, 1 condy anemone, + hermits and snails
I currently have a Fluval Studio 600 that I converted to a marine tank. It is 33 gallons and I built a sump out of a 10 gallon tank. I have approximately 30 lbs of rock (some live, some coral) and 40 lbs of live sand in my display tank. It is stocked with a lawn mower blenny, watchman goby, 3 blue green chromis, 2 ocellaris clowns, a keyhole angel, a bubble tip, 1 emerald crab, 8 hermits, and various snails. In my sump I have an intake sections that has a filter sock filled with charcoal pellets and filter floss, a skimmer section (no skimmer yet), bubble trap, fully lit refugium with 5 lbs of live sand and cheato, a partially lit refugium with 5 lbs of live sand and red garcialaria, and a return pump section. There is also a peppermint shrimp that refuses to stay in the main tank and has taken up permanent residence in the sump/refugium.
@ Thommyboy, how do you like the reef octopus skimmer? I am trying to decide between the reef octopus classic 100 hob and the Go Aquarium G1000.
Newbie too!

Newbie too!

Started my 75 gal bow front up last week. Doing great but still learning. Need all yall's help to be successful! Had fresh water for 35 years. Wanted to try saltwater. Fish and coral are so beautiful. Patiently waiting for it to cycle!!
Back in the hobby after a 2 year hiatus. Just setup a 30 JBJ rimless and it is currently cycling.

Equipment includes:
AI prime HD
Updated return and replaced with 1 sicce.
Esshop nano skimmer (works well but trying to get rid of micro bubbles)
Also ordered InTank replacements for the overflow boxes will run Refugium in one of the chambers
Tunze nano ATO
MP10 (will be updating driver to QD)
1 BRS dosing pump (will setup once I have corals)

Can't wait to see how this tank works out for me.

Here is a picture of the current aquascape. Also left side is pukani that has been cured by me and the right side is BRS WaltSmith 2.0.


Feedback is welcome.
Hey guys/girls, my name is Clay. I have has a 28g nano reef tank for about 2yrs now. Me and my wife just decided to upgrade to a 120g corner-flo, and are searching the web for all the info we can find. Came across your site and thought it looked very helpful. I look forward to a long lasting relationship with RC.