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Back after 10 years

Back after 10 years

Joined to help my brother that just lucked into a 325 gal.
Southern West Virginia is rough to deal with this hobby.
Getting back into the hobby in the Gulf Coast of FL

Getting back into the hobby in the Gulf Coast of FL

Had my first marine tank about 20 years ago when i lived in the northeast then took a break from the hobby. Finally getting back in. Still in my research phase but think I should be up and running soon with a nice starter setup.

Science is still the same but tech has definitely improved. Look forward to being part of the community.
Hey All,
I am Aaron and new to the hobby and this forum, after years of freshwater tanks, I have setup a 32g Biocube with live rock and sand after cycling for a few weeks. I have put in a CUC and couple oscellaris clowns and a week later yellow watchman Goby. My question is do I need a protein skimmer and which one would be best if so.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hello everyone, another new guy here. Not exactly new to the hobby as i use to have 75 gal reef years ago, but then i drifted away just to find myself go back at it again. This time on much smaller scale. I look forward to learning about stuff that i don't know and/or have forgotten. Hope everyone is safe and healthy. Cheers!
Hello all folks

Hello all folks

Hello folks I'm Sergio and I've been a voyeur on this forum for years! A big thank you to the community, you all have answered all my questions before asking. Now I have to get out of my voyeur status because I can't find a thread talking about a problem I'm encountering.
Could you address me to the correct forum to ask for strange grey micro algae or bacteria that are growing all over my 1 year old new tank?
Big thanks to all.
Looking for correct thread

Looking for correct thread

Hello I can't identify the algae or bacteria or whatever it is on the picture growing on my live rocks and suffocating my zoas., star polyps, clavularia tricolor etc.

Could you folks address me to the correct thread on this forum?
Thanks all in advance.



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Like a virgin, but not exactly the first time

Like a virgin, but not exactly the first time

I've been a member of Reef Central since Coelacanths were the hot new breed.
I left for several years after an epic disaster. I am retiring now and moving somewhere, as yet undetermined, just not here. The one thing I do know is that when I get where I am going, a decent sized reef will live in my house. Probably somewhere between 180 to 300 gallons in size. It will also include I believe a large refugium and all the bells and whistles to make it thrive. Problem is I have been out of it for so many years that everything has changed. Many of the theories and much of the equipment is all different. I looked at the thread for starting a new tank and although I was delighted they had it and that it was filled with great information, a lot of it is very dated, like the fact it does not mention LED lighting in the lighting section. Does Reef Central have a new, updated list of the current thinking of what works best? Back in my day there were daily debates about deep sand beds and what kind of sand etc. I am looking for a place where I can find some good, up to date, info on what technologies and methods seem to work best in 2020. Is there a thread with that? Glad to get my hands wet again, but I want to do it right. I know it will be very expensive, and I am not a rich person, so I can't afford to do it wrong or have to do it again. Starting from scratch, but with a ton of old school knowledge. Aquariums since 63, Salt since 75, reef since 78.
Excited Newbie

Excited Newbie

Hello Everyone,

I'm Rick and I'm in the early stages of setting up my first tank. I'm planning a mixed reef tank. I'm relocating from Allen, TX to St. Louis, MO. I bought a house and will set up my tank in the basement there. I saw a picture of a tank built in to the wall and loved it, so that's what I'll be doing.

I'm collecting equipment and learning as much as I can now. My display tank is an Innovative Marine INT 200 with a Trigger Platinum 39 sump. I went with the NYOS Quantum 220 skimmer.

I won't be moving to St. Louis until later this year so I set up a small 20 gallon tall last week to practice going through the cycle process at a smaller scale. Monitoring my ammonia and nitrites now, slow process, but I'm learning to be patient. Determining the test colors looks so easy on YouTube but I'm not at all confident that I've gotten that down yet.

Looking forward to working my way through the process but already enjoying it.



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My new setup

My new setup

I finally got around setting up my new tank. Nothing fancy, just 14gal Nuvo Peninsula Pro from BRS. Some sand and dry Marco rocks. Light is Lumini pixie 30, seems fine. I made this light bracket out of light aluminum tube i had at work that swivels to each side but there is a thumb screw so i can secure it to whichever position. And I also made a little bracket for the light with little threaded rod and wing nut so I can set the hight of the light to whatever hight I need too. Also got 50w titanium heater with controller and probe, also from BRS lol. Its been about 3 weeks or so, I dont have any livestock in it yet, im just taking my time. All I have is filter sock as far as filtration goes so far. Water is crystal clear, I used reef crystals and RO, tds from RO is 006ppm, so pretty happy with that. I'm in process of making ATO and trying to figure out how to hide clutter of cables and cords lol. I'll update pics as I go

Hello, my name is Maryetta and I'm so excited to get information howto set up my 210 gallon aquarium.

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Hello! My name is Allan, I live in sunny San Diego (for now). I am not new here however I have been away from the hobby, and this website, for a little over 5 years now and I'm ready to get back into it. I kept a few tanks running at one time in the past, a 110g and a few nanos. I think now I am going to stick around the 60-80g range once I find something worth purchasing. Looking forward to conversing with the community and growing corals again.
Hey everyone new to the hobby. ALWAYS wanted a salt water tank and finally the wife gave the go ahead. I have ordered a 100g NUVO Ext and ordered a bunch of stuff to go with it based on recommendations from a couple friends of mine. Very excited to get the tank started!


Hi! I am fairly new to the hobby. I have a 32 gallon biocube with some live rock, zoa frags, 2 damsels and a goby. I started the tank in August, 2020. So far, everything appears fine. EXCEPT: After about 1 month of peace and bliss the damsels are attacking the goby. They keep him at the surface of the tank. Every time the goby tries to get to the bottom, the damsels hit him. They even took over the burrow the goby made under the live rock. Am I going to have to choose between the damsels and the goby? I just want like 4 or 5 peace loving creatures in my tank. Any suggestions?
not new to the hobby but been away for about 5 years , but even longer for saltwater. Had a 240 fish only that I had built into the wall of my old house and had a 50 reef. The reef I had success in the fact that nothing died but nothing grew either. At the time I did not have the cash for all the best lighting. That is the one thing I see that has greatly changed in this hobby is the leds. No more crazy metal halides and rows and rows of tubes. Im excited to get back into it.
Hi all,

Been a freshwater keeper for years, took a break, and now am planning to start a 55 gallon reef tank. Any suggestions for setup are welcome. My wife says we have to have a clown and a tang, other than that we are pretty open to any other fish.

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30 year sabbatical - exploring return

30 year sabbatical - exploring return

I had 3 different salt water aquariums from '89 - '94; 50G, 70G and 90G. This was in the days of under-gravel filters, Fritzyme, a couple of Fluval external canisters (cant remember the models, but they had 3 separate chambers in a stack inside the can that locked together) a cheap metal fluorescent fixture (sitting ON the tank :crazy1:) with a couple of blue actinic bulbs. Martin Moe (still have the book) was an authority.

Fast forward 30 some years and I am almost an empty nester, now exploring a return to the hobby I once loved so much.

Forums (or the wide use of the internet for that matter) didn't exist then. I'm so glad it does now, as the knowledge and info available is incredible.
