If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Good afternoon all,

David Coetzee here.
originally from south africa where i had :

FOWLR and some softies.

198 liter Capacity inlcluding sump. Use a Skimmer from the TL550 in chamber one of the sump + Charcoal. Chamber two live rock, chamber 3 layer of course arogonite.
Chamber 4 and 5 DSB. Chamber 6 Return pump some LR chards and chemical absorption bag. (forgot the name right now).

I sold that in December 2018 as we moved to Quito in Ecuador on 01 January 2019.

I am currently looking into starting something here in Quito now. But alas, there does not seem to be much of a marine scene here. :(
Hello from Minnesota

Hello from Minnesota

Hello hello, I'm Ben from Minnesota. I'm looking to build and operate a tank for either freshwater or saltwater fish, plants, and maybe even coral. Glad to have found the forum!
Hello everyone.

I'm semi new in the hobby. I was a FOWLR. Kid from 14 to 18. Took a break and at the ripe old age of 26 I returned back into the hobby

Here's the current tank.

2 months old and almost done cycling

Equipped with a sun sun canister filter with 9 watt UV sterilizer

2 Kessil AP700 lights (not shown, this picture was taken before Christmas [emoji854])

Hydor 300 watt in line heater

Neptune apex classic currently running PH and temp

Neptune auto leak detection

Neptune auto water top off with a 10 gallon reservoir

I'm finally going off the deep becoming a lean mean coral reef building machine

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Noob, kinda

Noob, kinda

Hello everyone,

I've been a lurker on this forum for years and just decided to get back into the game.

I've had several saltwater tanks (30/75/220 FOWLR) in the past and I look forward to continuing to learn and enjoy this hobby for many years to come.
Hi everyone, starting a tank after many years.

Hi everyone, starting a tank after many years.

Hi everyone, so glad to be back at the hobby! I had tanks many years ago and superstorm Sandy hit and killed everything. I did not have the heart to start another tank until now. I am sure a ton has changed so I am basically a newbie. I started a 13.5 fluval evo. I am living in northwest NC now and looking for reef groups , swaps, etc...
Not new, just back! :-)

Not new, just back! :-)

Hi Guys,

A while ago, we had a BEAUTIFUL tank but a bunch of stuff hit the fan and we had to get rid of it. All of our guys went to great homes but I was heart broken. Well, now that the kids are grown and we have moved for the last time, we are looking to start a new reef tank. Not sure how big we want it yet but are starting to reacquaint ourselves and learn all of the new stuff. Right now we have 3 freshwater tanks and a 13 gallon nano. We started the nano about two months ago and are waiting for it to grow all of its goodies before adding any soft corals. Right now it just has some rocks, a temporary fake hidey thing and a couple of crazy clowns. The water parameters are perfect and things are growing in there. A few more months and we will be good to go. I'm very excited to be back in the game, I really LOVE my fish and their antics. Two of my freshwater tanks house African cichlids from both lakes. They are beautiful and keep me on my toes. It seems the prettier they are the more aggressive they are. Adorable jerks! Well, I hope to learn all of the things and can't wait until we start building our new tank! :fun2:
Very first aquascape, how can I make it better??

Very first aquascape, how can I make it better??

Hi everyone! I am a 23 marine biology graduate and am very new to the hobby! It has been my dream for some time and I just recently purchased a 60 gallon acrylic tank! It had been established for more than a year from the previous owner and has quite a few mushrooms and a rose bubble tip in there already. Waiting at least a week before adding any fish or coral.

I tried my hand at aquascaping it but am thinking I may need to change a few things. I feel like the wall on the left is too high, and I feel like there aren't enough hiding spots? I also feel like I should put more islands as I home hoping to put a lot of softies in there in the future. I just want to hear y'alls opinion.What did I do wrong, what did I do right (if any haha) and if you have any suggestions they are GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!!


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Hello Reefers

Hello Reefers

Hi RC. My name is Brian, brand new to the hoppy as the wife and kid have finally gotten me to do a saltwater tank after about 7 years of shutting down my last freshwater one. Bought used 57 gallon with trigger sump. Purchased an Apex Controller which should be here Friday. Fishless cycle took about a month but family excited about going to the lfs to either get or order a pair of clown fish!
Yeah those rocks are very close to the glass ,personally I would re scape the rocks maybe put more in the middle of the aquarium , do you have epoxy ?

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Hello everybody, im new to the forum. I am in the process of upgrading my 32 biocube to a 75 gal display and 20 gal sump. My goal is to make a mixed reef mostly LPS. Thought i would jump in on a forum to help take it to the next level!
Hello every one from Panama City, Florida!

I set up my first saltwater tank like 20 years ago after 11 years of fresh water experience (wow, now that I make the math has been a long time ago!) and I will try to do it again, I'm really not too interested on keeping fish as much as I like Zoanthids (I believe its called reef garden?).

I will like to aim to something small like the Waterbox 20 Cube, AI Prime 16HD LED Light and... I'm not sure, I'm still reading and trying to catch on what is the new technology when it comes to saltwater!

P.S. I still keep fish, 5 fat big koi on a outdoor pond (1500 gallons).
Hi folks getting started with a new 90g seahorse tank with fuge, had some experience many years ago but never gotten into the game to this degree. Looking forward to learning lots from folks here.
Hey everyone,

Just looking to get back into the hobby. I have a little 2.5 gallon nano tank thats been severely neglected for years (no fish or coral, just some snails and crabs) that I need to get back to maintaining properly. It's been a while since I've looked at things, the last time I was really into the hobby, Metal Halide's/T5's were the best lighting and LED was just barely coming around. Anyway, looking forward to catching up, my wallet not so much.
Hi folks, have been in this hobby for a few years now. Upgrading to a 130 gallon tank soon and looking for build ideas and the best tank options. Looking forward to sharing the final pictures :)
Hi group! Starting in reef tanks after a lot of years in fresh water... A whole new world for me. I am planning a 90 gal tank (330 liters) that will be at home this month. I hope to learn a lot here...

Regards from Spain!