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Long time freshwater planted tanker here. I have a 150 gal acrylic tank with built in overflows and a 30 gal glass sump. I am thinking about tearing this down and reusing the tank/sump for a reef tank. I have just started research and will take my time.

Is acrylic more difficult for algae scraping in the salt world?
hello all, I'm not new but I had not had a reef tank since 2005. I can see a lot of technology has change since I had my tank. I'm planning on getting a tank again, but I don't know where to start. Can anyone can point me to the right direction?? I don't want to do Metal Halide lights again....LOL. Something simple so my kids can enjoy the piece of reef like I did in the past.
LED lighting is the new thing & BRS has done a whole series on everything from soup to nuts on aquariums & how to.
I suggest you start there on You tube to get a feel for what you want.
ReefStache - Looking forward to the build.

rainsong - I think you mean does a different kind of SW growth occur on the acrylic. Coralline might be it, although it's just really a carbonate lime coating like the white stuff you get in FW. Just use a plastic scraper, and watch for sand particles.

Revelation1315 - LEDs are super easy, and for kids just do fish-only to start. I'd consider a plastic reef tub, looking down, so there is no glass to clean.
Hello, I’m new to saltwater but have lots of experience in freshwater. I started a Fluval EVO 13.5 5 months ago and will be converting my 75 gallons freshwater tank to saltwater.

I’ll be looking around to learn. Thanks for accepting me !
Thank you

Thank you

Hello, I'm new to saltwater but have lots of experience in freshwater. I started a Fluval EVO 13.5 5 months ago and will be converting my 75 gallons freshwater tank to saltwater.

I'll be looking around to learn. Thanks for accepting me !
Hello, I'm new to saltwater but have lots of experience in freshwater. I started a Fluval EVO 13.5 5 months ago and will be converting my 75 gallons freshwater tank to saltwater.

I'll be looking around to learn. Thanks for accepting me !

Welcome to RC!
Howdy all...again. LOL

Last time I was here was around Sept 2011. Ya, it's been a little while. Unfortunately I never got my 110g setup going and sold it when I had to move.

Well, I finally kicked myself in the butt to try and actually start a new system this time. Tomorrow I'm purchasing a 135g setup from someone local to try and get things going again. I'm looking forward to it, but I know I'll have lots of questions. Especially on tank startup and lighting. I think he has two T-5s on the tank, but I'm considering going LED.

I don't need anything super on the setup, but I would like to have some corals and fish to make the tank fun to watch, eventually. I know this all takes a TON of time and patience. Normally I'm bad about trying to buy the best I can for certain things when I jump into an activity, but I'm trying to be mindful of that this time.

Anyone have thoughts on the Current Orbit Marine IC PRO LED lights? Looks like this "kit" has two 72" lights. My tank is 72" x 18" x 24". I kind of only want to buy lights once, if I can, but I also don't want to buy a super pro setup that costs like $2k either. I'm sure I'll never grow fancy corals that need a $2k lighting system. Or should I post this in the lighting section?

Anyway, good to see everyone again. It's only been 10 years. LOL :P
Hello everyone new to saltwater, but I have been keeping freshwater for a few years. Since moving the wife finally gave the green light on a SW tank. Only stipulation was that it had to be a new tank, so I'm going big (72x30x28)! Just waiting on tank to arrive. Been lurking around on all sw platforms and just trying to take in all information.
New member

New member

Hi from Connecticut!
Newbie here. Setting up a Biocube 16. Wish I could go bigger, but that wasn't in the cards"¦Building the stand tomorrow. Still have a long way to go and lots to learn"¦ this forum is a wealth of information! Thanks!
New to RC!

New to RC!

Hey all, have been lurking here since I started my SW tank. Currently running a Fluval Evo 13.5 w/ Red Sea 50. Tank has been up and running since February, currently housing: 2x Oscellaris Clowns and a 6 Line Wrasse. This tank was intended to be my "starter" tank to make sure I love the hobby, with the intention of upgrading to a big boy in the future!

Looking forward to meeting all of you, cheers!
Watch out for that 6 line, they have a BAD ATTITUDE.

You know, that's what people have told me but my experience proves otherwise. Maybe it's picking up the weird personality of the clowns, but these 3 are absolutely inseparable. There's been no fighting outside of the first few hours of him being added, now they're schooling together, eating together, everything. The wrasse isn't even shy when I do maintenance! S/he swims through my hand when it's in the tank!
Been lurking around on all sw platforms and just trying to take in all information.

I remember those days; it was only 2 forums though, and that kept me busy for six months.

Biocube 16. Wish I could go bigger

When you get up close, those can seem really huge. The trick is a lot of small things instead of one large thing.

upgrading to a big boy in the future!

Keep the small boy though, for some special setup.
Not new, but it's been a long time

Not new, but it's been a long time

It has been several years, but I am ready, again, to dip back into the reef scene. I have a 75 gallon tank with old sand and rock that I plan to reuse. I threw away all my old equipment and am researching new better quality equipment than I had previously. I also want to do a sump/refuge this go round. I have a 29 gallon tank I considered using, but I think I want to go bigger. I look forward to reading the forums again and learning what I need to do better than I did in the past. It's exciting!
Hi! Just getting started

Hi! Just getting started

I'm Tiffany from N. VA. I have been researching for about 2 years and finally bought a RSR 250 v3. I have had it about 2 months and finally tested it last weekend for any leaks. I have a ton of buckets I bought from a restaurant to initially mix salt and add to tank to start cycling. I plan to use Instant Ocean salt mix. I have a RODI system and booster I will set up as needed to make and store RODI. Here is my stock list I plan to have:

Captive bred Mandarin or pair
2x fake clowns
1x blue dotted jawfish
4x cardinals
1x leopard wrasse
1x tamini Tang
1x flame angel
1x Catalina goby

Not sure on corals but, thinking zoanthids, mushrooms, toadstools, xenia to start

Hoping to get water started this weekend! Am I missing anything? Any advice? Thank you!