If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!



Hi Im new to the forum as well to the aquarist theme I got a 55 tank but Im building a 90gls
right now I buy some corals and add some fishes but I don't now if buy an AI hydra or Radion XR30w 2nd gen my goal is to have a beatifull and clorfull aquarium! wich one ill should go?
Hi everyone.
I'm also new to the forum.
Just got my 56 column w/ refugium up and running again after a 3.5 year hiatus to move and start a family.
Really looking forward to learning from everyone what all has changed in the hobby over the last few years.
Hi all! new member here by way of charleston, sc! I've made some good friends along the way and look forward to expanding my knowledge and making new friends along the way.
Super Noob :D

Super Noob :D

Hi RC Family!

My name is Jeffrey Tran and I am currently knew to this hobby. My tank has been established for less than a year and I am happy to announce I have a healthy Onyx Clown Fish living in it.

Unfortunately the LFS that I am currently going to is closing down and going out of business.

I was wondering if anyone in my area knows of an LFS I could go to that support newbie hobbyist? I bombard with questions... a lot

Also I would love a source I could go to for live stock.

I currently live in Fountain Valley, CA. My surrounding cities are Huntington Beach, Santa Ana, Garden Grove, and Westminster. I am also willing to travel as far as Irvine and Tustin.

I use to go to Coral Gazers in Tustin. However the two employees that use to work there that helped me start my tank and interest in the hobby have left the scene.

If i could get some suggestion that would be great! Thanks a bunch!
Hi I'm new to RC I just set up a 110 gallon tank that's 35x27x26 I have a small sump space and made DIY sump it a fowlr not sure if my ams G-1x skimmer is working the neck gets very grungy but the skim mat is very light
Running out of time my banggai cardinalfish needs help

Running out of time my banggai cardinalfish needs help

Hello, Sorry This is my first post and not sure how to start one so I guess I am replying so please forgive me...However, I have to find help for my Banggai Cardinalfish who has large growths on it's gills and is in need of treatment. I live in Phuket Thailand and have no one who knows anything about this matter.
Please show me where to post these pictures unless you can help me with this...Thank you Sincerely, Ricky


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Hello fish world

Hello fish world

Hey guys-I just joined the hobby about 2 months ago when I acquired a 29 biocube. I'm pretty green but working on it so I will take all the help I can get! My tank has been cycling for about 6 weeks now and I'm getting ready to set up a quarantine tank. Petco is the only place with saltwater fish close to me but I just found a lfs about an hour away so I'm looking forward to scoping it out this weekend. Already starting to feel the addiction...
greetings new to the hobby

greetings new to the hobby

just wanted to say hi to everyone and hopeful you can give me a help me with the many questions i have with starting up my first salt water tank.

I've been doing fresh water for many many years so salt is new to me.
New to Reef Central, not new to the hobby

New to Reef Central, not new to the hobby

Hey Everyone,

I'm new to Reef Central, was suggested to join by another member. Anyways, a little about me:

I started my first Marine tank 30+ years ago with a green chromis in a 2.5g tank (hey, I was about 9!). Anyways, I've had Marine tanks since fluctuating as large as 60g. About 10 years ago I downsized everything to a 29g, my first Reef Tank (just mushrooms).

Fast forward to about a month ago when we got back from a 2 week vacation and found my reef tank down to about 3" of water. Fish all survived, but lost our Coral Banded shrimp and literally hundreds of mushrooms. Phosphates have since gone off the charts and algae is growing on everything!

So...I decided it was time to do an upgrade to lighting (currently using a Coralife Aqua Pro), filtration (currently using a HOB Wet/Dry with Protein Skimmer), etc. I started running the numbers and decided if I'm going to spend some money, I might as well start from scratch and build a larger tank. So I'm currently scouring Craigslist looking for something to start my build with. Only constraint is 48" length.
Hey guys, new here. Been into reef tank for about two years now after switching over from freshwater. Currently have a 30 g fowlr and a 75g reef. Currently upgrading to a 125 which is being plumbed on the back porch and been doing a lot of different research to get this one exactly how I want it before things get transferred
New reefer.

New reefer.

Hello everyone. I am excited to learn as much as I can in this great hobby. I am starting off with a 75 gallon DT. I have a 55 gallon sump/refugium which I have a 5 inch deep sand bed in and one small piece of live rock. A 300 gallon tank size protein skimmer. I have 30lbs of live rock and 50lbs of base rock. It's been set up for 2 months now.
Hello all, I have made several posts on various forums but have never introduced myself!

My name is John. I am a financial advisor/Enrolled Agent by trade. I am also a Southern Baptist lay minister. I am married, have 2 great kids, a son in law and a one of a kind grandson ( I highly recommend getting one if you don't have one!) We live in SC right outside Charlotte NC.

My son-in-law got me hooked in aquariums! I started in April. I went from a 55 gal to a 120 gal in 3 mos! I have a 30 gal quarantine tank. Starting off, I bought 9 fish at one time- they all died. Heartbreaking. The only good thing was the $345 was guaranteed for 14 days since I bought them through LiveAquaria. no questions asked. great to deal with. I have since bought other fish through them and they are the healthiest of my fish family. Try them if you haven't.

I have been surprised how much I enjoy the whole hobby. Each fish has its own personality.

All the people on this site have been so helpful. Do as much reading and searching as you can before making any decision. You can get guidance on about anything. Heck, I am sure if you asked, someone would tell you how to make brownies!
I guess I get to formally introduct myself here!

I guess I get to formally introduct myself here!

My name is Krista, I live in South Windsor, CT (any saltwater hobbyists this way, please let me know!) I had originally set up a 30 gallon tank in July. Maybe a few boo boos. My tank cycled very quickly. First mistake...after my first week I added two clowns, which I think is what moved it along. It was a mistake but my fish are fine. The second week I added an Eilbi (sp??) angelfish. Tank came down with ich. Treated with herbtana, did not work. As it does, but I knew it would come back. Came home one day, my 13yr old had been out shopping with my mom. As a present to me, my mother bought me a scopus tang. NOOO! I knew the tang was way way WAY too small for that tank. Next day, the tang came down with what I though was ich. Treated with kick ich and loaded the tank with fresh garlic (I am sorry but it has worked thus far). I went out and bought a 55 gallon. I have read successful stories of scopus being kept in 40 gallon so I went to a 55 gallon. Honestly, I was afraid of anything heavier due to my floor supporting it. I let that tank cycle for about a week, and BAM...sitting in the living room I see a pool of water on my carpet flowing from the 30 gallon. My NEXX filter had sprung a MAJOR leak. I did not know what to do. I had not yet had my 20 gallon quarantine. I had to put the fish into the 55 gallon (that was cycling nicely I might add, I added some of my bio stars to the filter). The fish went into the 55 gallon. It has been about 2 weeks, I continue to mix the food with a pretty heavy load of garlic, no more kick ich and I have not seen a spot on any fish since. I just did a major water change last night as the spike in nitrates came. Going to test again in a few minutes. You should have seen how happy my fish seemed the second I put them into the 55 gallon. I still need some upgrades to my tank. Currently I am running an Emperor 250 (yes too small for a 55 but the lfs threw it into the 55 gallon set up for free...along with a bunch of other stuff). I have an Eheim heater (can't remember the wattage but it works well), about 60 pounds of live stand and 50 pounds of live rock. I have 2 powerheads, one a maxjett90 and the other is a crappy topfin 30. I just ordered another powerhead. I will be getting a protein skimmer week after next (I have some nice amazon $$ coming to me which I will use). Any other suggestions? I recently added 2 damsels and a banghai cardinal which are doing great. Yesterday I added some live coral (leather coral with the long tentacles, not the killer one, zoas and buttons). So far so good. My lighting needs an upgrade too. I have a DeepBlue HO T5, the one without the timer. I want one with a timer, and a stronger one so that I may get more corals. Ok. I think that's it. All said and done, tell me what you think, please don't "yell" at me for the mistakes I have already made though. Be nice to me. I am new :) Wish I could post pics but they all come out side ways and that annoys the crap out of me.

I am new to the site! Very happy to join and be a part of a great hobby with some helpful people. Seems like a friendly hobby with people who just want to help each other.

Today is Day 6 of my cycle. I came across an incredible deal on a 75 gallon tank pre drilled with overflow/filter, wood stand with cabinents and 8 electric plugins installed, 20 gallon refugium, 3 Koralia powerheads, and 60 pounds of base rock. All under $170. I couldn't pass it up. Everything is working great. I recently got 40 pounds of live rock from a guy covered in coralline algae also. I did a mix of black Hawaiian sand with some coarse white coral sand. Has a very nice and natural looking texture. I will upload a pic later :)

I just added 2 chromis to help with my cycle. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Cheers to saltwater!