Good gracious. Knowing that tank, in that state, is a horrible reality.
But the truth is...just seeing that video alone is still inspirational to me. I mean, not to get too sappy about it..but some days when I used to look at my tank...and I saw all its flaws...I thought to myself..."But look at somebody like Tim's tank. He probably had times like this. But he pushed through it...and look at it now. I just gotta get past this (insert reef related problem here--aiptasia outbreak, red slime debacle, nitrate spikes, etc.) and my tank will look like that soon."
Basically, if I give up now and throw in the tank will never look like that. But if I hang in a couple years...mine might look like that. So even now...that tank is still awesome. Just can only see it on video now. Thats all. :beer: