just got my macro lens what settings do i use


Hello all i just got my new macro lens its a Nikon AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G if-ed and my camera is a nikon d3100 now what settings do i use to take very good coral pics as i have never used a dslr camera. thank you :)
That is a pretty general question... there are a lot of things to learn if you haven't used an SLR camera before! You should read your manual that came with your camera if you haven't already, and read up about ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and most importantly for reef photos, white balancing. I don't shoot Nikon, but that is a nice lens, and I'm assuming good body, so you should get some terrific results. Read the stickies above, and maybe look up some general info on the internet about tips for beginners.

In general though, with that lens:

- learn how to custom white balance or if your camera allows it, set to the max k temperature (mine goes to 10,000 k)
- learn how to meter your shots
- for coral close ups, use a tripod, you'll get sharper shots, at least initially
- try not to let your ISO climb up too high, say about 640 or 800, as the more noise will be introduced
-try not to use too big an aperature (lower Av #), it will have a narrower depth of field and make getting a sharper image difficult... try using something in the 9 to 11 range initially

More than anything, shoot shoot and shoot, and post some pics and ask for feedback. The nice thing with digital photography is that the results are instantaneous, and you can take many shots without worry... an remember, it might take 10 or 20 shots (or more) to get one really good one that you are happy with, especially with moving targets such as fish.