Just sharing... nothing important

i started with pohls until i could learn how it would affect color and at what point an overdose is achieved. i have started KCl as of late, but i havent worked my way up to an overdose point to know how much KCl=a dose of pohls.

I am also thinking that if graphed it shouldnt be a linear daily dosage. After water change, should be low dose, building up daily until the day before the next water change and drop back down again.

I'd also like to add that all of this is purely experimental on my behalf and should say "mimic me at your own risk."

I have a heavy coral load and skim very aggressively... thats why i feel i should play with K.
came across this pic... liked it... dont think i'd posted it... so here goes

I like the Chewbacca Acro.I have the same one.i recived it about a month ago abit browned out.I was starting to wonder if it was bleaching but yet the tips kept getting darker blue.But its bushy as can be.Nice to see another one.
Keep those photos coming if you got any more around! Really a beautiful tank, something to continually work towards. Great job with this setup.

i chopped up my tank a coupla weekends ago... so everything looks a little ragged around the edges... when it grows back in i will see if i can get some more.

A side note... i am thinking of pulling everything apart and re-aquascaping. That's a tough decision to make since everything has been going well for a little while now.
Are you just reaquascaping to give the corals a little more room? or are you trying to change how the tank is setup?

a little of both... looking at tank shots... looks like a lot of rock and the typical fruit stand look (Which is hard to get away from in a typical rectangular tank). My rockscape is a bunch of wide open caves that the fish absolutely love. Then there is rock above these caves. When i first set it up it was great, but now that the corals have grown so much I have some beginning to stick outta the water surface. I'd also like to bring the whole 'scape down a little to open up some swimming room. As of now, the fish dart in and out of branches (and when there is a little chasing going on, it turns into frag city) Also.. with my loop outlets... there is strong flow that is starting to hit corals that are growing into the current. So i am getting flattened branches, half side colored branches, and then branches that just give up.

Problem.. moving these corals that have been in the same position for about a year and a half will prove troublesome. I know i will lose some that wont like their new location as well as some that just wont like me messing with them at all. Then there is the whole stirring up rock deal. And then there is the wife "everything was fine why did you screw with it" deal.

So maybe i will leave well enough alone, but re-'scaping looms in the back of my mind.
this shot was from 12-10-05... corals were still adjusting to the new lighting (i thought they'd bleach, but they darkened)... anyway... one coral for reference... the blue tort to the left is one of many corals now reaching the water surface. The yongei was cut off at the base right at the hippo's tail right after this pic was taken... the yongei is now bigger than in this shot.

Wow, what a difference, that is some serious growth! I know how you feel about messing with it, that is hard to do when everything is working well.

And then there is the wife "everything was fine why did you screw with it" deal.
Just tell her "your right!, I should get a tank twice the size so I only have to bother them once and I can give them much more room. :D .

next tank has been discussed and agreed upon.... next house to afford the space for said tank has yet to be purchased :(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7421217#post7421217 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kip
this shot was from 12-10-05... corals were still adjusting to the new lighting (i thought they'd bleach, but they darkened)... anyway... one coral for reference... the blue tort to the left is one of many corals now reaching the water surface. The yongei was cut off at the base right at the hippo's tail right after this pic was taken... the yongei is now bigger than in this shot.


What lighiting were you running prior to the 400W Radiums?

Would you ahppen to have a newer tank shot?
