Krakatoa Zoa?

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Getting back to the Krakatoa... Everyone is forgetting one key thing here.... It was an auction with a finishing price that was set by the people. It wasn't a LFS asking a ridiculous price for a polyp it was hobbyist themselves setting the value of this thing. Don't think that the bid was getting ran up because I talked to a couple of people that were bidding on it. It was down to who wanted it more and what was someone willing to pay for its rarity.... That is what the uproar is about.... It was hobbyist that set the price so high not the named collector or the LFS... That is my $.02

True, and well said. While this thread is originally about an auction though, the road it's gone down has gotten more broad.
I have a few people I trust, but I speak to them in person. I have asked some questions here when I was bouncing ideas around, but the vast majority of "experts" I find on this forum are the last people in the world I would trust with a goldfish bowl
That's awesome...

Crap I didn't know we had validated experts in this forum, care to share? Last time I checked its a bunch of hobbyist who share their experiences , their thoughts and their .02 cents as this is just a forum.


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haha, central is a great source of information, and anyone that is half decent at keeping a reef will be the first one to tell you that there are many ways to get results, as for tang police, sorry, but its a bad idea to keep a tang in a 29 gallon biocube, do you disagree?

and yes, it was insane to keep coral in the 70's and 80's, but guess what, we learned, got better equipment, and how its possible! holy cow! can you imagine that?!
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Good place to get info but remember, it is the internet so take it for what its worth. I have not seen anyone calling themselves experts or uber super marine biologists and if they do I still take what they say with a grain of salt. Its a good place to share info, learning experiences, and heck even make new buddies. It is not one to take too seriously.

Charles, I am joining you.
Hey Duke thanks for sharing your coral. I can't understand why there is always so much drama with Z&P people lol. I love pricey polyps because they look nice, and I have alot of midrange 'named' polyps that I think no one else in the State has, and it would take an 8 hour drive to Denver to get.
So I wait until they get cheap again. The issue can be with polyps like the PPE. It only garners a $10-$20 price tang and grows super slow, so almost nobody has it for sale anymore. Mine fell of the plug or I would have a sweet 5-10p colony after 2-3 years lol.
The hype and high prices is what keeps these guys available in the hobby, without the hype people wouldn't frag and mass grow out mini colonies and sell them.
Duke please keep collecting and trading and selling because without people like you, backwater Montanans can't get my polyps on.

PS what happened to purple hornets, its all about reds and blues these days.
I'm shocked by the way the discussion went...

I don't think we should fight nor be too aggressive because of this type of subject. To tell the truth, any type of subject are only people's opinions here and there...
We should get what's best for us from the discussions and filter what we think doesn't apply.

This is just a hobby to me and I enjoy coming here to have friends, not to fight.
We don't need to prove anything, really!!! To tell the truth I don't care if you pay $20,000.00 for your polyps. It's not my money!!

And when I tell you that you shouldn't pay too much for polyps is because I care for you.

It's so simple:
The old timers, will defend what we had a while ago just because it was a good thing!!!
It was fair and fun!!! It is absurd to me for someone to pay $500.00+ or so for polyps. Yes, it is! The way I look at it? I just have to laugh at the situation! LOL!!!!!

The new people, or current generation, will see only what they see today. That's why they won't understand. it's not their fault. They don't know better...

The other way to look at it: the market won't change to what it was. It's just impossible to revert the situation, so let it be... We can tell them that we think it's wrong and explain why, of course.

I do like to tell them, so they know there is a "normal guy" here that won't be part of the money game. They can hear me or not. That's ok...

I think the best way to do this is to tell them how it was, but let them play the game as they want. There is no other way... To be upset isn't the a good thing. Stress kills us.

The only thing I don't really like with all this is because the Zoa forum became more about cartoon named IDs, which aren't IDs at all but a bunch of marketing names, and money talk, than any other thing. That hurts!! It is almost impossible to find a serious thread with a great subject discussion.
And that's why many left the forum, as we know...

Hopefully we will direct the attention to the fact that this thread is really about actions. We didn't have that in the past either!!!! It's a new crazy thing only for those who gets the money and guts to do it!!!

The abuse of high prices exists only because there are those who are willing to feed them.
Are you one of them? That's too bad!! But I won't hate you and wish those polyps would live.

People are more important then our polyps.
Let's try to have a great time, even though we've got different opinions.

Just keep zoaning, please!!! :dance:

I paid $200 for my first TV and gas was $.80 a gallon once too. You aren't a fool who pays $3-4 a gallon do you?

Things get more expensive with inflation as well as expansion. There are so many more people in the hobby now with the advent of better technology and AOI systems people now realize they don't need a PHD to grow corals, and they buy it.

There is virtually nothing in most LFS store that interests me because I like color. Sharp, vibrant contrasting colors that are not nearly as common as you seem to think.
You're right, I dont have much experience with the saltwater side of the hobby, most of my experience has been in the freshwater world where the same issues occur with plants and shrimp. There are plants that go for hundreds of dollars per stem for no reason other than hype. It's the exact same issue that comes naturally with any hobby, there will always be a general population market and a high end market. The bread and butter equipment makes the most money as a whole, but it's the high end that pushes progress. why? because the instant they discover anything even slightly new they can add a few hundred to what they were making before. When Erio was first introduced to the hobby in the US it went for $500, when pinto shrimp first came in the entire shipment went for $3000 per shrimp to the same hobbyist.

Before I continue: I also own a fish store? dont believe me? shoot me a pm and i'll give you our info so you can give us a call. I'm not some idiot who has no experience. I've been in the business 3 years this time around and before a two year break, 4 years. So with a total of 7 years on the business end of this hobby I feel like I can make statements on this, but please, continue referencing me coming for advice to confirm something I already suspected as a reason to simply ignore what I am saying.

Now let me get to what bothers me about everything you say: you assume that because some of us are willing to pay a fortune for something we want that the seller is a "scammer". For some people it's just a price we pay for what we want.

Also: as far as expansion of the hobby goes, local fish stores are being ground down by online sales, I'm seeing less and less of people coming in wanting the bread and butter zoas, even when I price them at $1-2 per polyp or even less in some cases, which compared to most retail establishments is dirt cheap. What people come to me with money for are the designer zoas. That's why I ordered nightmares, darth mauls, and gods of war. People ask for designer zoas by name and want to pay $20 or more per polyp for some of them!

Get off your high horse and realize that everything in this hobby is only worth as much as someone will pay, and i'm not just talking corals, look at equipment or tanks. How is it that I buy a 55g one place and it costs me $55 yet I pay $120 elsewhere? Because the name sells the product. I can sell two high end zoas that are identical, one with a name, one without and ask for buyers to offer a price, the named zoa will sell for more everytime, because this hobby as a whole expects to pay for quality.

But wait! this theory doesn't apply just to this hobby does it?

It applies to the entire pet trade. If you want something new and exotic, you pay more. simply to ensure that you get what you want, that you get something different.

Side note: coral wholesale prices aren't half as high as you think they are, the difference in price between a large rock of "premium/ultra" grade zoas and just "zoas" on my list is $10 right now; these rocks come in with anywhere from 100-200 polyps on them. Prices are still low enough to easily make 500% profit on every coral sold even at "fair" prices
Great post, however a lot of that was wasted because the guy calling you out thinks posts on a forum actually matter in the real world. LOL, since he has been on the forum for a while he certainly must be as smart as he thinks he is? Right?
I paid $200 for my first TV and gas was $.80 a gallon once too. You aren't a fool who pays $3-4 a gallon do you?

Things get more expensive with inflation as well as expansion. There are so many more people in the hobby now with the advent of better technology and AOI systems people now realize they don't need a PHD to grow corals, and they buy it.

There is virtually nothing in most LFS store that interests me because I like color. Sharp, vibrant contrasting colors that are not nearly as common as you seem to think.

The high prices of those polyps have absolutely nothing to do with inflation.
That's a good one!!!

In my long winded reply...LOL... This is what I wrote.... No scam, no LFS or collector blowing up the price...

"Getting back to the Krakatoa... Everyone is forgetting one key thing here.... It was an auction with a finishing price that was set by the people. It wasn't a LFS asking a ridiculous price for a polyp it was hobbyist themselves setting the value of this thing. Don't think that the bid was getting ran up because I talked to a couple of people that were bidding on it. It was down to who wanted it more and what was someone willing to pay for its rarity.... That is what the uproar is about.... It was hobbyist that set the price so high not the named collector or the LFS... That is my $.02 "
I had to reiterate what you posted because organism didn't bother to pay attention.
Great post, however a lot of that was wasted because the guy calling you out thinks posts on a forum actually matter in the real world. LOL, since he has been on the forum for a while he certainly must be as smart as he thinks he is? Right?

Organism is a good guy, who has helped a lot of people on this forum. He's just very passionate about what he believes which is something I can respect.

I'll admit when the saltwater hobby was first ramping up prices were better, and i'd love to see those prices again! I think we all would honestly. The problem is that the hobby has changed from what is was, it used to be a small niche market, now every mom and pop store and most chains can get you set up with a saltwater tank for next to nothing. Like everything else our hobby has expanded and become more mainstream, with that comes an increase of prices unfortunately, but the benefits of the expansion of our hobby can't be understated. We have new species available to us all the time, we are even learning to captive breed and propagate most everything we keep! In my mind the price of the hobby will always be worth it, I'll pay however much for what I want, and I hope you do the same!
I think everyone should take a deep breath and touch gloves. There's a ton of valuable and very factual information being shared in this thread and many aren't even taking a moment to listen to what's being stated. Let's try talking to, instead of at each other. Doing so will prevent this thread from being locked, then no one will be making any points.

Just my 2 cents.

I think everyone should take a deep breath and touch gloves. There's a ton of valuable and very factual information being shared in this thread and many aren't even taking a moment to listen to what's being stated. Let's try talking to, instead of at each other. Doing so will prevent this thread from being locked, then no one will be making any points.

Just my 2 cents.


But I was just making some popcorn:sad1: haha just kidding. Hows it going Mucho?
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