Krakatoa Zoa?

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I just did a google search on the Krakatoa and this thread popped up. I am not a frequent flyer on Reef Central but this whole thread interested me.

Yea so ummm.... I am the guy that bought the ones on eBay. They will be here tomorrow. I already have the original krakatoa and wanted more. I assure you that they are as bright as they look in the picture and the photo is not photo shopped. Its a pricey coral but I have been collecting for a while and nothing really comes close to it. I mean, I know that the picture looks photo shopped but believe me there is not really much to photo shop.
I just did a google search on the Krakatoa and this thread popped up. I am not a frequent flyer on Reef Central but this whole thread interested me.

Yea so ummm.... I am the guy that bought the ones on eBay. They will be here tomorrow. I already have the original krakatoa and wanted more. I assure you that they are as bright as they look in the picture and the photo is not photo shopped. Its a pricey coral but I have been collecting for a while and nothing really comes close to it. I mean, I know that the picture looks photo shopped but believe me there is not really much to photo shop.

Welcome :fun2:. Got a picture of the original?
Well put, the "supply and demand" argument for corals pretty much just showcases how little the person making the argument understands economics...

LOL!!! Yep!
And that is the BEST argument they've got. Believe it or not!!
I think they believe it's a technical term or something...

I just did a google search on the Krakatoa and this thread popped up. I am not a frequent flyer on Reef Central but this whole thread interested me.

Yea so ummm.... I am the guy that bought the ones on eBay. They will be here tomorrow. I already have the original krakatoa and wanted more. I assure you that they are as bright as they look in the picture and the photo is not photo shopped. Its a pricey coral but I have been collecting for a while and nothing really comes close to it. I mean, I know that the picture looks photo shopped but believe me there is not really much to photo shop.

welcome! and your nuts! lol wanna give away some of that disposable income, let me know.
welcome! and your nuts! lol wanna give away some of that disposable income, let me know.

First off.... I want to say that you have the coolest avatar I have ever seen...LOL... I work very hard for my money....Nothing is disposable.... Ever since I got out of riding harleys, this is my only hobby and it is what I love. It keeps me out of trouble. I actually moved down to San Diego from Northern California to become a marine biologist. I wanted to have a sure job at Scripps Aquarium and the transfer rate from the local schools was very high. Unfortunately I had to work to live and wasn't able to complete the labs for school. This is my way of being a scientist and having a piece of the ocean in my living room all at the same time... LOL
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Welcome :fun2:. Got a picture of the original?

This is when it first came in

this was taken over the weekend with my iphone after a few weeks grew a baby that is almost the size of the mother polyp.

here is a pic next to hallucinations to get an idea of the color
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Do you think the person that sold that only had 2 polyps available? or do you think there is a better chance that this person got a rock of a few hundred that was collected from the wild, and intends to break them into 1 or 2 polyp frags and try to slowly release them keeping the price sky high.

Being stupid and paying too much for a polyp does not equal high demand.
LOL, apparently you are not reading the whole thread. I have stated that it is no secret that these sellers limit the availability.

As far as calling the person that won it stupid, I don't think that is necessary.

As far as the seller of this particular ebay sale, no he doesn't have a big rock. It is documented over on the other site.
I believe the dicussion has become in general and not much for the krak anymore but yes I agree we shuoldn't call an individual stupid for them buying it at that price, like i said in previous posts, to each to their own.
I was just at golden basket to pick some stuff up as I live right around the corner from him. Let me tell you Ina shop that measures its tanks in sqft rather than gallons these two little heads are so cool that you almost forget that there's an entire oceans worth of other corals in there

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LOL, apparently you are not reading the whole thread. I have stated that it is no secret that these sellers limit the availability.

As far as calling the person that won it stupid, I don't think that is necessary.

As far as the seller of this particular ebay sale, no he doesn't have a big rock. It is documented over on the other site.

You can call me stupid if you want...LOL... There is never only one... The ocean is a vast place and I am pretty sure there are more out there. Like i said I have been collecting for a while now and I know when I see something different and out of the ordinary. I first saw the picture going around and said what everyone was saying "Oh this is heavily photo shopped". Joe from Joe Knows Reefs got the first frag from ebay. After I saw his pics and knowing Joe doesn't use too much photo shop I decided to take the plunge and get one my self.
Wow... I spent a half an hour writing up a nice response to this thread and my internet went out... Sweet....

Basically I think that the whole hobby is up on a "hype" trip.... There is not two sides like some people mentioned. We are all one hobby.... Everyone that has ever bought anything from the LFS is feeding into this hype... The economy in general is fueled by hype.... We are people and it is only human to want something different or new after seeing the same old stuff all the time. The only people that can say that they are not feeding into the hype are the people that can actually go dive and collect corals to put in there personal collection for the there own enjoyment. I am pretty sure there are not too many people in the US that do that.

Everyone is forgetting that this is just a hobby... There are people that capitalize on it and there are people that lose on it. That is just how it is and there is not much that you can do about it, but the important thing is that we all enjoy it. I remember 15 years ago when the elegance coral was the best thing since sliced bread, all of the button polyps that were brown and olive drab green were awesome for the time.... Now 15 years later and there are corals that have all the colors of the rainbow, things that glow like radiation under a blue light. Stuff that only god can create... Believe me I make color for a living and I can not make half of the colors that are in my Unfortunately these things do demand a higher price tag... If there was more out there the price wouldn't be so high.... Look at the My Miami... The first frag went for a trillion dollars or something like that... Now it has been spread around and grown out and is available to a broader market now because it is more common.

Yea there is more of everything still out there in the ocean... It is all about what is available here and now, not what is going to be available years down the road. If we were all like that then our tanks would be I was talking to a buddy of mine that talks to divers.... Those master scolys that come in are 1 in almost 2000.... Imagine diving for hours and finding one good piece in the entire day. You pay for rare and that is how it is.

Getting back to the Krakatoa... Everyone is forgetting one key thing here.... It was an auction with a finishing price that was set by the people. It wasn't a LFS asking a ridiculous price for a polyp it was hobbyist themselves setting the value of this thing. Don't think that the bid was getting ran up because I talked to a couple of people that were bidding on it. It was down to who wanted it more and what was someone willing to pay for its rarity.... That is what the uproar is about.... It was hobbyist that set the price so high not the named collector or the LFS... That is my $.02
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much appreciated for taking your time to compose and reply. I think after a while we did stray away from the Krak and was more talking about the hype and pricing in the hobby in general. I wish you luck and success in cultivating them as I would hate for anyone to spend that kinda loot on 2 polyps to have it go bad on them.
Very nice and thoughtful reply. I wish you luck in growing your polyps and hope to see them one day on a larger scale like other LE corals of yesteryear.
Thank you guys.... Everyone has there own opinion and I respect that.... Like I said, I Googled "Krakatoa" and then saw people calling me stupid on this thread with out even knowing me..LOL!!!!
Yeah, I wish you the best with the polyps and hope it becomes a colony sooner than you think.
You took a great risk buying it specially at that price. Hope you really like it and that the polyp is indeed a great find, like many would say.
Yes, it was an auction and some good bids there!!
Lucky people that can afford to play the game like that... No questions about it.
Congratulations to you, the winner!

Please post a picture of the zoa here for us to enjoy it a bit if you can, would you? :thumbsup:

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