Learning reef lessons


New member
Seems like everytime I just want to move a colony one teensy bit I always wind up spending twice as long as I thought.Wrestling a coral (usually a couple of plucks off the substrate too!) arm deep into the tank cursing like a sailor.All the time telling myself that this is for fun :spin2:

I must love it because tomorrow Ill move that &%@# colony again ;-)
lol john,, you think your bad lmao um yeah be glad you havent heard butthead yet with these tanks laying here hahahahah
I once went to move a rock a inch or two, and ended up reaquascaping my whole tank for 5 hours..........
I have done that many times - go to move 1 tiny thing and three hrs later I hear my wife nagging- r u done with that d&@$ thing yet. Almost honey b there in a min!! Haha

aquascaping has never been my specialty. I'm about to add about 75 lbs of life rock to my new aquarium. Any aqua artist want to do it for me?!? Haha. It's a half-round so I'm sure it will b a nightmare.

Any suggestions on how to glue small rocks to an overflow. I like the looks of things kinda "floating" on overflows. Looks pretty neat
while i've never had a slab of rock take a header into a pane of glass and dump 200G onto the floor in 8 seconds, I have heard of it happening.
No. My experience was more of the "domino" persuasion. moved one rock (on the gall-durn TOP) and everything else shifted to lay against the front glass. all i could do was hang my head, hold onto that rock i moved, and pray something in my tank would short and send me to the Great Reef in the sky!