Let's See Some T5 Only Lite Tanks (remember Just T5 Lite Tanks) :-)

JVHam said:
It is a retro with a Icecap 660

Just wondered because the way you have the bulbs positioned it would be extremely difficult to simulate sunrise/sunset. However, with only one ballast I don't know how you'd be able to accomplish that anyway.
I was going to have 6bulbs but I got a seaswirl and now I don't thing that 6 bulbs will sfir but that is an upgrade for the future anyway. I might hook up 1 65watt pc for the sunrise sunset but I am not sure. My tank has been running without that effect for 6months and there is no difference.
masterswimmer said:
Just wondered because the way you have the bulbs positioned it would be extremely difficult to simulate sunrise/sunset. However, with only one ballast I don't know how you'd be able to accomplish that anyway.

The only way would be to use a dimmer and those aren't really available for this application.

I have been looking at commercial T5 dimmers to see if one could be adapted and put on a timer. If I find a solution, you folks will be the first people I tell. I have also bugged the folks at IceCap about one.

But I'll probably have a 120g with 2 IC660s before they come up with one. :D
If you get them, do some before and after pics.

Ok, here is the before:

Hey Guys.
What do you think of running 4 T5 39 watts 36"with this light configuration.
front- blue plus,aquablue, aquablue, blue plus-back
i also have two actinic bulbs that can be swap in. all bulbs are ATI.
any suggestion would help. thanks
tank is 24" tall and i want to grow some lps and sps.
alternate it, having 2 11K back to back like that will give u a blue front, white middle and blue back.
I like a sun or the GE lamp in the mix. Makes the red and yellow colors look way better. I don't know if 2 blueplus, an aquablue and a sun or day would look good or not. I day, 1 aquablue and 1 blue (not a blue plus) looks like crap. Kinda green
I got from front to back
aquablue special, blue plus, aquablue special AAA, blue plus

Quite blue, but I like it.

The last bulb looks best, when you take a blue one, so its little darker/bluer in the back to give you more depth.
frankdreistein, I've never heard of either aquablue special or aquablue special AAA. What are they and where did you get them?

I just went over this entire thread again searching for info and Back like 5 pages or so I thikn hrkn mentioned the AAA bulbs.
THanks for the the response and pictures, but I am more confuse than before. I might just have to see how thinks work out and then go from there. Thanks alot everyone.
Ti said:
I just went over this entire thread again searching for info and Back like 5 pages or so I thikn hrkn mentioned the AAA bulbs.

i have the ati 20000k blues on mine. i have heard of the blue specials. but i have not seen them for sale here...

fwiw, each of the 3 brands of good reflectors have ther advantages and negatives...

the only bad part of the computer designed reflectors aqualux sells is that they are wide, about 3and1/8th inches wide a piece, where as the icecap and sunlight ones are thinner, allowing more bulbs under the canopy.

and the wpg rule is usless if you compare t5 to mh or any other kind of light, but 4 wpg of t5 is still 4 wpg of t5.

so when i see others using under3 wpg of t5 ho lights and having success, then you can take that number, and add to it, or keep it the same wpg as what others are doing well with, and apply it to your tank....

as i get more $$ from a better job, hopefully soon, i will let you all know how well my corals are doing under 3.34 wpg of aqulaux reflectored workhorse powered t5 ho's.

so far my one type of coral seems to be doing quite well
Aquablue special is the actual name for ATI's lamp, it just gets shortened. The one with the three A's maybe something else. The Blue was the original blue lamp and they made it better and named it Blueplus, I have both and there is a difference. For D and D I know pure Actinic is Actinic, Actinic plus is the Blueplus. Not sure about the other two.

They are mixed bulbs with blue and white(daylight) from ATI.
The newer version which is out for over a month here in germany is called aquablue special AAA and has a larger ammount of blue 50-50 white.
The older version has blue 40-60 white.
(you only can see at the stamp on the bulb which version you have)
The new AAA will substitude the old version.

On the first page of this thread you can see two pics of my tank.
The first pic is with
aquablue special
blue plus
sun pro
blue plus