Let's See Some T5 Only Lite Tanks (remember Just T5 Lite Tanks) :-)

I wish the US had the AAA's. They look really nice from what I have seen.
Hello all,

As promised, here are my pics from the before and after upgrading to t-5.

I had 6 40Watts NO Flourecents and they were replaced my 4 54 Watts with SLR reflectors and an IceCap 660 ballast. I did not expect that mucth difference.

The second pic is overexposed becaused I wanted to keep the aperture and shutter speed the same.

CAMERA : E990V1.1
SHUTTER : 1/15sec

EXP +/- : 0.0
FOCAL LENGTH : f13.5mm(X1.0)
DATE : 02.28.2005 13:15

CAMERA : E990V1.1
SHUTTER : 1/15sec

EXP +/- : 0.0
FOCAL LENGTH : f10.0mm(X1.0)
DATE : 03.05.2005 14:49

pedro_carrillo said:
I had 6 40Watts NO Flourecents and they were replaced my 4 54 Watts with SLR reflectors and an IceCap 660 ballast. I did not expect that mucth difference.

:rollface: Not TOO much difference.
Ok i want to make sure i have this clear. Will i be able to have Any SPS and clams in a 75 gallon reef tank with the 48" 6-54 watt T5 ho teklight fixture. No other added thing to light, like a better reflector, just the Fixture.
I'll chime in and say I have had Tek lights about my 300g cube for about a month and am pleased with the fixtures. The tank is 100% SPS. I use 2 of the 48inch 8bulb fixtures.
The Shrimp X said:
Ok i want to make sure i have this clear. Will i be able to have Any SPS and clams in a 75 gallon reef tank with the 48" 6-54 watt T5 ho teklight fixture. No other added thing to light, like a better reflector, just the Fixture.

yep, it will be fine:)
pedro_carrillo said:
Hello all,

As promised, here are my pics from the before and after upgrading to t-5.

I had 6 40Watts NO Flourecents and they were replaced my 4 54 Watts with SLR reflectors and an IceCap 660 ballast. I did not expect that mucth difference.

The second pic is overexposed becaused I wanted to keep the aperture and shutter speed the same.

What bulbs do you have? How did you space the 4 bulbs? That is a 90G, right?
Tank: is that the tank in your gallery, because it looks like pendants above it. Any current shots of the tank?
The Shrimp X said:
Ok i want to make sure i have this clear. Will i be able to have Any SPS and clams in a 75 gallon reef tank with the 48" 6-54 watt T5 ho teklight fixture. No other added thing to light, like a better reflector, just the Fixture.

I'd keep the real light hungry SPS in the upper half. Is that tank 24" tall? If so I'd be hesitant about the high lighting clams in the sandbed, like Crocea and I think Maximas. I think I would want to keep those within a foot or so of the surface. My tank uses overdriven 80 watt lamps and the corrected par in 18" of water is only 145. I just read somewhere that you should have between two and three hundred for the higher light critters.
Start with your clams 12" down and your sps 4-6" down (you will probably drop under 200 PAR under 4" so 6" is a good spot have the top of your rock structure or rack or whatever. IMO

Your clams, from what I have seen in other tanks, grow on the bottom, but if your concerned move them half way up.

I keep SPS and my T. Derasa way up high. All of them are doing great. If the clam doesn't like it up high, he'll let you know. lol They are good jumpers. Sometimes it's easier to find out if you are providing too much light rather than too little. They can't climb to higher light and it would take some time to see them suffer. But they can jump to less light. JMO.

Yes those are older pics, I will attempt to snap a few in the morning. The tank is actualy visualy brighter with the T5's Vs. the 4 250w DE's. Of course I was running the 20K AB's at the time.
masterswimmer said:
I keep SPS and my T. Derasa way up high. All of them are doing great. If the clam doesn't like it up high, he'll let you know. lol They are good jumpers. Sometimes it's easier to find out if you are providing too much light rather than too little. They can't climb to higher light and it would take some time to see them suffer. But they can jump to less light. JMO.


Good point... depending on the size of the clam though...:eek2:

well i plan on only keeping a maxina, squamosa, and maybe a few more maximas around the top. I was just wondering if ther are any SPS corals i should avoid? I plan onkeepignall the SPS anywere from like 10-3" from the top, depending on color and stuff, like when i upgrade i will keep the Pocillopora, pavona, Brown with blue polyp montipora digita, and my purple montipora capricorn around 10-7 inches below the top. Because they are less light demanding, they all are in my 29 gallon with a satalite 130 watt PC fixture over them they are about 5-3 inches under the surface any are doing awsome.

does this sound good? please let me know.
I'll have pics of mine Monday night...

ahhh patience grasshopper.....

My 36" 6X39w Tek Fixture will be here on Monday. LOL I've had a 100 watt incandescent next to the tank while it cycles so I can see something...anything..:p

My tank is a 40 Breeder- 36" x 18" x 16.5" high. I'm going to be sitting the lights directly on the tank- glass top and acrylic shield. I talked with Perry at Sunlight Supply, and this is acceptible, although probably best run 2 inches off the water; it may cause heat issues. If I run into heat issues, I'm going to cut a couple of 1 and 3/4 inch teak blocks and set the fixture on that.

The fixture is about 15 inches wide, and there will be only about 11-12 inches to the sandbed.

Let the bling begin!