Let's See Some T5 Only Lite Tanks (remember Just T5 Lite Tanks) :-)

That article came out before Ice Cap and others came out with their reflectors. The Teks do nice and save a lot of space but they came in 3rd when I measured PAR (which is much more important than lux for aquarium purposes) against Ice Cap and brand x reflectors.
I wonder if reefgeek will put togeather a retro with icecap reflectors - where can I find out more on just how wide they are - I would like to get 8 bulbs so that my 24 inch front to back so that the last bulb is not sitting over the megaflows. I like reefgeek but I guess I need to consider others.

The Grim Reefer said:
That article came out before Ice Cap and others came out with their reflectors. The Teks do nice and save a lot of space but they came in 3rd when I measured PAR (which is much more important than lux for aquarium purposes) against Ice Cap and brand x reflectors.
Reefgeek will do the Ice Cap reflector upgrade. I think he adds 5 bucks per reflector or something like that. Each lamp needs 2 1/2" front to back so 8 will fit in a 20" space.
thank you

The Grim Reefer said:
Reefgeek will do the Ice Cap reflector upgrade. I think he adds 5 bucks per reflector or something like that. Each lamp needs 2 1/2" front to back so 8 will fit in a 20" space.
I finally have my tank in a condition worthy enough of posting a picture. I had a little problem with planktonic algae (I think) but it cleared up with a little phosban and some chemical I forget the name of.

Setup: 90g, Aqualux reflectors, 4 bulbs: Blueplus, aquablue, GE sun, aquablue (F-R)

I like the rock work, looks like you have plenty of open space. It's funny to see advocates from the police tang force stuff their 120g with rocks & SPS's, only leaving 30g of actual swimming space.

The same people who are bashing the newbie with a barely stocked 55g tank and a tang.

Like the look, pretty bright for only 4 bulbs. Hey, we can see you in the reflection!
The rock is actually very sturdy. And it better be for how long it took me to arrange it. I actually have 2 tangs in there, the yellow and a powder brown, both are happy and have tons of swimming room.
Okay, here is a challenge for you guys. Show us any FULLY stocked T5 setup with the following requirements:
-Must have great reflectors
-Using at least 6x 54W bulbs
-Contain mostly softies & LPS's.

Any tank from anywhere in the world. Tank does not fit exact requirements? Amuse us.

Just want to see how they compare to other lighting sys (i.e. VHO's, PC's, & MH) when it comes to coral in question.
The Grim Reefer said:
Reefgeek will do the Ice Cap reflector upgrade. I think he adds 5 bucks per reflector or something like that. Each lamp needs 2 1/2" front to back so 8 will fit in a 20" space.
Are you referring to reefgeek swappng out the reflectors on the SLS retro kit with SLR reflectors?
Ti said:
Are you referring to reefgeek swappng out the reflectors on the SLS retro kit with SLR reflectors?
They did for me. $5 for SLS -> SLR upgrade.
Tank is just over a year old and I'm thinking of ordering some replacement bulbs. I'm currently running triad ballasts with daylight//blue+//aquablue//actinic//daylight//blue+ on my 75g. I've heard the acitinic last a max of 1 year so I was trying to decide to get another or switch to another blue+. Anybody have any suggestions/pics of 6 lamp set-ups? Also wanted to ask about the reflectors, my SLS Tek reflectors are hazing up a bit. Anyone else have this problem. Are there better reflectors available?


What do you all think about a 5X39w setup like this. Blueplus/GE sun/blueplus/GE sun/blueplus. The workhorse 8 can be wired with 5 bulbs. The tank is 36X18X16. I was thinking MH but the heat is going to be a big issue here in South Texas nearly in Mexico. Normal summer day is 105F with 85% humidity. I keep the A/C at 78 during the day and 75 at night. Was thinking of having one 4" fan blowing in and the back will be open as well.
I would recommend two fans and the lighting set up sounds fine. I have to say that it would be a bit on the yellow side for me, but i like my tanks blue.

I would look into the workhorse ballast some more. If my memory surves me it may shorten the bulb life. Someone else could jump in here and correct me if im wrong.

Currently, i have 4x54w T5's running on an icecap 660 and heat is not an issue. If you can spare the change, I would recomend getting that.
Tkanks drock59. I have read several posts saying the same thing them other saying that they have not had any problems. I will take my chance and if it shorten lamp life significantly then I will switch to the 660 or 430. The change is not the problem at all my uncle can get me a WH8 for like $30 or so and I know you can wire it with 5 lamps and not have to worry about having two ballasts. I know no dawn/dusk but the seems to be more asthetics then a need(I may be wrong correct me if I am).

3 blueplus(20kk) and 2 sun(6,500K) would be too yellow/green? I may have and probably did but what are you running. I looked in your gallery and the pics that I see are way to blue for me. I thought that this would give me a white with blue actinic look not sure though.

Edit: drock you are correct after looking at the color plots I might have to go with 1 Ge sun 1 blue and 3 blue plus. I know I like it blue but not straight 20kk blue more like the phoenix bulbs 14kk.
photos in my gallery are WAY old, at least two years and the blue photos are only the actinics.

here is a better representation.