Let's See Some T5 Only Lite Tanks (remember Just T5 Lite Tanks) :-)

I changed out my T5s the other night, so here's a little comparison:

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Blue +

Front and Back Blue+ on only
I think i prefer the original one a little bit better. The new one seems super blue. Good looking tank though.

Reflector questions

Reflector questions

Question about reflectors-- my SLS's are about a year old and have become quite corroded. Not real bad, but doesn't have the real shine they once used to. Not really any water splashing on them so I was wondering if this was a manufacuring flaw or a design flaw. Do all the T5 reflectors have this problem, anyone else have this problem with their SLS's?
Grim-- you hinted that the SLR's are the best. Good enough to spend 150+$ on a new set?


At 18" under the water the SLR had like a 20% advantage in PAR over the SLS and IME the SLR's mirrored finish is much easier to keep clean. If you are willing to spend the $$$ on new reflectors I would suggest getting a polishing wheel and attempt polishing the SLS reflector first just to see what happens.
I'm still looking for a good looking tek style T5 fixture, individual reflectors, etc. that is 72" long. Any suggestions? Has to hang, no hood...
rdmpe said:
I'm still looking for a good looking tek style T5 fixture, individual reflectors, etc. that is 72" long. Any suggestions? Has to hang, no hood...
Hang Two 36" TEKS
Replacing T5's... Most of mine are just over a year old so I'm starting to replace them. I saw a big difference when I changed out one of my 50/50, the new one much bluer and brighter. Last night I changed out an aquablue+ and cannot notice any difference between the new and old one. Does this mean the old one is still good? Dont want to toss a bulb if it's still usable (I'm a cheap b*). I'm sure the old one isn't perfect, but maybe usable for another 6 months?

If you can't see a difference the lamp is worth holding on to as a spare. Obviously that particular lamp will last longer so next time try changing at 18 months. Was the 50/50 lamp youchanged a different brand or something? Try changing a blue and see how different they look, the blue lamps will die sooner than the white ones. Are you running any fans to keep the lamps cooler?
The 50/50 was the same brand although a different name (blue+ vs actinic+). Most suppliers suggest 18-24 months, but I thought that was just BS. How long are most people using their lamps? I guess maybe the daylight and aquablue can go 18-24 months and the actinic and blue+ (50/50) last about a year? What do you think? And yes,I am running fans.
Blue plus and actinic plus should be the same lamp. ATI called them Blue Plus and D&D called them actinic plus. Narva may also market one but I haven't seen them. Do both lamps say "made in EC" on them? Is it possiblethat one of the lamps was in a position where it got hotter than the other?
anyone have pics of 2 GE suns and 2 bule+ bulbs. I was thinking of using this one my 45br but not sure how the bulb combo will look. I don't really like the really blue look more of a 13kk look crisp white with a hint of blue.
I'd guess that combo would be a good starting point. You might try a sun and a aquablue rather than 2 suns. The aquablue is almost a crystal white with a hint of blue so it is really neutral in the mix.
Might have to try that. I was looking at the TEk fixture rather then the retro but I might go retro and build a canopy not sure yet. I was wanting to go open top to help keep things cooler for the lights and the tank. Then again I could go with the 6X39w but I think that would be a little to much light for LPS and zoos not sure yet. Thanks for the input.