Let's See Some T5 Only Lite Tanks (remember Just T5 Lite Tanks) :-)

I'm going to go against the T5 only part of this thread to post a VHO / T5 tank. Since everyone says the T5 actinics are that bad..I decided to use a VHO super actinic in the mix.

VHO Super Actinic / T5 Sun / T5 Blue Plus 3- bulb combo
<img src="http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/4024/838957_20_05-med.JPG">
A VHO reprobate in our midst.

Nice looking tank man. Enjoy the pretty blue background while it lasts:p I learned my lesson, next tank will be black.
Hey there--

Just read a post about using eggcrate as a top for a tank. Someone said it might actually increase the amount of light entering the water for fluorescent bulbs. Has anyone tried this? Any of you with light measurers (technical term) willing to give it a try? I would like to get a lunar wrasse for my tank- but don't want any carpet surfing.

Thats what I thought--but the thread suggested it actually focuses the light to reach deeper into the water. The eggcrate is supposedly tapered in someway, I'll have to check my piece when I get home. TI was hoping someone could test it with a par meter.
The eggcrate will actually diffuse the light which will cut down on how much reaches the tank. I don't think it would cut as much light as glass does.
The Grim Reefer said:
A VHO reprobate in our midst.

Nice looking tank man. Enjoy the pretty blue background while it lasts:p I learned my lesson, next tank will be black.

Thanks Grim...
So whats the deal with the blue not lasting?? Everything I read says to paint it blue or black. I really wanted it darker..but the lights are so bright, it looks light blue. I did see a book that showed a black background...I do like the look of it. Too late now though.
Wait till all the purple and pink coralline start growing on the back glass. You might actually get a really bright green to begin with. I have a blue background my own bad self. Next one will be black.
The Grim Reefer said:
Wait till all the purple and pink coralline start growing on the back glass. You might actually get a really bright green to begin with. I have a blue background my own bad self. Next one will be black.

Are you saying that it looks like crap and black would hide it better?
Black wont hide it, pink might. My opinion is that the contrast between the black and the bright pink and purple makes it look much better once the corraline starts growing. I like blue but personally don't like the way it blends with pink and purple. It isn;t ugly, just doesn't look clean like the fresh blue background is.
The Grim Reefer said:
The eggcrate will actually diffuse the light which will cut down on how much reaches the tank. I don't think it would cut as much light as glass does.
with the eggcrate there are opening where full light goes through, a sheet of glass would absorb and reflect at all the contact points, so yeh in that sense the glass would restrict more light from entering the tank.
i have a 29 gallon salt water reef tank i have 2 x55 watt pc's
and they can not keep a thing alive !! so i am looking in to t5's it would be a big help if some 1 could help me.
Great info in this thread. I spent a couple of hours reading through it last night. I have a 55g w/260w PCs over it. I was going to either supplement them with something else or go with MH. Now, I may just go T5. However, I could probably retro a 175 MH inside the PC hood for a couple hundred $.
Great info on this thread indeed. I am awaiting my 4x54 tek light from reefgeek as I read this thread.

I have 2 Actinic/Blue plus, 1 Aquablue plus 11k, and Ge daylight coming with it. With the 4 bulb unit are the two outside on the same ballast, and the two inside on the other one??

After reading all 36 pages of this thread my heads spinning......

Sounds like I will set it up

actinic/blue +
Aquablue +
actinc/blue +

??? Is this correct so that I can do dawn/dusk and daylight cycles?? I am going from 2x65w PCs , so I know I will need to move some corals down, use screen and keep tek light higher for now...

Can anyone post any growth sequences from their T5's...a majority of those posted are gone now. Thanks for any help and advice on my transition!! :)
I found the GE bulb real yellow, overpoweringly yellow while running 6 bulbs and only one GE. I would do 2 aquablue and 2 blue plus
Thanks for the info...I was a little worried about the 6500k, It was a freebe from reefgeek so I'm not really out anything I guess ;) Throughtout the thread I never heard reference to Geisemann bulbs, Are they being called something else?

How has your longterm success been with the T5 lights? Do you notice good growth with them. I've read several of the T5 lighting threads and have been wondering about longterm happiness with the bulbs.

Thanks again, I can't wait to get this system up and running.