Let's See Some T5 Only Lite Tanks (remember Just T5 Lite Tanks) :-)

The blue + fluoresces as well or better than the VHO IMO. I don't really like the VHO "pink look".
Lets keep this thread going.
This is the result of a transfer from a 26g to a 55g w/some additions. I have the 4' fixture w/6 bulbs. I only keep the 2 outer bulbs on for 1 hr sunrise, 1 hr noon, & 1 hr sunset. The middle 4 I have on between 11am-10pm.


My theory is this- the non sun loving corals are in the front & require less light, while the acros, montis...sps.. are in the back & require more.


Thanks....Popping huh?
Well, it might have something to do with all the cyano that was in there, many things covered in red. Paint the reef red. One of my 802 powerheads got clogged & water flow was very low. I added the 2nd 802 & fixed the bad one.

Here are after pics, but still not the latest. I added a few more corals that my wife got me for xmas!


i will post pics of my 35 gallon tank with the new 3x39 t5 ho from aqualux lighting vs the 2 strip lights totalling 50 watts of NO..

i imagine i will have a big bifference:)
Thanks guys. Post more pics, the more the merrier.

That is a pom pom xenia at the bottom & it has a purple tint to it. I think it's one of my fav's.

I sent you another PM, & tried to clear out my PM boxes. Looks like I cleared my incoming but not my outgoing. I think your tank is quite an inspiration & would love to know more about it.
frankdreistein said:
75 gallon with 4*54 W T5
all bulbs from ATI

Frankdeeistein, I am amazed tha you can keep SPS with just 4 bulbs! Based upon by research and translation of the german sites of a few years ago, I thought it would take a a 6-wide setup of T5 bulbs to keep SPS happy. I'm stunned by the color.

Do you keep any clams in the setup?
I know that Frankdeeistein uses the special German reflectors, perhaps that is the secret?

What type of ballast are you using & how far are your T5's from the top of your tank? Also, do you have any heat issues...need to use chiller or fans?

I have T5's, the ones made by Sunlight, Tek T5 & they give off heat, enough to warrant the use of a fan.

Frankdeeistein, I am amazed tha you can keep SPS with just 4 bulbs! Based upon by research and translation of the german sites of a few years ago, I thought it would take a a 6-wide setup of T5 bulbs to keep SPS happy. I'm stunned by the color.
The color doesnÃ"šÃ‚´t come from the light at first, but from the very nutrient poor surrounding :)
I have no detectable NO3 and PO4 is about 0,002mg/l, which comes through the Jaubert.

Second imprortant point then is the light and third is that I dose Iron+manganese daily.
Especially iron seems to be the most important trace element when it comes to colour.
But you have to find out the right dose in looking at e.g. the Acropora Enzmann.

Do you keep any clams in the setup?
Yes, I have a crocea in the tank.
Take a look at my webside at the seventh picture

I know that Frankdeeistein uses the special German reflectors, perhaps that is the secret?
No, surely not :D
The "Klarlackreflektoren" were the last generation, the new ones are about 10% more effecient.
Colors comes from the nutrient "poor" surrounding? Do you mean "rich", since you do not use a skimmer? How can color come from nutrient poor environment?

I use a skimmer & still have nutrients in my tank, very low, detectable at the lowest end of the salifert scale (sensitivity tests).

There must be another reason why your tank & colors are so rich? Do you feed live food to your tank, what & how often? How do you balance feeding vs nutrient rich & high parameter tank? Personally, I still quabble over how much to feed & how often...trying to reach that balance.

Also, do you think by dosing B-Ionic that the tank will get Iron & Mang, it supposedly has the trace elements too?
hmm special german reflectors...

my new aqualux setup has a little stamp on the back of each reflector that says..."made in germany"

i wonder if these are the same?

now i need to wire and mount the lights... i went to fulhams website, and it shows two ways, linear and compact. which way do i wire them ?
how often is everyone replacing bulbs? this question has been asked but not really answered. i have heard about 6 months for full intensity but up to 8 months. is this what everyone is finding?

also im pretty sure frankdr means nutrient poor meaning good water params which would in turn help the sps color because of their need for excellent water quality
Yea, but he is not using a skimmer. You would think that his tank is nutrient richer than most tanks?

Wonder how often he feeds his tanks?
Hi folks! Im wondering if anyone is using a GE 6500k lamp on their T5 setup. Okay, I got and 8 lamp setup on 4 timers. First timer with 2 Blue plus from 8 am to 9 pm. Second with 2 aquablues from 9am to 8 pm. Third with 1 blue plus and 1 aquablue from 10 am to 7 pm. Forth with 1 blue plus and one GE 6500k from 11 am to 6 pm. When the forth timer goes on, it seems that I get some brown algae growth. Dont know if it is the lights but my PO4 levels are 0. I am skimming with a Remora pro set at the lowest level for wet skim. Do I really need a 6500k? Plus I dont care much for the color too. Any thoughts?