Let's See Some T5 Only Lite Tanks (remember Just T5 Lite Tanks) :-)

There are NO bulbs, such as the Helios bulbs that have a built in ballast. I don't have any experience with these, but I would guess that they aren't as bright and effective as the HO bulbs.
I just ordered two 8x54watt T-5 Tek light fixtures from reef geek. They will reside over a 4ft x 4ft x 2ft cube. 16 bulbs total - that enough light?

I have heard that Tek light has some great reflectors inside its fixtures. I know that the reflectors are not the Ice Cap slr seperate units.

4 actinics
4 6500k
4 11k
4 blue plus

I'll post a picture in about a week when they arrive.
Wow... 2 Teklight fixtures? For the price of two Teklights, I probably would've gotten a single Maristar fixture instead.
Jus Reefin said:
Thanks Chem-e. IS there a difference in the HO bulbs or is that what they all are?? I am new to the whole T5 lights but I got a great deal on 3 retro kits so I had to buy them

Thanks again

Yes, there is a huge difference in wattage consumption and the brightness.
T5s you see at homedepot, wallmart, Ikea are NO.

HO T5 for 36" is 39 watts, where NO is only 21 watts.

chem-e said:
Wow... 2 Teklight fixtures? For the price of two Teklights, I probably would've gotten a single Maristar fixture instead.
yeah, maristar is very cool. But I don't think one fixture can light up a 4' x 4' cube.

maxrep12 said:
I just ordered two 8x54watt T-5 Tek light fixtures from reef geek. They will reside over a 4ft x 4ft x 2ft cube. 16 bulbs total - that enough light?

I have heard that Tek light has some great reflectors inside its fixtures. I know that the reflectors are not the Ice Cap slr seperate units.

4 actinics
4 6500k
4 11k
4 blue plus

I'll post a picture in about a week when they arrive.
T5s supposely loose noticeable amount of lights after 16" of depth. I personally would have gone with four 250W HQI MH setup. I also would not use actinics as they don't do anything for corals.
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zrograviti said:
I also would not use actinics as they don't do anything for corals.

Actinics alone won't keep light loving corals healthy; otherwise this statement is false.
brentp said:
Actinics alone won't keep light loving corals healthy; otherwise this statement is false.

My understanding was that coral can not utilize 420 nm and lower.
hmmm. maybe I read wrong.
Here is my 75 gallon 36" long tank running on 2 24" t5s, one 10k and one actinic. Since this shot was taken i have added 2 250 watt hqi halides, and next week will be adding 2 more 36" actinic t5's but this will give folks an idea of what the lighting on these looks like. obviously the tank needed more light (thus my upgrade) but it is suprising how much light 48 watts of t5 will put out. in my estimation it looks pretty close to my old tank with 2 96 watt pcs
<img src="http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/466116/tank92204.jpg" width=700 height=428>

my crappy picture :)
kruxy, how did your corals do under the 2 HO 24" set up?

iask becasue i will be getting a 2x 39 watt t5 ho retso very very soon. and then some sort of coral after that
color retention was ok, especially in zoos, but growth was minimal. when i added back on my halides and then upgraded to 4X 36" t5's things took off again.
here is a picture from my 130g tank. iÃ"šÃ‚´m use 2 power bars 6x54Watt with reflektor all from ATI.

1. blue+
2. Aquablue sp.
3. Aquablue sp.
4. Aquablue sp.
5. Aquablue sp.
6. blue+

I have a cube tank that is 24x18x24" deep I was going to use one 250watt HQI and 2 VHO actinics, would it be better to use 2 or 4 24" T5 actinics? I see some of the tank pics especially dawsons with such beautiful colored coral and I wonder if T5s would be a better supplement. What do you guys think?
If you like the look of the T5 bulbs I would use them. You will certainly get more life out of them.
A\/enger said:
I have a cube tank that is 24x18x24" deep I was going to use one 250watt HQI and 2 VHO actinics, would it be better to use 2 or 4 24" T5 actinics? I see some of the tank pics especially dawsons with such beautiful colored coral and I wonder if T5s would be a better supplement. What do you guys think?

A lot of people like the T5 Blue+ bulbs as supplements. I think they look better than even the URI actinics, and certainly better than the T5 actinics.

The Blue+ bulbs peak at 450nm, whereas actinics peak at 420nm. Most 10k metal halides also peak at 420nm, so the blue+ bulbs fills in the spectrum better with these bulbs. The pictures I've seen of tanks with 10k halides and T5 blue+ supplementation look awesome.
Agreed. Radium 20Kk MH bulbs have a large peak at 450nm, and they color up colors nicely. On my new tank I am going to experiment with having more Blue+ than sun or 11k to get that 'Radium' look.
Great thread, I just purchased a 6 tube fixture but they sent all blue bulbs, so just ordered new suns for it with 2 day delivery. Anxious to see how my roses do with them. Love the fixture, it arrived today, I will post pics when I have the sun bulbs in.


4x4x2 cube with 16 54watt t-5's. Most of the day only 8 of the bulbs are running. SPS doing great so far. Not running any fans or chiller and the tank stays under 80 deg.

I have used MH and they're great. With this tank i just didn't want to deal with heat/electricity/evaporation/chiller.