link for petiton to end PetCo abuse of marine life

i think they are starting to phase it out starting with the stores with the highest losses. I have no proof of this, i am just assuming.
I agree that it all depends on the management. We have 3 not-so-local pet stores (live in small town away from cities)

One is a PetCo. I am ok with it. Ours does not sell any SW, and i've never seen SW in this particular location. They do have FW, birds, and reptiles though. They all seem to be very healthy. There's never any sick or dead ones, and the store stays quite clean. I don't buy from there, so I can't tell you how informed the employees are.

One of the others though is called Jack's, and I never go there. They have a large selection of FW and they do carry SW, but they always have sick/dead fish in their aquariums. The SW that arn't sick don't look very good. They also have prices through the roof and the employees don't know squat. Once my mom was shopping brought home 2 snails she liked, they told her they would be fine. When she got them home i'd never heard of them so I looked them up (sorry can't remember the name of them). Turns out they were cold water snails, and a VERY VERY VERY low survival rate in captivity. One was dead the next day, and the other died in 3 days. So I had to go with her on the 1 hour long drive to take them back. When we got there I talked to the SW manager, and she had no idea what they were but thought they'd be ok cause they were snails.

The other is called World Of Pets, this is where I go. They have a large selection of SW and an even larger selection of FW. Their fish are always very healthy, i've never seen a sick fish in their tanks. The employees are very nice and know their stuff. I always ask little things to see what they say (like what size tank do I need for this) and they're always right in the ballpark. The manager really knows what he's doing, and he hires people who know what they're doing as well.

Once again in my opinion, it depends on the management. Someone who cares about the fish and who the employees are is going to be much more successful than someone that doesn't give a pile of pebbles about it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13381414#post13381414 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by beerguy
The problem with those "petition" sites is that they do nothing. Every click that they get gives them ad revenue and the petition does nothing. If you feel strongly about it vote with your own wallet.

Well said been a year since I started holding my own ground :mad:
Again, an interesting thread, especially since Bob Fenner is generally liked by reefers, and he was the one who set most of Petco's saltwater policy in place. Perhaps it has changed greatly since then?
I'm sure he isn't happy about his name being associated with this. I was in Petco yesterday (no I don't purchase my livestock there) only small emgcy supplies as LFS is a 1hr drive. They had a Leopard Wrasse in a Cyano laden, large rock rubble bottomed, 8 gal H3@%hole. I would love to have one of these fish, but being a conscientious aquarist (I think I stole that from a book I once read) I won't get one until I feel fairly certain I can provide it what it needs. I am signing. Has anyone checked with ASPCA fish are animals even if they aren't mammals.
RCPETA activists

RCPETA activists

Go through the proper channels and get a hold of customer relations. Its on the back of the PETCO PALS card. if you don't have a card go to the website i'm sure you can find some info on there. This hurts the store and the GM. I've been in a dozen maybe 18 LFS and seen diseased fish and dead fish its just part of keeping fish not so great if you don't have a sick tank either to keep them out of sight. Plus there is no way to call their corporate office or customer relations. Sometimes the shipping can be too rough on them. Its hard to say whats going on when you don't work there or have proof. but I think we should just get the government involved and shut down every LFS and Petsmart and PETCO. This is the first step to this actually happening. Then what would all the RCPETA people do ;) ? Oh I know we have the Tang police. but if we don't have LFS, or PETCOS we wouldn't have fish to buy or coral to grow. RC would simply wither away and die, i don't want to see that happen. At least with PETCO you can call and have hope that something changes. FYI PETCO is all CAPS not PetCO, PET-CO, or Petco.:rollface: Maybe LFS can be nationalized and government run.
Re: RCPETA activists

Re: RCPETA activists

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14230719#post14230719 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Indermark
Its hard to say whats going on when you don't work there or have proof. but I think we should just get the government involved and shut down every LFS and Petsmart and PETCO. This is the first step to this actually happening. Then what would all the RCPETA people do ;) ? Oh I know we have the Tang police. but if we don't have LFS, or PETCOS we wouldn't have fish to buy or coral to grow. RC would simply wither away and die, i don't want to see that happen. At least with PETCO you can call and have hope that something changes. FYI PETCO is all CAPS not PetCO, PET-CO, or Petco.:rollface: Maybe LFS can be nationalized and government run.

i signed it no prob. as soon as i saw the link for "end petco".

petco blows. i used to be a former employee in a store in south jersey, and that place went to hell quickly. here they have fish with ich, dropsy, all kinds of dieases, no medications, NOTHING. it was only unitl i started going against policy, pulling stuff off the shelf and inter-storing it so i can dose the things the fish and corals needed. they would order fish that would be "cute" to own b/c of the sizes that they can come in (s, m, l, XL), and the fish would arrive dead...all the children looking at em on the tank bottom..what a nightmare. i bought it all for a while- thinking "hmm...never saw one of them before...arent they for big tanks though?" i particularly raised these 2 fish when i first got in there (on top of all the others! im not a monster.) At the the time my boy worked therer and i was soon gonna take his spot. they ordered (2) blue spotted groupers one small and one med. (med sized one died in 3 hrs after it came in). the other one look malnourished, so i isoltaed it in the 100g live rock tank they had, and fed em back to health. (after that i named him harry. no joke.)
Harry lived to the ripe old age of 9 months, and in that time he grew from 4 1/2" to like 14-15" afterward. The mgmt. did it in him by moving him back to a 10g display tank, then to a 54 corner that had half freshwater in it. they said he was going to be donated to the local aquarium (if i rememeber correctly) and like 2 days before, he died. bastards....i loved that fish like it was my own. they did that to a harlequin sweetlips too. he was still tiny though, but stress killed it nonetheless.

and i donated $10 too! no scams here, guys and gals. when the specify PAYPAL, your's moneys safe.

this ones for you, Harry.
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this is a good idea but like scapes said its pointless, for example at my LFS not petco or petsmart but a small store called marus pets there is a guy who works there that worked at petco for about 5 years and he tryed to get things like this changed but he could never get them to do anything i mean i buy saltwater fish there all the time and some i keep or some i take to marus and i get store credit so im help those fish but other than that people bread these fish for this hobby and even if you get people to sign it doesnt make a difference and i also agree that petco is not the only one doing this, walmart has the worst fish takes where i live but i still buy fish from there and take the to marus for store credit so we all do what we can and sometimes thats not enuf, but i will sign for the fish
If you don't like how a store keeps their fish, don't buy there. That includes "rescuing" fish from said store. That gives the store sales, and only prompts them to keep doing things they way they are. While you might "save" an individual fish, you only prompt the store to buy more fish. If no buys, they will see a slump in sales, and maybe get out of the SW fish biz or realize they actually need to improve things. But giving them dollars only keeps the vicious circle going.
What Bill said...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14247694#post14247694 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by blenniday-o
and i donated $10 too! no scams here, guys and gals. when the specify PAYPAL, your's moneys safe.

the scam's not the payment method, it's the payment itself. you gave $10 to a company that makes money from each click and donation and your bucks stop there. these 'petitions' are nothing but a way for this company to make money. they don't really care what the petition says.
well regardless if its a scam or not, its still the mindset of being the bigger of the two; petco sure as hell isnt. and if somebody wants to come and say "hey im stopping petco gimme 10 bucks" i wont lose sleep losing it....sounds silly, i know. but there comes a time to do right and leave the conseqences to the big man. even if you look like youre actin a damn fool.

this is also why people like all of us coverging on this forum do right.
I understand the sentiment and pretty much agree with it, but I'd say give the 10 bucks to the local animal shelter. they need it.
the only way petco will change it's ways is if the stockholders tell it to. but until the money dries up, they won't see the need to change. effecting their bottom line is the only voice we really have.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14259610#post14259610 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RicksReefs
the only way petco will change it's ways is if the stockholders tell it to.

And that boils down to the top couple of exec's in the company...however, they went private again, so no stocks, but still the same set of people with controlling interest. It's those millionaires whose pockets you need to effect.
I love our PETCO they have a saltwater specialist and she is great her tanks are always clean and she does a good job training other people. I hope they allow her to continue selling SW. Now on the other hand I have to been to other PETCO where they have these punk *** kids and their tanks look disgusting. I don't think PETCO needs to be shut down I just think they need to be inspected and if they aren't up to standards shut them down. If they are then let them keep doing what they are doing.