List your macro algaes.


New member
Hey Guys,

Looking to see what is out there for macro algae varieties. List your varieties and lets compare.

Ill go first

- Chaetomorpha Sp.
- Cladophora Prolifera
- Red Grape Botryocladia Sp.
- Red Bush Gracilaria Hayi
- Halimeda Opuntia
- Dragons Breath Halymenia Sp
- Red Bryothamnion Sp.
- Ulva Sea Lettuce
- Red Portieria Sp
- Green Cymopolia Barbata
- Caulerpa Prolifera
- Red Graciliaria
- Blue Hypnea
- Green Neomeris Annulata
- Red Galaxaura
- Galaxura Subverticillata
- Acanthophora Spicifera
- Mermaids Fan Halimeda
- Shaving Brush Halimeda
- Pine Cone Halimeda
- Mangrove Rhizophora Mangle
- Green Codium Sp
- Blue Scroll Algae
- Red String of Pearl
Think I might have a few decent IDs for my macros.

Caulerpa Brachypus, fast grower and the runners can get out of control if you don't stay on top of them. My tang and blenny have been uprooting the plants in the sugar sand so I ziptied the bunch to the rockwall in hopes of the rock being a better substrate. Seems to be okay with very low light... Some pieces under rocks have shot runners out weeks after being under there.


Some variety of Cladomorpha, can't remember specific and I can't find the ID guide I used. Once it roots in the rocks it's impossible to remove all traces, but thankfully grows very slow. Pods love it.


Gracilaria Hayi or maybe Mammilis. Fast grower and very nice looking. Lightly calcified which makes in unpalatable to most fish. Grows in high and low light. Higher light = tighter leaf grouping:


Caulerpa Serrulata. Pods love this stuff too. Pretty heavily rooted which is good with my sugar sand.


Two more macro hitchhikers have developed, haven't ID'd yet.


Some sort of Brown Scroll (dead center):

I like the Caulerpa Serrulata that you posted.

Oh and I think the name of the one you called Cladamorpha is really called Cladaphora Prolifera.. give that one a quick search to verify
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Caulpera prolifera
C. sertularlodes
C. mexicana
C. ashmeadii
Botryocladia (red grape algae)
Gracilaria sp. (dragons breath)
Halimeda sp.
Dictoya sp. (red)
Bryothamnion sp.
Hypnea sp.
Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove)
Rhizophora apiculata (tall stilted mangrove)
Avicennia germinans (Black mangrove)
Bruguiera cylindrica (small fruited orange mangrove)
Bruguiera sexangula (six angled orange mangrove)
Ceriops decandra (short spurred mangrove)
Ceriops zippeliana (no English common name!)

Flame algae
Red Grape
Blue scroll
Rigid coralline
H. Gibessii
Hypnea pannosa
Tufted joint

And two that I don't have a name for..
Red fern algae
Rigid red branching algae

Think that's all... there are a few that I am really looking for...
I just turned my qtank into a macroalgae tank. Any tips on how I can speed up the growth? What do you think about iodine and iron supplements?
I just turned my qtank into a macroalgae tank. Any tips on how I can speed up the growth? What do you think about iodine and iron supplements?
Lighting around 8000k is ideal for growth and appearance IMO, although I'm at ~14k and doing fine. You may need to supplement NPK. I dose ~6ppm KNO3 every few days. Iron is probably a good idea. I don't know that iodine is necessary, can't remember it ever being relevant in the freshwater planted world but a little couldn't hurt for your inverts.
Lighting around 8000k is ideal for growth and appearance IMO, although I'm at ~14k and doing fine. You may need to supplement NPK. I dose ~6ppm KNO3 every few days. Iron is probably a good idea. I don't know that iodine is necessary, can't remember it ever being relevant in the freshwater planted world but a little couldn't hurt for your inverts.

Could you elaborate on the dosing? What exactly you use etc? Just some more details please