Lunchbucket's 48"x48"x20" Reef

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melev - Yeah progress w/ the family. No carrying it but I'm sure that she would and could have if we could get it on her. She tried tasting some :mad2:

Hop - Yeah Finally!

jnarowe - They work now...Yeah quite a bit of it. We are riping out all the interior walls of that room to get it down to the sticks and might rip out the opposing side too tomorrow

tanya - It was two closet that were next to eachother. My original plan was to gut them out and make it one room for the tank stuff to be in.

chris - :D I went to bed about 1:30am or later and got up at 5:30. It was fun and I was and am motivated

Hope to gut more tomorrow. I'll make up a sketch up drawing for a better visual.

This make more sense?


Well now my wife said why don't you just make the tank in wall and not have it stick out at all...well I'm off to sketch that up

That's what I would do, but she probably told you that just for the fun of watching you rack your brains and sketch it up. :lol:

As far as I am concerned, you have a whole lot of opportunity on that floor.
Well If I do it in wall I need more room which I'm not sure if I want to take from the living room. I would need to move the tank to the right edge (towards where the door is now) so that it would be viewable from two sides. I can't do this as there is a post that holds the 2nd floor up. The post will be in the tank room so that we won't have it sticking in the living room. It is 75" from the left wall. I forgot to put those posts in the sketch up. There is one about 6ft farther down in the same wall also. That is why those two closets were going to be used to eat up the posts. Now I'm going to use one of the posts and have one in the room some how.

I do have some opportunity but those poles cause some problems. Here is what my boss suggested. Make another closet in the storage room (top right room) so that there are two bedrooms that coincidentally are the same size. Better on the resale value w/ two bedrooms down w/ a nice big living room. Also we would put a wall straight across by the end of the step so that we could extend the bathroom easily and enclose the furnace just in case we can't move it where the read square is.


Need to get the grey flex PVC on order tomorrow hopefully

just a thought, how about making it two side viewable, one side would be from the bedroom (back side) and living room (front side) similar to room divider? this would be way to much work though, but putting some ideas out there :) then you will have to extend the fish room too for equipments.
I think back to Marc's and my visit to Phil's tank and how nice it was to be able to view it from three different sides. Makes for a little more cleaning work, but with some cabinetry work, I think you can make it the center point of your family room. I think that the tank takes on a 3 dimensional appearance, rather than the flat picture look a built in has.
Y not put the tank inwall next to where the furnice room is ? enter the fish room through the furnice rooom ?
jnarowe - Definate resale value w/ the added bedroom, moving the furnace, and the addition of that nice big living room

cbui2 - Yeah I would like it two side viewable but I don't want the privacy of the bedroom being compromised. Just not a huge fan of that idea sorry. Plus that makes my tank room only 4ft wide w/ only a weird way to get into the tank room.

melev - I think it works well. Seems the best version so far IMO. It gives us a big living room but yet a functional tank room even though it will be small

Goodwin - I agree it gives a great view of all three sides. I want people to see all of it that they can. So how much for that sub panel??

tanya72906. If you mean the room on the bottom right that is our bathroom downstairs.

I'm off to tear out some more sheet rock. Hope to have some more progress

Ok some progress!!!


During. Ripped out the nice frame for the closet. Remember the closet was gutted the other night so there was no shelves and stuff in there.

This shows the other half of the wall. See where there are 2x4's and then it goes to sheet rock? Well if you look closely you can see that there is a post that is painted the same color as the sheet rock. This is where the 1st post is. It will be inside the tank room. That will be the edge of the room. The side w/ the sheet rock will be completely gone this is part of the area that will be opened up. Review the sketchup picture for a better idea


This will be the tank room. You can see the masking tape on the floor where the tank will sit. This area that I cleaned out will be the tank room eventually. Remember that the wall to the right (just visable in the picture) holds a post and will be gone (except the post which will be in the tank room).


You guys are really getting motivated. Look how quickly you clean up after demolition. :thumbsup:
Jon - :lol: Not sure if she's looking for sheet rock pieces or watching me. She's pretty attached to me. She is fun to have around and down there just have to be very careful so I don't whack her w/ a board on accident

Marc - Yeah I start ripping off and the wife carries it up and out to the garage to put in the pickup. Then she pulls nails out of the studs as I was going to reuse them. For the little bit that I have to frame up for the fish room and close in the closet hole (in the bedroom behind the fish room) I decided I'm going to use new. These 2x4's are reddish and crack very easily. 2x's are cheap so why not use new. We figured we better clean up since it is only about 15ft from the 58gal tank and so Eve (the dog) doesn't get into everything, and so that it actually gets done :D

That room won't be too bad of sized IMO.

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