Couple things I noticed....
1...your wife doesnt seem to have a head? Were you aware of this when you married her??? I'm sure you save money on groceries but its still gotta be kinda awkward when you're out in public....
2...Unless I'm mistaken, the 1.5 inch TUBV's you bought will be smaller inside than 1.5 inch. I think they constrict down to 1.25 inch. Hate to say it, but you might seriously consider seeing if he'll take them back, and go to Lowes and buy 1.75 inch TUBV's...cause I think thats the right size. I noticed when I did my plumbing that it seemed to be running about 0.25 inch smaller than the stated diameter....IE...1 inch TUBV/union was only 0.75 inches internally where the O-ring sat. Because of this, I went larger on my TUBV/unions to compensate.
Sorry to throw that at you, but I felt it best to bring it up now....
Also, unless you're gonna place the tank where kids can come and use the rear of your tank as a jungle gym, I think you'll be fine w/ the Sched 40 bulkheads. If they were really craptastic, very few people would use them...