Mars Aqua Chinese LED review (Ebay)

Just put my order in for a couple 165 watt units,yesterday.I am just using them to add light to 2 corners of my reef tank.Looking forward to trying them out.I will just lurk on this thread quietly till they deliver them.You can't beat the price,of these units.
Hi there everybody. I think I'm sold on these mars aqua leds. I have a tank that's 58x28x28 what type of fixtures would I need? I'd want the tank for sps and lps.

I note that you removed the optics. Did this improve the spread of light considerably. According to the mfg. all the leds are 90 degrees except for the white leds which are 120 degrees. Wondering if adding 90 degree optics to the white leds, and removing the optics for the others would be a good middle ground. All at 90 degrees vs 60 degrees
Just put my order in for a couple 165 watt units,yesterday.I am just using them to add light to 2 corners of my reef tank.Looking forward to trying them out.I will just lurk on this thread quietly till they deliver them.You can't beat the price,of these units.

you will not be disappointed...
Read through this thread, scooped up a 300 watter for my new 65. (First attempt at "modern" reefing; I've been out of saltwater for 25 years or so.) The light arrived on Friday evening, (blazing fast delivery!) with one blue LED out - contacted MarsHydro, and they've replied, offering to (I think) send out a replacement diode ... and asking if I'm good at electrical stuff. I've never tried to do anything like this - is it difficult? What tools and skills will I need??

Can you tell me how you plan on using the esp-8266? I'm very interested in your idea!

I don't have a controller, and love to DIY stuff. Basically, I would like to get some bit of lighting control going on. A the moment, I figure that I'm going to use the PWM capabilities of the esp8266 to control the light intensity for starters. The sweet thing about an esp8266 is the built in wifi - I'm going to have it host a webpage to control dimming of the 2 channels. Then I'll add control to fully turn them on and off using a simple relay. These mods are going to take me a while to do, (eta is mid December) as I'm taking a class at the moment and don't have any real free time on my hands.
Read through this thread, scooped up a 300 watter for my new 65. (First attempt at "modern" reefing; I've been out of saltwater for 25 years or so.) The light arrived on Friday evening, (blazing fast delivery!) with one blue LED out - contacted MarsHydro, and they've replied, offering to (I think) send out a replacement diode ... and asking if I'm good at electrical stuff. I've never tried to do anything like this - is it difficult? What tools and skills will I need??


If I bought a brand new light and something didn't work I would make them replace the whole light, not have me repair it!!!
Mars Aqua Chinese LED review (Ebay)

I'd just let the one blue be out. I have ur fixture; blues are super strong. I wouldn't care if half didn't work.
Read through this thread, scooped up a 300 watter for my new 65. (First attempt at "modern" reefing; I've been out of saltwater for 25 years or so.) The light arrived on Friday evening, (blazing fast delivery!) with one blue LED out - contacted MarsHydro, and they've replied, offering to (I think) send out a replacement diode ... and asking if I'm good at electrical stuff. I've never tried to do anything like this - is it difficult? What tools and skills will I need??


it seems to be easy to do...i have yet to try there is a video posted how to do this in this thread..........ill look for it..
Thank you, GaryGonzales!

That doesn't look too terribly difficult, but I'm going to hold on to that video in a separate tab . . .

Okay, question on lighting. I will have mostly plants, a few soft corals and sponges. My tank will be designed for seahorses. My tank is 65 gal, 24" deep and about 11 wide.

I really need better light my one soft coral I have doesn't seem too happy. It's an Anthelia.
I also have one blue sponge and a hitch hiker purple mush room with the Anthelia. Other than that some dragons breath, lettuce, and christmas fern that sort of thing. I would like more of the Anthelia but want to get this piece doing well first. I only have T8 (two 18 bulbs) now and know it's not a enough. I've seen the talk on the Mars lights, but I would like the lower profile one similar to the current orbit and was wondering if these lights would do as well? Since it says full spectrum etc? They seem designed similar to the current orbit brand and that's what I would like to get. My opening for my light is about 20 inches, so I'd like to be able to prop it up over the existing window and set it over the glass like the current bulbs. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
you will not be disappointed...

Okay,I received my two 165 watt units.I am very pleased with the quality of these .They were well packaged,and work perfectly on arrival.They aren't as nice as my Max Spec,obviously,however each unit works out to just over 100.00 bucks in Canadian funds,delivered to my door,in like 43 hours of placing my order,(that almost sounds impossible)...I know this sounds fishy but you can't buy anything in Canada for 100 dollars anymore,if you include sales tax(okay you can buy a loaf of one day old bread in Canada for under 100 dollars...still)so this is a no brainer to buy these.
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im telling you these lights are pretty good for the price...and you always change out some of the leds if you dont like the colors...also start out low with these lights too dont crank them all the way up........