Mars Aqua Chinese LED review (Ebay)

Surprisingly heavy. I can weigh one for you at work tomorrow. I think the cat may give it a go but I'm not sure if she'd like the fans in the top
Cats and aquariums are dicey.I have two but only one goes on the aquarium when I am not around and climbs on the lights at night when I am at work.I can see where his foot prints are/were.The Mars Aqua have not been a problem as far as the cat is concerned.I have 2 units.I weighed mine and I got 3.1kilograms each.
Cats and aquariums are dicey.I have two but only one goes on the aquarium when I am not around and climbs on the lights at night when I am at work.I can see where his foot prints are/were.The Mars Aqua have not been a problem as far as the cat is concerned.I have 2 units.I weighed mine and I got 3.1kilograms each.

Awesome, thanks for weighing them. :)
From my discussions with the mfg, the whites without optics are 120 degrees, while the blues and the rest are 90 degrees with no optics, so optics off won't get you a spread any better than 90 degrees except the whites. Might make sense to add 90 degree optics to the whites. Think it would be a good compromise.

Ummm I think you need to do some research bud.
I got my 4 165 watts leds in today,they will be going over my 180.I am thinking that 8'' above the water should be good.Just hopeing it will be enough light for my H.Mag anemone.
I got my 4 165 watts leds in today,they will be going over my 180.I am thinking that 8'' above the water should be good.Just hopeing it will be enough light for my H.Mag anemone.

do you have a standard 180? If so how are you positioning 4 of them with the braces?
I'm having lighting analysis paralysis again.

Is there a disco effect with these?

Does anyone know if this is the same box as the GalaxyHydro? (It costs a little more on Amazon, but I could have it in 2 days and it'd be backed by Amazon's customer service if there's an issue).
So what is the difference between the 300watt and 165watt? Is it just the amount of leds or do the 300watt have higher par reading at depths?
the difference is the overall length ..and the number of leds....the 300 watt is 32 inches long and has 100 leds.....the 165 has 55 leds..and i think is 15 inches by 8 i believe...
I just have one really important question... is this big enough for a cat to try to jump on from the taller tank next to it? I went with Kessils for that tank and that reason but funds are limited for the new system. :D

We have to cats and they never did... but I saw they were thinking!!!!
My neighbor cat tho... I am 100% sure that cat will jump on this lamps... unless you work them into a hood... if you just suspend them like me it's a tempting invitation... I mean cmon... a warm suspended platform...
What about the color spectrum ? They use 3W epistar LEDs I am going to use it along with my current USA marine orbit 48 inch led. Please advise. My tank width is only 14 inch. Do you think it will not be able to cover along with the current USA unit ? Length is 48 " and height is 24".
I have had one of their 300W MarsAqua fixtures now for about a year.

While I have enjoyed this light quite a lot, I have noticed one simple thing in its design.
The total lack of UV/Violet LED.

This fixture would greatly benefit from having some UV/Violet LED's incorporated in it to be full spectrum.
This can easily be supplemented with T5 actinics, but some of the highly grade LED fixtures, like AquaIllumination for example employ the use of UV/Violet to increase fluorescence in coral.

Overall I am still happy with this purchase a year later.
I have had one of their 300W MarsAqua fixtures now for about a year.

While I have enjoyed this light quite a lot, I have noticed one simple thing in its design.
The total lack of UV/Violet LED.

This fixture would greatly benefit from having some UV/Violet LED's incorporated in it to be full spectrum.
This can easily be supplemented with T5 actinics, but some of the highly grade LED fixtures, like AquaIllumination for example employ the use of UV/Violet to increase fluorescence in coral.

Overall I am still happy with this purchase a year later.

Very true. I included a video around page 11 that I show how to swap the diodes out for uv or violet led diodes. Super easy and cheaper then 5 dollars.
I've decide these things look ugly as sin and being unable resist a diy project I'm going to repackage mine. Does anybody know why they are insulated from the case? Is this to prevent shorts, for safety in the event of voltage leak, to prevent the outside of the case getting to hot or just to stop vibration from the fans?
As part of the repackaging I'm going to remote mount the drivers for my 2 units in a single box. So I'm looking at either combining the drivers for each channel onto one dimmer knob and adding timers on the AC side (easy) or using a micro controller (arduino nano or uno) which would give me 6 pwm chanels I appear to have 0-10v analogue dimming which will make things a wee bit more interesting but not too bad. My issue is I have no experience with the programming side so don't really know if these would be suitable for a basic ramp up-down programme?
I've decide these things look ugly as sin and being unable resist a diy project I'm going to repackage mine. Does anybody know why they are insulated from the case? Is this to prevent shorts, for safety in the event of voltage leak, to prevent the outside of the case getting to hot or just to stop vibration from the fans?
As part of the repackaging I'm going to remote mount the drivers for my 2 units in a single box. So I'm looking at either combining the drivers for each channel onto one dimmer knob and adding timers on the AC side (easy) or using a micro controller (arduino nano or uno) which would give me 6 pwm chanels I appear to have 0-10v analogue dimming which will make things a wee bit more interesting but not too bad. My issue is I have no experience with the programming side so don't really know if these would be suitable for a basic ramp up-down programme?
Sounds good! I would really appreciate it if you could try and post some detailed pictures of the process. I'm interested in doing the same but really have 0 confidence with electrical stuff so I would be very keen to see what you do and how you do it.